Tag: Year

  • Accidentările lui Sixers s-au agravat, iar candidatul Jared McCain pentru Rookie of the Year este eliminat pe termen nelimitat

    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - 08 DECEMBRIE: Jared McCain, numărul 20 de la Philadelphia 76ers, se uită împotriva lui Chicago Bulls în a doua jumătate la United Center pe 08 decembrie 2024 în Chicago, Illinois. NOTĂ PENTRU UTILIZATOR: Utilizatorul recunoaște și este de acord în mod expres că, prin descărcarea și sau utilizarea acestei fotografii, Utilizatorul este de acord cu termenii și condițiile Acordului de licență Getty Images. (Fotografia de Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

    Jared McCain a fost cea mai plăcută surpriză a sezonului celor de la Sixers. (Fotografia de Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

    Philadelphia 76ers au fost, fără îndoială, cea mai mușcată echipă din NBA. Pur și simplu a devenit mai rău.

    Gardienul începător Jared McCain, un candidat de top pentru distincția de „Începător al Anului”, a suferit vineri o ruptură laterală de menisc la genunchiul stâng și va necesita o intervenție chirurgicală care îl va elimina pe termen nelimitat, au anunțat sâmbătă Sixers.

    Momentul exact în care McCain a suferit ruptura de menisc este neclar. El a părăsit meciul împotriva lui Indiana Pacers la un moment dat, dar asta a fost din cauza unei căderi în care partea din spate a capului i-a sărit pe teren.

    Indiferent, pierderea lui McCain este poate cea mai proastă lovitură de până acum pentru Sixers, care s-au chinuit să-și pună triumviratul de bază al lui Joel Embiid, Tyrese Maxey și Paul George pe teren împreună. Trio-ul a jucat în doar trei meciuri împreună până acum în 2024-25, iar Embiid se confruntă acum cu o fractură de sinus care urmează să fie evaluată în weekend. El a jucat în total șase meciuri în tot sezonul.

    Echipa deține un record de 7-16, iar McCain a fost un motiv semnificativ pentru care acel record nu este chiar mai rău. Cea de-a 16-a alegere generală a Draftului NBA 2024 îi conduce pe toți începătorii în punctele marcate în timp ce înregistrează un puternic 38,3% din intervalul de 3 puncte, stabilind numeroase repere pe parcurs.

    McCain începuse la punct de gardă cu Maxey în afara, dar mai ales venea de pe bancă în ultimele jocuri. El a fost totuși o parte importantă a rotației, iar înlocuirea lui nu va fi ușoară, chiar dacă echipa s-a obișnuit să joace cu mâna scurtă.

    În ceea ce privește începătorul anului, McCain a fost favoritul șanselor pentru a lua acasă premiul, care a reflectat atât productivitatea clasei de începători din acest sezon cât și puterea jocului lui McCain. Având în vedere că McCain aproape sigur nu joacă suficiente jocuri pentru a alerga la premiu, terenul este acum cu adevărat deschis.

    Stephon Castle de la San Antonio Spurs, Dalton Knecht de la Los Angeles Lakers și Yves Missi de la New Orleans Pelicans se profilează toți ca posibilități, dar mulți alți începători ar putea deveni candidați de top cu doar o lună bună.

  • Jared McCain accidentat: gardianul lui 76ers are nevoie de o intervenție chirurgicală la genunchi, favoritul Rookie of the Year va fi eliminat pe termen nelimitat

    Getty Images

    Începătorul lui Philadelphia 76ers Jared McCain a fost diagnosticat cu un menisc lateral rupt la genunchiul stâng, a anunțat echipa sâmbătă. McCain va fi supus unei intervenții chirurgicale în viitorul apropiat și a fost exclus pe termen nelimitat.

    Nu este clar când a avut loc rănirea. Echipa a indicat că McCain a raportat dureri la genunchiul stâng după pierderea echipei în fața Indiana Pacers vineri. McCain a jucat 29 de minute în acel concurs și a terminat cu cinci puncte și trei pase decisive de pe bancă. De asemenea, Sixers l-au pierdut pe Joel Embiid în acel joc din cauza unei fracturi de sinus.

