(Bloomberg) — NFL a intrat într-o nouă eră miercuri, permițând primele investiții ale firmelor de capital privat în echipe.
Cele mai citite de la Bloomberg
Proprietarii ligii au votat pentru aprobarea vânzării a două participații de 10%, maximul care poate fi achiziționat de investitorii instituționali în conformitate cu noile reguli de proprietate stabilite la începutul acestui an. Miami Dolphins vinde către Ares Management, în timp ce Arctos Partners achiziționează o parte din Buffalo Bills, potrivit echipelor. Bloomberg a raportat anterior că ambele tranzacții sunt în lucru.
Mișcarea are potențialul de a stimula evaluările echipelor care au crescut deja. Proprietarii au spus că adăugarea unui alt grup de investitori cu buzunare adânci va ajuta la finanțarea unor proiecte mari, cum ar fi renovarea stadionului.
Liga a aprobat, de asemenea, achiziții de către investitori individuali. Joe Tsai, co-fondatorul Alibaba și proprietarul Brooklyn Nets, cumpără un pachet de 3% din Dolphins. Un grup mare de investitori achiziționează aproximativ 11% din Bills.
Philadelphia Eagles vând 8% către două grupuri de investitori: Susan Kim, vicepreședintele executiv al Amkor Technology, și Zac Peskowitz și Olivia Peskowitz Suter, copiii lui Ed Peskowitz, fondatorul United Communications Group, potrivit unor surse familiare cu afacerea. Tranzacția evaluează echipa la 8,3 miliarde de dolari.
(Actualizări pe tot parcursul, începând cu primul paragraf.)
Nu pot face nimic pentru a depăși modurile mizerabile în care au mers alegerile mele din NFL anul acesta. Am încercat să schimb puțin lucrurile săptămâna trecută și s-a înrăutățit. Am mers 3-9-1 împotriva spread-ului și 8-5 direct în sus. Asta aduce recordul meu de sezon ATS la 90-114-4 și recordul meu direct la 128-80.
Îmi amintesc acum o lună când speram să-mi fac recordul ATS la .500. Nava aceea pare că a navigat. La naiba, voi lua o săptămână câștigătoare chiar acum.
Așa cum a spus unul dintre colegii mei săptămâna aceasta, „nu vă gândiți prea mult”. Deci asta am făcut săptămâna asta. Aici sperăm că poate schimba lucrurile.
Este prea târziu pentru multe sărbători anul acesta, dar, vă rog, cerșesc pentru o săptămână ATS câștigătoare. Doar unul? Vă rog.
Joi, 20:15 ET (Prime Video)
Acesta este un meci enorm de divizie pentru ambele echipe. Învinsul are mari probleme. 49ers și-au arătat mândria săptămâna trecută împotriva lui Bears, în timp ce Rams vin de la o mare victorie asupra lui Bills. Într-o săptămână scurtă, este întotdeauna greu să ieși la drum. 49ers vor fi pregătiți pentru aceasta. Ei o iau în spatele unei spectacole bune a lui Brock Purdy.
Alege: 49ers 28, Rams 23
Bonus: Expertul SportsLine, Micah Roberts, care este pe un 26-6 pariând jocurile San Francisco 49ers, nu este de acord cu Prisco cu privire la totalul acestui joc, dar cum rămâne cu spread-ul? Vezi cine sprijină Roberts la SportsLine.
Duminică, 1 pm ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Panthers sunt favorizați aici, deoarece au jucat bine în ultimele săptămâni. Bryce Young este din ce în ce mai bine. Întrebarea pentru Dallas este cât de concentrat va fi după acea înfrângere grea pe teren propriu în fața lui Bengals. Cred că Cowboys vor fi și cred că Micah Parsons și apărarea vor juca bine.
Alege: Cowboys 20, Panthers 17
Duminică, ora 13.00 ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Chiefs joacă pentru primul cap de serie, în timp ce Browns joacă pentru planurile lor de vacanță. Asta contează. Chiefs nu au arătat grozav în tot sezonul, dar găsesc modalități de a câștiga jocuri. Ei vor găsi o cale aici, deoarece Jameis Winston o întoarce de câteva ori pentru scoruri fără rost. Chiefs mai câștigă unul apropiat.
Alege: Chiefs 21, Browns 19
Duminică, ora 13.00 ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Texanii sunt la revedere, în timp ce Dolphins vin de la o victorie în prelungiri asupra Jets. Apărarea Miami nu a jucat bine în acel joc, dar cred că s-au întors aici. Texanii pur și simplu nu au arătat bine în atac. Tua Tagovailoa conduce Miami pe lângă texani.