    McCain, alegerea numărul 16, a fost candidatul principal pentru Rookie of the Year în primul trimestru al sezonului NBA. În 23 de jocuri, el a avut o medie de 15,3 puncte, ceea ce conduce toți începătorii, 2,4 recuperări și 2,6 pase decisive, în timp ce a tras 38,3% din intervalul de 3 puncte.

    În timp ce Tyrese Maxey a fost accidentat la începutul sezonului, McCain a intrat într-un rol de titular și a avut mai multe jocuri de 30 de puncte. În timpul uneia dintre aceste performanțe, cu 30 de puncte într-o victorie împotriva Brooklyn Nets, McCain l-a depășit pe Allen Iverson pentru cele mai multe puncte de vreodată de un gardian Sixers în primele 15 jocuri.

    Merită remarcat faptul că Rookie of the Year nu este afectat de noul prag de 65 de meciuri al ligii pentru premii majore. În funcție de când sau dacă se întoarce McCain, este totuși posibil să câștige această onoare, mai ales fără un alt candidat remarcabil. Ultimul jucător de la Sixers care a câștigat ROY a fost Ben Simmons în 2018.

    Meniscul rupt al lui McCain este cea mai recentă lovitură pentru o echipă Sixers care s-a confruntat cu probleme extinse de accidentări în acest sezon. Embiid, Maxey și Paul George au ratat un timp semnificativ și au jucat încă doar 45 de minute împreună.

    Ca urmare, echipa este blocată pe locul 12 în Conferința de Est la 7-16. În ciuda cât de rău au fost lucrurile în Philadelphia, Sixers se află la doar două meciuri dintr-un loc de turneu Play-In și la 5,5 jocuri în spate dintr-un clasament de top șase și un loc garantat în playoff.

    Ei pot face încă foarte ușor postsezonul și poate chiar să facă ceva zgomot în Estul slab, dar numai dacă vor fi vreodată sănătoși. Acel „dacă” devine din ce în ce mai mare pe zi ce trece.

  • 53+ Ways to Give Experience Gifts Instead of Stuff This Year

    With 6 kids and multiple business ventures (and an indoor plant obsession!), it’s easy for things to pile up around the house. Amidst the holiday season gift-giving these gifts can lead to more stress for both the giver and receiver. Over the years we’ve embraced a minimalist lifestyle, including giving experience gifts whenever we could.

    After some trial and error, it’s now the norm… and the results are amazing!

    An experience gift can be easy to arrange and thoughtful, even if it’s last minute. They’re also rewarding to both the giver and receiver. And you don’t have to live near Chicago or NYC and see a Broadway play to have a unique experience. Going to the movies as a family, taking art classes, or learning to scuba dive are priceless memories or skills that last a lifetime.

    We still give a few material presents out at Christmas (you can find many of those unique gifts in this ultimate gift guide). However, our focus has shifted from piles of gifts to experiences that often the whole family can enjoy.

    Do We Have Too Much Stuff?

    Joshua Becker is my favorite expert on the topic of clutter and minimalism. He shares some sobering trends on his Becoming Minimalist blog.

    Consider this:

    • The average American home has over 300,000 items in it.
    • At least 4 in 10 of us have a storage unit to store our excess stuff.
    • There’s enough physical space for every man, woman, and child in America to stand in U.S. storage facilities—all at the same time!

    Why Give Experiences and Not Stuff?

    Those staggering statistics wouldn’t worry me if it seemed the excess stuff somehow improved our lives. But that isn’t the case. Statistically, we’re not happy. Over 54% of us report being overwhelmed with clutter, and 78% of us have no idea how to overcome it! There are tons of topics on organizing and decluttering out there to help us deal with all of our stuff and the stress it causes us.

    Thomas Gilovich, a researcher at Cornell University, spent more than a decade on the subject. He explored why experiences contribute more to happiness than stuff. He found that experiences are a uniting factor. You’re more likely to bond with someone who enjoys the same hobby or has traveled to the same places as you.

    Even the anticipation leading up to a family trip, event, or experience has the potential to give happiness. This makes it the gift that keeps on giving! Happiness in anticipation, during the experience, and in the memories. Beats the heck out of a pile of toys you trip over while tucking the kids in at night!

    Experience Gifts: The Importance for Kids

    Shared family time (even at family dinners) is drastically important for a child’s well-being. Much more important than the toys we give them or the dozens of extracurricular activities we often neglect family time for.

    There are lots of reasons to have shared family time and experiences, including:

    • bonding within the family
    • fewer behavioral problems in children
    • a stronger sense of identity and sense of security
    • higher rates of academic success
    • lower rates of violence

    These shared experiences can be as simple as time spent together during or preparing meals. Or even while driving or reading stories before bed. Prioritizing shared experiences as gifts helps reduce unwanted material items while fostering family bonding. These ideas are great for Christmas or as a birthday gift.

    53+ Ways to Give Experiences This Year

    The average parent spends over $276 per child on toys and gifts each year! And over 40% of Americans are willing to go into debt over Christmas gifts. That just adds to our clutter and stress.

    Experience gifts are great because they reduce clutter, give kids something to look forward to, and promote bonding.

    Family Experience Gift Ideas

    Bigger experiences, like memberships or vacations, are often family gifts. It’s a fun way to check a few things off of your bucket list. Or try a new activity as a family, ranging from kayaking or rafting to setting up a zipline at home in the backyard. Feeling adventurous? Schedule a hot air balloon ride!

    Season Passes or Memberships

    • Museum Memberships – Look into which local museums offer annual memberships near you. Some even offer discounts for local residents or have programs for kids.
    • Science Center Memberships – Many cities have an interactive children’s museum or science center with an annual pass option. Sometimes these end up costing less than one visit.
    • Orchestra Season Tickets – We have a local orchestra that performs every few months. I found children’s season tickets to be extremely affordable (less than $8 a show). It’s now a fun family activity.
    • Community Theater Tickets – If you have a local theater, buy season tickets. If you can’t buy one for each member of your family, buy two. Parents can go to the more grown-up plays as date nights, and then Mom or Dad can alternate taking the kids for special nights.
    • Sporting Events – Any professional or college teams in your area? Purchase season tickets to your favorite sport. Or if that’s too expensive, buy tickets to one game. My family loves baseball, and it’s been a great outing that lasts all summer.
    • Nature Center Tickets – Check for local nature preserves or nature centers in your area and see if they offer an annual pass. I’ve found these for nature centers, a local cave, and state parks.
    • The Zoo – Many zoos offer season passes and some have exclusive benefits for members.
    • Local Attraction Season Passes – Any other local attraction with a season pass can be a great gift. Check for other types of museums, historical sites, or local attractions.

    Family Activities

    • Camping Tent – Sometimes, a material gift leads to an experience. This tent was a family gift a couple of years ago, and we’ve used it quite a few times. I picked this one because it’s easy to set up!
    • New Family Hobbies – Get the necessary equipment or passes to take up a new family hobby. Try hiking, camping, card games, a sport, or another fun activity.
    • Escape Room – This is an ideal group activity that Mom, Dad, and older kids can do with extended family for some fun quality time. Check to make sure the theme is family-friendly.
    • Be Puzzled – Feeling brave? This 33,600-piece puzzle is the world’s largest. It might take you the whole year to put together and will foster a LOT of family time!
    • Fun Family Outing– You don’t have to go all the way to the Grand Canyon or New York City to have a fun family trip. Visit an amusement park, take a local food tour, or plan a family staycation. Remember, looking forward to an experience makes the experience more fun and fosters happiness on its own!
    • Volunteer – Truly a gift that keeps on giving. If your kids are old enough, volunteer at a local food pantry or charity. Give your kids (and yourself) the gift of helping others!
    • Give to Charity – Another favorite in our family. We designate $100 per child, and they decide where to give it. They love choosing gifts like farm animals, fruit trees, or educational supplies for those in need around the world through programs like Food for the Poor.