Alege: Delfinii 31, texanii 27
Bonus: Modelul de proiecție SportsLine, care a crescut cu peste 7.000 de dolari la alegerile NFL de la începuturi, se estompează pe Prisco și îi duce pe texani să se acopere împotriva Delfinilor, ca parte a unui joc de cinci echipe. Verificați celelalte patru etape mergând la SportsLine.
Duminică, 1 pm ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Acesta este jocul cu câini al zilei, dar Jaguarii vin de pe urma unei victorii, în timp ce Jets au pierdut la Miami în prelungiri. Cel puțin Jets au apărut în acela. Infracțiunea părea decentă. Cred că asta va continua, în timp ce Aaron Rodgers și Jets îl vor învinge pe Mac Jones și Jaguars.
Alege: Jets 24, Jaguars 17
Duminică, 1 pm ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Comandanții ies la revedere, în timp ce Sfinții vin cu o victorie asupra uriașilor. Dar probabil că ei vor fi fără un fundaș Derek Carr în această privință. Este greu de depășit. Nu vor putea să se confrunte cu o echipă bună a Comandants, deoarece Jayden Daniels este mai sănătos după revedere. Comandanții o iau.
Alege: Comandanti 30, Sfintii 17
Duminică, 1 pm ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Ravens ies la revedere, în timp ce Giants joacă sfoara. Giants nu fac mare lucru în atac, ceea ce este o problemă împotriva Ravens. Lamar Jackson și grupul său ofensiv vor înscrie o grămadă aici împotriva unei apărări epuizate de la Giants. Corbi mari.
Alege: Ravens 34, Giants 14
Duminică, 1 pm ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Bengalii vin luni seara la Dallas, unde au jucat mai bine în apărare. Știm că Joe Burrow și ofensiva vor marca aici. Pot Titanii să țină pasul? Nu. Au marcat șase puncte săptămâna trecută împotriva unei apărări proaste din Jacksonville. Vor înscrie mai mult aici, dar nu suficient pentru a învinge Burrow și gașca.
Alege: Bengals 30, Titans 17
Duminică, 16:25 ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Patrioții au renunțat la o echipă care a pierdut trei la rând. Kyler Murray nu a jucat bine în ultimele trei săptămâni, dar asta se va schimba aici. Infracțiunea din Arizona va reveni pe drumul cel bun pe măsură ce obține o victorie care o va menține în urmărirea playoff-ului.
Alege: Cardinals 28, Patriots 20
Duminică, 16:25 ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Acesta este un joc enorm în ceea ce privește playoff-urile. Ambele echipe ies la revedere, așa că nu există avantaj. Broncos au o apărare mai bună, care va fi diferența în aceasta. Căutați-i să-l predea pe Anthony Richardson în timp ce Bo Nix și ofensiva din Denver joacă jocul mai curat. Broncos o câștigă.
Alege: Broncos 22, Colts 16
Duminică, 16:25 ET (CBS, Paramount+)
Acesta este jocul săptămânii, cu două infracțiuni cu scoruri mari și doi candidați MVP în Josh Allen și Jared Goff la fundaș. Ambele apărări au probleme, ceea ce ar trebui să facă din asta un schimb de focuri. Bills joacă jocuri consecutive pe drum, ceea ce nu este ușor, dar cred că vor găsi o modalitate de a obține o mică supărare în spatele lui Allen.
Alege: Bills 37, Lions 35
Duminică, 16:25 ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Aceasta este o călătorie lungă pentru Bucs împotriva unei echipe bune care vine dintr-o înfrângere. Cred că Jim Harbaugh își va concentra grupul înapoi aici. Baker Mayfield se confruntă cu o apărare dură de la Chargers. Chargers vor primi tot ce este mai bun din acea confruntare pe măsură ce revin pe pista câștigătoare.
Alege: Chargers 27, Bucs 21
Duminică, 16:25 ET(Vulpe, fubo incearca gratis)
Bătălia din Pennsylvania este între două echipe fizice care se îndreaptă după ea de ambele părți ale mingii. Steelers nu o conduc la fel de bine ca Saquon Barkley și Eagles, care va fi diferența în aceasta. Căutați-l pe Barkley să conducă Eagles, deoarece apărarea Philadelphia îl limitează pe Russell Wilson.