    Best Experience Gifts for Kids

    Kids love learning new things or spending time doing their favorite activities. It’s always special to spend one-on-one time with their parents. Experiences are a great way to give them both!

    Learn or Perfect a Skill

    • Local Pottery Painting – An absolute favorite with my girls. Our local pottery place has dozens of options to paint. This has been a fun activity for the kids (and me!).
    • Pottery Making – For older kids, some places offer pottery-making lessons or classes.
    • New Skill – Does your child want to try horseback riding, cooking, sewing, painting, or another similar activity? Give them classes for a new hobby or skill. You can even buy virtual classes through sites like Udemy. Or, to keep costs down, look at your local recreation center, or ask a family member to teach your child. Here are my favorite cooking classes for kids.
    • Rock Climbing – Have a local rock-climbing gym? See if they offer annual passes or pick-up gift certificates for a climbing outing with older kids. Bonus: It’s a great way to get exercise too!
    • Learning Magazine Monthly Subscription – Our kids love getting “real mail” in the mailbox. This is one gift my extended family members often get for them. They look forward to it coming each month and doing the activities.
    • Craft Bucket – One of my favorite Christmas gifts as a child: a basket of craft activities that lasted me all year! My aunt filled a large basket with scissors, paper, glue, string, and every craft supply imaginable. It led to hours of fun for me. My kids love getting these baskets, plus books about how to draw, art kits, sticker pads, construction paper, and other craft kits.
    • Musical Instrument – A favorite gift one Christmas was a steel drum for my kids. Though I admit, on a couple of especially loud days, I have regretted the idea! This is the one I got, and they’ve loved learning to play it. I also ordered mini musical instrument kits.
    • Music Lessons – Along with their new instrument, you can gift them some music lessons. Piano or guitar lessons are popular, but there’s also violin, harp, and even ukulele!
    • Subscription Box – The gift that keeps on giving! Kids love getting these regularly in the mail and you can choose from a wide variety of activities. KiwiCo has art, STEM, or geography boxes, while CrateJoy offers everything from arts and crafts to gardening or alien paraphenalia!

    Active Experiences

    • Local Jump Gym – Another fun activity that helps kids stay active. See if you have a local jump gym or indoor trampoline center and get annual passes or gift cards.
    • Batting Cage Membership – For a child who loves baseball, look for a local batting cage. Some offer year-long memberships or bulk discounts on packages. This is a great way to stay active and have a fun outing together.
    • Bowling or Skate Tickets – If you have a local bowling alley or skating rink, ask about family passes or gift certificates. Roller skating and ice skating are both fun.
    • Every Kid in a Park – If you have a fourth grader, there’s no excuse not to get this one. It’s a free year-long park pass to all the national parks. It provides access to everyone in your immediate family, not just the fourth grader. (Here’s how to get it.)
    • Treasure Hunt – If you’re giving a material gift, make it a fun experience. Instead of wrapping it up, create a scavenger hunt for the child to find the final gift. This is especially fun for a larger gift or experience!
    • Geocaching – Speaking of treasure hunts, geocaching is a fun, free way to go on a treasure hunt with your kids almost anywhere in the world. You can learn more about it here.