Alege: Eagles 24, Steelers 17
Duminică, 20:20 ET (NBC, fubo incearca gratis)
Acesta este un meci mare pentru ambele echipe. Packers vin de la o înfrângere joi seara pe drum împotriva lui Lions, în timp ce Seahawks sunt acasă după ce au câștigat două meciuri consecutive. Apărarea Seattle a jucat foarte bine în ultima vreme, dar aceasta este o ofensă greu de apărat. Jordan Love de la Green Bay va primi tot ce este mai bun din această apărare. Ambalatorii o iau.
Alege: Packers 28, Seahawks 24
Bonus: Expertul SportsLine RJ White, care are un scor de 74-31-2 în jocurile care implică Green Bay, se sprijină în această confruntare esențială NFC din „Sunday Night Football”. Este mai încrezător într-o parte care acoperă răspândirea și puteți vedea pe cine alege la SportsLine.
Luni, 20:00 ET (ABC, fuboincearca gratis)
Bears sunt pe drum pentru a doua săptămână consecutivă, după ce au fost atacați de 49ers. Nu au jucat bine. Minnesota se rostogolește. Sam Darnold joacă la un nivel înalt, ceea ce cred că va continua aici. Vikingii vor arunca o tonă de priviri lui Caleb Williams, ceea ce va duce la pierderi de afaceri. E urât.
Alege: Vikingi 33, Urși 17
Luni, 20:15 ET (ESPN, fuboincearca gratis)
Există o oarecare incertitudine cu privire la starea de sănătate a fundașului Raiders Aidan O'Connell aici, cu o vânătăi osoase. În ceea ce privește Falcons, Kirk Cousins a fost rău în ultima lună și acesta va fi un loc greu de revenit pentru el — indiferent cine joacă quarterback pentru Raiders. Cred că apărarea din Las Vegas va câștiga asta pentru Raiders.
The playoff push is on in the NFL, and contenders are starting to separate themselves.
The top team in the league is an easy decision, but after a wild week in the NFL, teams are jumbled.
Here are Fox News Digital’s power rankings through 14 weeks of NFL football.
1. Detroit Lions (12-1)
Things have gotten close over the last couple weeks, but the Lions are finding ways to win and remain the toughest offense to face in the NFL.
Sam LaPorta has begun to emerge, which is scary after his strong rookie season last year. The Lions have a big test this weekend when they host the Buffalo Bills, who would love to get the bad taste out of their mouths after a loss against the Rams. And the Lions will have their hands full with a Bills offense indoors.
Last week: 1
Detroit Lions quarterback Jared Goff is introduced before a game against the Chicago Bears Nov. 28, 2024, in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
2. Philadelphia Eagles (11-2)
The Eagles won their ninth consecutive game in a win over the Panthers, tying the longest winning streak in franchise history. However, their streak might have been snapped if Panthers wide receiver Xavier Legette held on to what would have been the game-tying touchdown in the final minute.
Jalen Hurts threw for just 108 yards in the win. Saquon Barkley churned out another 124 yards on 20 carries. The Eagles next play the Steelers and are going to have to play a lot better than they did against Carolina to beat Pittsburgh.
Last week: 3
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts (1) runs with the ball as Carolina Panthers cornerback Lonnie Johnson Jr. (32) and linebacker Josey Jewell (47) trail behind during the second half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Derik Hamilton)
3. Kansas City Chiefs (12-1)
It’s the same story, different week. The Chiefs are either wizards or just illusionists. A last-second field goal to secure the division title in primetime looked as routine as ever, and the team has still shown no urgency. They’re doing the bare minimum to get by every week, yet that’s enough to put them above just about everyone else.
Last week: 4
4. Buffalo Bills (10-3)
The Bills had a bit of a letdown this week, particularly on defense, against the Los Angeles Rams. But Josh Allen continues to play at an MVP level, so that’s the good news. The loss doesn’t change the fact that Buffalo is the best team in the AFC despite being two games behind the Chiefs.
Last week: 4
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen throws against the Los Angeles Rams during the first half at SoFi Stadium.(Gary A. Vasquez/Imagn Images)
5. Minnesota Vikings (10-3)
After some disappointing games over the last few weeks, the Vikings were not going to let the struggling Kirk Cousins have a successful revenge game. Sam Darnold turned back the clock to earlier this season, but we’ll see if that type of play is here to stay.
Last week: 7
Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Justin Jefferson (18) celebrates with teammate fullback C.J. Ham (30) after catching a 52-yard touchdown pass during the second half against the Atlanta Falcons Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Bruce Kluckhohn)
6. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-3)
The Steelers defeated the Cleveland Browns Sunday for a second straight win. The victory also padded Pittsburgh’s lead in the AFC North. Russell Wilson’s efficiency and a strong defense make the Steelers legitimate championship contenders.
Last week: 5
Pittsburgh Steelers fans wave Terrible Towels during a game against the Baltimore Ravens during the fourth quarter at Acrisure Stadium in Pittsburgh Nov. 17, 2024.(Charles LeClaire-Imagn Images)
7. Green Bay Packers (9-4)
The Packers should feel no shame losing to the Lions. The Pack held the Lions for 59 minutes and 59 seconds and even had a nice second-half comeback. Had an aggressive Dan Campbell call not gone the Lions’ way, who knows what happens? The Packers proved they belong, and it should be interesting to see what they do in Seattle.
Last week: 6
Green Bay Packers quarterback Jordan Love addresses the media after a game against the Detroit Lions Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024 in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
8. Baltimore Ravens (8-5)
The Ravens were on a bye last week, which gave them a chance to figure out the best approach as they compete for the AFC North division crown. It’s still possible the Ravens knock the Steelers out of first place. Winning close games will likely be a focus for Baltimore down the stretch. The team’s five losses have come by a total of 22 points.
Last week: 8
Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson (8) looks to pass in the first half against the Denver Broncos Dec. 4, 2022, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
9. Los Angeles Chargers (8-5)
A competitive loss to the Chiefs means LA was swept by Kansas City again, and Jim Harbaugh hasn’t changed change that. It took the coach five years to lead Michigan over Ohio State. At this rate, Chargers fans might be looking at a similar timetable.
Last week: 9
Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert (10) runs with the ball as Kansas City Chiefs safety Chamarri Conner (27) and defensive end Mike Danna (51) defend during the first half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Ed Zurga)
10. Washington Commanders (8-5)
The Commanders should be fresh coming off their bye week after demolishing the Titans the week before. The Commanders sit at 8-5 and in playoff position. The Commanders control their own destiny too. If they win out, they are guaranteed a spot. Their next four games are against the Derek Carr-less Saints, Eagles, Falcons and Cowboys. While they have already surpassed expectations this season, it would be a disappointment if the Commanders missed the playoffs.
Last week: 11
Washington Commanders quarterback Jayden Daniels looks to throw during the first half against the Tennessee Titans Dec. 1, 2024, in Landover, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)
11. Houston Texans (8-5)
A big win over a divisional rival has given the Texans a two-game lead in the AFC South as they head into their bye week with some confidence. C.J. Stroud has faced criticism in recent weeks because of his turnovers, but he threw for 242 yards and a touchdown in Sunday’s win over Jacksonville to surpass 3,000 passing yards this season. Star running back Joe Mixon has been the bright spot for the Texans’ struggling offense, but Houston is primed to win the division for the second straight year.
Last week: 12
Houston Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud throws a pass against the Jacksonville Jaguars during the first half Dec. 1, 2024, in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)
12. Denver Broncos (8-5)
One of the league’s top defenses and a Rookie of The Year-type campaign by Bo Nix has anchored one of the biggest surprises in sports this year. Now everyone will get to see if this Broncos team is built to finish.
Last week: 10
Denver Broncos quarterback Bo Nix looks downfield during the first half against the Cleveland Browns Dec. 2, 2024, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
13. Seattle Seahawks (8-5)
The Cardinals were hoping to even the season series against the Seahawks Sunday, but Geno Smith & Co. had other things in mind. Led by Zack Charbonnet’s 193 scrimmage yards and two touchdowns in Glendale, Arizona, Seattle swept its division rival.
In such a tight race, it could mean the difference for a division title. Smith was again efficient, passing for 233 yards and one touchdown to Jaxon Smith-Njigba on 24-for-30 through the air.
Last week: 13
Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba celebrates a touchdown with wide receiver DK Metcalf, right, during the first half Dec. 8, 2024, in Glendale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Rick Scuteri)
14. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (6-7)
They have spurts of looking good, and that’s what suggested they were going to dismantle the Raiders last week. They lost focus for a bit, and the game was closer than it really needed to be.
Last week: 14
Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Baker Mayfield passes against the Las Vegas Raiders during the second half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O’Meara)
15. Los Angeles Rams (7-6)
Talk about a big win at home over a tough opponent. The Buffalo Bills were riding high when they hit the West Coast, but Rams head coach Sean McVay had an answer for MVP frontrunner Josh Allen, and Matthew Stafford worked it to perfection.
Once again, Puka Nacua became Stafford’s safety blanket in the 44-42 victory, collecting 12 receptions for 162 yards and two touchdowns, one on a carry. Cooper Kupp also added a touchdown and five receptions for 92 yards as Stafford went 23-for-30 for 320 yards. With the Seahawks beating the Cardinals, the Rams jump into second place in the division, one game behind Seattle, who they will see in Week 18 to potentially determine the NFC West winner.