    Family Time

    • Lunch Dates – Give vouchers to a favorite breakfast or lunch place to a child and plan a one-on-one date with them.
    • Movie Tickets – We don’t go to the movies often, but sometimes there are some great family movies coming out around Christmastime.
    • Question Book – My kids all love this Question A Day Book, and it gives us a fun conversation starter each day.
    • Garden Kit – Just like crafts, gardening is a great activity to do with children. If you have a budding gardener (pun intended), wrap up some seeds and gardening supplies and let your child help you garden all year!
    • Movie Night Packages – My children don’t watch much TV, but we love family movie nights. To make it even more fun, I wrap up a new DVD and some healthy snacks for each child to let them “host” the movie night.
    • Game Night Packages – Giving each child one game is a fun way to expand our collection. And they love playing “their game” when we have a game night. Some favorites are Apples to Apples, Tsuro, Sequence, and basic card games.
    • DIY Kits – My kids enjoy getting the supplies to make DIY items together (like this DIY Christmas garland) or give them as gifts. This paper-making kit was an especially big hit. Bonus: they’re learning new skills too!
    • Learn a Language – Learn Spanish, Italian, or even Japanese together. Programs like Talk Box offer an easy and natural way to learn together as a family through everyday conversation.

    Experience Gifts for Dad

    Check out this post for ideas of usable, practical gifts that dads will enjoy (and that help them be healthier, sleep better, etc.). In my experience, guys are the toughest to find experience-based gifts for. But here are a few ideas that have been a hit over the years:

    • Home Brewing – For the guy who loves beer, give him an organic (or at least non-GMO) home brewing kit. There are pre-made brewing kits but go to a local homebrew store if possible to find out what supplies and ingredients he’ll need.
    • Sports – Tickets to see his favorite teams play can be a big hit. These tend to be more expensive, so you may have to save for a while, but they can make for an amazing and memorable experience!
    • Outdoor Activities – This will vary depending on the guy, but finding outdoor experiences he already loves is a great gift idea. This might be finding time to camp as a family or for him to go hunting, hiking, or playing sports like golf.
    • Scuba Certification – Why not give each other scuba certifications as a gift? Go through the process together and then enjoy a great hobby together.
    • Skydiving – Is your guy adventurous? Skydiving is a ton of fun, and many cities have a local place you can go. They can also do indoor skydiving if they’re not feeling quite as adventurous.

    Experience Gifts for Mom

    Memes abound online about moms enjoying going to the bathroom alone. Here’s a fun list of material gifts for mom for the perfect gift. But moms also love experiences too!

    • Day(s) Off – One of my favorite gifts ever was a series of “days off” that I didn’t have to cook, clean, or have any household responsibilities (and it included a gift card to go out for coffee!). Instead, other family members can take over mom’s tasks.
    • Painting Session – These sessions are a great way to learn and have fun while being creative. Treat mom to a night of painting, even better if it’s with a few best friends.
    • Wine Tasting – It would be great to get her a trip to Napa or Italy, but not everyone can do that. Instead, arrange an in-home wine tasting. Dry Farm Wine has wine gift boxes that will ship straight to your door.
    • Spa Day – All moms can use some pampering! Plus, it’s something mom may only do if it’s a gift. Massages are my favorite!
    • Date Nights – A couples getaway or time alone can be tough with kids. Give mom a pre-planned date night and handle all the arrangements, line up a sitter, and make the plans.
    • Craft or Hobby Supplies – Some new yarn, drawing supplies, or even an adult coloring book are all great experience gifts for moms. You can get art supplies here.
    • Meal Kit Subscription – While I love my meal planner app, some days I don’t feel like cooking. For the healthy foodie, I like the meals from Balanced Bites and The Good Kitchen.
    • Nap or Getting to Sleep In – This may be one of the toughest gifts to pull off, but definitely one of the most appreciated. If you can figure out how to do it, she’ll be grateful!
    • Any Family Gifts – Any of the family gifts listed above are also a great option to get for moms. They’ll enjoy the family bonding and the idea of an activity to do with the kids.

    Gifts for Grandparents + Extended Family

    Often our loved ones don’t need any more material gifts or just really appreciate experiences. I’ve found these to be really popular options with my family members.

    • Day Out with Kids – The kids pick a fun activity to do with grandparents and give it as a gift. It could be something like going out for smoothies, playing at the park, or going to the store to gather ingredients to cook a meal together.
    • Window Garden – Sometimes it’s harder for grandparents to get down in the dirt like they used to. A windowsill garden with herbs is a great way to have flavorful spices all year long and have fun gardening. My kids and I love this countertop version from Aerotop.
    • Memory Book – I love making a photo book with a company like Mixbook that showcases favorite memories with the giftee. Or let your kids make a homemade scrapbook by printing and cutting out pictures and writing captions.
    • Membership Add-Ons – For grandparents who live close by, add them to any of the family memberships listed above. This lets them come for free and spend time with the kids. And as a bonus, you have extra eyes to help with the kids.