Last week: 16
Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Puka Nacua (17) runs the ball against Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin (3) during the first half at SoFi Stadium. (Gary A. Vasquez/Imagn Images)
16. San Francisco 49ers (6-7)
Injuries galore in the backfield, the 49ers were hoping Isaac Guerendo, the rookie third-string back, could carry the load with the Bears coming to the Bay. Mission accomplished.
Guerendo scored twice on 15 carries for 78 yards, while Brock Purdy was lethal, going 20-for-25 for 325 yards with two touchdowns, both of which went to Jauan Jennings. George Kittle had his best game of the season with six catches for 151 yards. It was a must-win for the 49ers to remain in the playoff hunt. Though they are 6-7 and at the bottom of the division, there’s still a chance.
Last week: 18
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy walks off the field after a game against the Chicago Bears in Santa Clara, Calif., Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024. (AP Photo/Godofredo A. Vásquez)
17. Arizona Cardinals (6-7)
It was the perfect start to the game when Michael Wilson found the end zone on a Kyler Murray pass to jump ahead against the Seahawks, the team the Cardinals knew they had to beat in this tight divisional race. But Arizona’s defense had no answer for Seattle’s run game with Zach Charbonnet.
He took a lead role with Kenneth Walker III out due to injury, collecting 193 scrimmage yards, 134 of which were on the ground. With Murray throwing two crucial interceptions despite his two touchdown passes, the Cardinals lost 30-18 and need to continue fighting with four games remaining to secure a playoff spot.
Last week: 15
Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray leads teammates onto the field before a game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Glendale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
18. Miami Dolphins (6-7)
Miami kept its season alive with an overtime victory over the New York Jets, but that’s not a reason to celebrate. The Dolphins probably need to win out to make the playoffs, and they’ve got the Texans and 49ers in the next two weeks.
Last week: 20
Miami Dolphins wide receiver Jaylen Waddle (17) and wide receiver Tyreek Hill (10) celebrate a touchdown and a two-point conversion during the second half against the New York Jets Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Miami Gardens, Fla. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
19. Cincinnati Bengals (5-8)
While the Bengals have had a considerable amount of bad breaks this season, they did benefit from a punting debacle Monday night. Even Cincinnati’s much maligned defense was able to make some key stops in critical moments in the game against the Dallas Cowboys. The star-crossed Bengals will look to win a second consecutive game Sunday when they take on the Tennessee Titans.
Last week: 21
Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Ja’Marr Chase (1) celebrates his touchdown with wide receiver Tee Higgins (5) and wide receiver Andrei Iosivas (80) during the second half against the Dallas Cowboys Monday, Dec. 9, 2024, in Arlington, Texas. The Bengals won 27-20. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
20. Atlanta Falcons (6-7)
Coach Raheem Morris has to be thinking about switching from Kirk Cousins to Michael Penix Jr. But that’s a move that cannot be taken back once it’s made this season. It would be unfair to the rookie.
Last week: 17
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Kirk Cousins walks off the field after a game against the Minnesota Vikings Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Abbie Parr)
21. Indianapolis Colts (6-7)
Anthony Richardson is back and better than ever, and the Colts have proven themselves to be a fourth-quarter team. But snapping a three-year playoff drought will be the biggest test. Denver hosts the Colts after both teams return from a bye week. A win by the Colts could bump the Broncos out of the final AFC spot.
Last week: 19
Indianapolis Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson (5) celebrates with guard Quenton Nelson (56) and offensive tackle Bernhard Raimann (79) after completing a two-point conversion during the second half of a game against the New England Patriots Dec. 1, 2024, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)
22. Dallas Cowboys (5-8)
The Cowboys looked like they were going to have a chance to win their third straight game and keep their faint playoff hopes alive. They forced Joe Burrow and the Bengals to punt, keeping the game 20-20 as they were set to receive the ball just after the two-minute warning. Things looked even better when the Cowboys blocked a punt, because they would have given themselves great field position.
Instead, Amani Oruwariye made an inexplicable decision to try and field the punt. Oruwariye couldn’t field it cleanly, the Bengals recovered and promptly scored the game-winning touchdown. A brutal loss for the Cowboys.
Last week: 22
Dallas Cowboys quarterback Cooper Rush reacts during the second half against the Cincinnati Bengals Monday, Dec. 9, 2024, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Gareth Patterson)
23. New Orleans Saints (5-8)
Darren Rizzi is 3-1 as the interim coach and still believes his team might be a factor in the final month. That’s solid work that will surely earn the longtime assistant an interview for the head job after the season.
Last week: 24
New Orleans Saints quarterback Derek Carr (4) walks off the field after an injury during the fourth quarter against the New York Giants Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)
24. Chicago Bears (4-9)
After losing their previous three games by a combined seven points, they fell to an injury-riddled, albeit hungry, San Francisco 49ers team by 25. It was the worst the offense has looked in some time, and the defense didn’t fare much better.
Last week: 23
Quarterback Caleb Williams of the Chicago Bears throws a pass during the third quarter against the Detroit Lions at Ford Field Nov. 28, 2024, in Detroit. (Mike Mulholland/Getty Images)
25. Cleveland Browns (3-10)
Jameis Winston has proven to be a spark at times this season. But he’s also had issues when he is under duress in the pocket, especially during the Browns’ latest game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Browns have already been eliminated from playoff contention. The franchise will have to find a solution at the quarterback position.
Last week: 25
Cleveland Browns quarterback Jameis Winston passes in the first quarter against the Denver Broncos at Empower Field at Mile High. (Ron Chenoy/Imagn Images)
26. Carolina Panthers (3-10)
Bryce Young has still not earned the full endorsement of coach Dave Canales as the QB for next season, but everyone sees what’s coming. He’s the guy, barring a collapse the final month of this season.
Last week: 27
Carolina Panthers quarterback Bryce Young (9) scrambles out of the grip of Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Josh Sweat (19) for a first down during the second half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Chris Szagola)
27. New York Jets (3-10)
The Jets were officially eliminated from playoff contention with a loss against the Dolphins Sunday. They went from talking about making a Super Bowl run in the preseason to having their postseason dreams end with four games to play. Talk about a huge failure.
Last week: 26
New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers leaves the field after a game against the Miami Dolphins Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Miami Gardens, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
28. New England Patriots (3-10)
The Patriots were one of six teams with a bye in Week 14, so not much has changed. New England has a bright future, but it starts next year. The good news (for next year) is that the Patriots have two games left against Buffalo, plus the Cardinals and Chargers. They’re still in play for the No. 1 overall pick.
Last week: 29
New England Patriots quarterback Drake Maye warms up before a game against the Indianapolis Colts Dec. 1, 2024, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)
29. Tennessee Titans (3-10)
The Titans allowed the woeful Jaguars without their starting quarterback to beat them 10-6, officially eliminating the Titans from the playoffs. The next big question that will be answered is if first-year coach Brian Callahan will return next season.
Last week: 28
Tennessee Titans quarterback Will Levis leaves the field after a game against the Jacksonville Jaguars Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Nashville. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)
30. Jacksonville Jaguars (3-10)
The Jaguars picked up their first win since October and moved up in the AFC South with a narrow victory over the Titans Sunday. They face a smooth road ahead against three teams already eliminated from the playoffs.
Last week: 30
Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Mac Jones (10) congratulates running back Tank Bigsby (4) after his touchdown run against the Tennessee Titans during the second half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)
31. Las Vegas Raiders (2-11)
The Raiders had a few weeks when they looked competitive but fell a notch back this week against Tampa Bay. Raiders fans are one week closer to games being over and draft conversations picking up.
Last week: 31
Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Aidan O’Connell (12) is taken off the field after an injury against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers during the second half Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O’Meara)
32. New York Giants (2-11)
The Giants have lost eight in a row, and the end of the season can’t come soon enough. The team was eliminated from playoff contention weeks ago, and it is playing for the No. 1 overall pick in April’s NFL Draft. Graham Gano’s blocked kick that would have sent the game to overtime might be a blessing in disguise because the loss gets the team one step closer to potentially securing its next franchise quarterback.
Welcome to Week 15 of the 2024 NFL season. The Detroit Lions and Kansas City Chiefs kept rolling last week to move to 12-1, but a few wild games shook up our standings.
The Buffalo Bills were upset by the Los Angeles Rams, the Philadelphia Eagles narrowly escaped the Carolina Panthers, and the Arizona Cardinals lost their third straight game.
In addition to the updated rankings, we asked our NFL Nation reporters to pick the most shocking statistical ranking — good or bad — for the team they cover. Where does quarterback Bryce Young rank among the best in the league right now? Is the Minnesota Vikings’ defense sliding?
Let’s start with the Lions.
Our power panel of more than 80 writers, editors and TV personalities evaluates how NFL teams stack up against one another, ranking them from 1 to 32.