    Experience Gifts: The Bottom Line

    Even if you’ve already purchased gifts this year, consider adding some experiences as well. Or slowly transition to more experience-based gifts. Family time and memories are worth so much more than material gifts.

    Have you given experiences instead of gifts in the past? What other suggestions would you add to this list?

  • Starul de la Chargers, Derwin James Jr., aruncă numele lui Ladd McConkey în cursa pentru Rookie of the Year: „Great pro”

    Mulți cred că cursa NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year are loc între doi jucători cu cinci meciuri rămase, dar o vedetă de la Los Angeles Chargers și-a făcut propria sugestie pentru un candidat dark horse.

    Quarterbacks Jayden Daniels de la Washington Commanders și Bo Nix de la Denver Broncos sunt primii pentru a câștiga premiul pentru sezonul regulat, dar Derwin James Jr. vrea ca receptorul începător Ladd McConkey să fie adăugat la conversație.

    “L-am primit pe Ladd McConkey. Acesta este începătorul anului. Ladd McConkey la receptor”, a spus James în timpul unei apariții la emisiunea “Up & Adams” de la FanDuel TV cu Kay Adams.


    Ladd McConkey aleargă

    Receptorul de la Los Angeles Chargers, Ladd McConkey, duce mingea împotriva Baltimore Ravens în timpul reprizei secunde pe stadionul SoFi. (Gary A. Vasquez/Imagini Imag)

    James și-a strigat, de asemenea, fundașul său, Justin Herbert, placul drept începător Joe Alt și placajul stâng Rashawn Slater.

    Dar McConkey, care conduce echipa cu 58 de capturi pentru 815 de yarzi, a devenit un adevărat primitor de top în atacul lui Greg Roman din Los Angeles.

    James a fost întrebat de ce crede că McConkey și-a început rapid cariera.

    „Ladd este un mare profesionist”, a răspuns James. “În fiecare zi, el apare la muncă, are prioritățile pe linie în afara terenului. Simt că în fiecare zi vrea să fie grozav și să dea totul echipei. Îl iubesc atât de mult pe Ladd.”

    McConkey ocupă locul al doilea printre începători la yarzi de primire. Starul în devenire din Las Vegas Raiders, Brock Bowers, are 884 pentru a conduce. Tight end conduce, de asemenea, toți receptorii începători cu 84 de capturi pe 113 ținte.

    Ladd McConkey aleargă

    Receptorul de la Los Angeles Chargers Ladd McConkey (15) face o captură împotriva fundașului de colț al Atlanta Falcons Dee Alford (20) în timpul primei reprize pe stadionul Mercedes-Benz. (Dale Zanine/Imagini Imag)

    Mai sunt jocuri rămase, așa că poate McConkey îi poate depăși pe Bowers.

    Cu toate acestea, cursa va rămâne probabil între Daniels și Nix, având în vedere că aceștia și-au condus echipele în playoff.

    Nix conduce toți începătorii din NFL cu 2.842 de metri de trecere, iar Daniels este chiar în spatele lui cu 2.819. Nix a lansat 17 touchdown-uri și opt interceptări. Daniels a lansat 15 touchdown-uri și șase alegeri.

    Ladd McConkey se uită pe teren

    Receptorul lat de la Los Angeles Chargers, Ladd McConkey, pe teren înaintea unui meci împotriva Atlanta Falcons pe stadionul Mercedes-Benz. (Dale Zanine/Imagini Imag)


    Daniels are, de asemenea, șase scoruri în fugă și 590 de metri la sol. Nix s-a repezit pentru 304 de yarzi și patru touchdown-uri.

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