Jump to a team: ARI | ATL | BAL | BUF | CAR | CHI | CIN CLE | DAL | DEN | DET | GB | HOU | IND JAX | KC | LAC | LAR | LV | MIA | MIN NE | NO | NYG | NYJ | PHI | PIT | SF SEA | TB | TEN | WSH
Most shocking ranking: 1st in total points per game
Detroit’s offense has posted 20-plus points for 11 straight games while averaging a league-high 31 points. Offensive coordinator Ben Johnson uses a creative approach to get the most out of his playmakers, including quarterback Jared Goff, running backs David Montgomery and Jahmyr Gibbs, and receivers Jameson Williams and Amon-Ra St. Brown, among others. Detroit also has a point differential of plus-183, which is its highest through the first 13 games of any season in franchise history. This offense has appeared unstoppable at times. — Eric Woodyard
The Chiefs sack opposing quarterbacks on just 5.5% of dropbacks and put pressure on them just 32% of the time, which is 22nd in the league. Defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo’s defense is still blitzing 36.5% of the time, which is the third-highest mark, but it is far from the dominant pass-rushing team it was last season when the Chiefs led the NFL in sack percentage (8.8%). — Adam Teicher
The Eagles had one of the worst defenses in the league in 2023 and have done a complete 180 under new coordinator Vic Fangio. Philadelphia allows the fewest yards per game (284.2) and is tied for second in points per game (18) compared with 30th last season (25.2). The pass defense has shown the most growth, jumping from 31st (252.7 YPG) to second (178.5). — Tim McManus
Week 14 result: Lost to the Rams 44-42 Week 14 ranking: 2
Most shocking ranking: 19th in time of possession
The Bills are second in the NFL in points margin per game (9.9) and have the ninth-most rushes per game (27.8). Despite all of that, winning the time of possession (29:40) battle has not been a strength. Part of that is due to the Bills’ ability to score quickly, as they’re averaging 30.5 points per game. It’s also due to the defense struggling to get off the field — it’s eighth worst in third-down defense, which was an extreme issue against the Rams. — Alaina Getzenberg
Most shocking ranking: 17th in yards allowed per game
The Vikings’ defense ranks No. 1 in efficiency and No. 2 in expected points added, but it allows 337.8 yards per game. In fact, over the past three weeks, Vikings opponents have averaged 433.3 yards. Largely, that tells us there are holes in the Vikings’ zone coverages that can be exploited. But Minnesota has limited scoring to 18.5 points per game, sixth in the NFL, in part because it has the second-most takeaways (27). — Kevin Seifert
With 32 sacks, the Steelers’ pass rush ranks near the middle of the pack — a surprise given the Steelers and T.J. Watt usually rank near the top. But don’t mistake this number for a lack of effectiveness. After all, the Steelers lead the league with 28 takeaways. Prior to facing the Bengals, defensive coordinator Teryl Austin noted opponents are trying to neutralize Pittsburgh’s pass rush by running a lot of max protection and three-man routes. Austin didn’t sound too concerned about the lack of sacks. “Sometimes the pressure is just as good as a sack if we can force an errant throw or force some things like that,” he said. — Brooke Pryor
Week 14 result: Lost to the Lions 34-31 Week 14 ranking: 7
Most shocking ranking: 32nd in dropped passes
The Packers had an issue with dropped passes last season, but nothing like this. They lead the league in both drops (26) and drop percentage (7.3%) and already have one more drop than they had in all of 2023 (when their 25 drops were tied for 10th most), according to ESPN Research. Green Bay has three players in the top 10 in drops. Dontayvion Wicks is No. 1 with nine drops, Jayden Reed is tied for second with seven, and Romeo Doubs is tied for ninth with five. — Rob Demovsky
Why Josh Jacobs is a star fantasy RB
Mike Clay refers to Josh Jacobs as a “fantasy star” following his hat trick touchdown performance in the Packers’ loss to the Lions.
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 8
Most shocking ranking: 1st in wide-open throws
Quarterback Lamar Jackson tops the NFL with 35.9% of his passes being wide-open throws, according to NFL Next Gen Stats. That means over one-third of his attempts have come when the average separation between the target and nearest defender is 5 or more yards at the arrival of the pass. This is the result of Jackson’s ability as well as the improved elusiveness of Baltimore’s wide receivers and tight ends. There have been many instances when he doesn’t see anyone open and scrambles to buy time for one of his targets to free up. — Jamison Hensley
Week 14 result: Lost to the Chiefs 19-17 Week 14 ranking: 9
Most shocking ranking: 19th in rushing
Throughout the offseason, Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh and offensive coordinator Greg Roman boasted about the dominant rushing offense they would build in L.A., but it hasn’t panned out that way. Averaging 111.5 yards per game, the rushing offense is slightly improved from where the Chargers finished last season (25th), but it has largely been a disappointment and by far the worst of Harbaugh’s NFL career. During Harbaugh and Roman’s four seasons in San Francisco, they had the second-best rushing offense in the NFL; the lowest the 49ers ranked was eighth in Harbaugh’s first season. — Kris Rhim
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 10
Most shocking ranking: 3rd in rushing
Under offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy last season, Washington rushed for more than 125 yards only twice and ranked 27th in rushing yards per game (93.6). Now, it averages 156.9 rushing YPG. Some of that stems from quarterback Jayden Daniels, but even if it was just the running backs, Washington would still rank eighth and average almost 14 more yards per game than a year ago. It has been an emphasis under coordinator Kliff Kingsbury, and it has led to five games with more than 200 rushing yards and nine with more than 125. — John Keim
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 11
Most shocking ranking: Quarterback C.J. Stroud leads the league in dropbacks under pressure
Stroud has been pressured on 39% of his dropbacks (199), the third most in the NFL, and he has the most passing yards under pressure (1,053). That starts with the offensive line. It would make more sense if the Texans hadn’t heavily invested in their line, but it’s made up of high draft picks and expensive contracts. Their O-linemen have a combined cap hit of roughly $51 million this season, per Roster Management System, which is fifth highest in the NFL. In 2023, Stroud was pressured on only 35% of his dropbacks (16th). — DJ Bien-Aime
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 12
Most shocking ranking: T-8th in pass attempts
During the offseason and training camp, coach Sean Payton talked about a good defense and a productive run game as two of the best “allies” for a rookie quarterback. And then he proceeded to put the first rookie starter he has coached in dropback mode early and often, with 434 pass attempts so far. Bo Nix has responded positively for the most part, but he has thrown more passes than Josh Allen, Jared Goff, Justin Herbert and Lamar Jackson, and he’s tied with No. 1 pick Caleb Williams. It’s a good bet a lot of folks didn’t see that coming, perhaps even Payton, when the season began. — Jeff Legwold
Most shocking ranking: Quarterback Geno Smith is second in passing attempts
Smith has thrown 466 passes, and the Seahawks are fifth in designed pass rate. Few expected their offense to be that pass heavy with a defensive-minded coach in Mike Macdonald who wants to run the ball, but that has been the reality in Ryan Grubb’s first season as coordinator. A number of factors contributed, including repeated struggles to stay on schedule, some large deficits that put Seattle in dropback mode and perhaps Grubb’s pass-first inclination. The Seahawks also haven’t been effective at running the ball for much of the season, though their run game might be emerging after breaking out for a season-high 176 yards Sunday. — Brady Henderson
Most shocking ranking: Linebacker Jared Verse ranks fifth in QB pressures
Verse, the Rams’ 2023 first-round pick, has 59 pressures, which ranks fifth in the NFL this season. He’s first among rookies, beating out Chop Robinson (43), Laiatu Latu (39) and teammate Braden Fiske (32) through Week 14. The Rams entered the season trying to figure out how to replace the production of retired defensive tackle Aaron Donald, and they added two players who have had success getting to the quarterback. — Sarah Barshop
Dan Orlovsky calling in receipts after Rams’ win over Bills
Dan Orlovsky calling in receipts after Rams’ win over Bills
Tampa Bay not only went from the league’s worst rushing attack the past two years, averaging 82.5 yards per game, to 138.3 yards per game this season, but its 6.7 yards per rush on gap run plays is tops in the league. The Buccaneers have dominated with a three-headed attack featuring Rachaad White, Bucky Irving and Sean Tucker. — Jenna Laine
Week 14 result: Lost to the Seahawks 30-18 Week 14 ranking: 15
Most shocking ranking: T-24th in receiving touchdowns
An offense with Marvin Harrison Jr. and Trey McBride, along with Michael Wilson and Greg Dortch, has just 15 receiving touchdowns through 13 games. This is as talented and deep of a receiving unit as the Cardinals have had in recent memory. The touchdown receptions have been concentrated between Harrison, who leads all rookies with seven, and Wilson, who has four. No one else has more than two, but another shocking stat is that McBride — who leads the team in receiving yards with 851 — doesn’t have a touchdown reception. — Josh Weinfuss
Most shocking ranking: 30th in rushing yards per attempt
The Dolphins led the NFL in 2023 with 5.1 rushing yards per attempt on the strength of Raheem Mostert’s career season and De’Von Achane’s breakout campaign. This year, that number has dropped to 3.9 yards per carry as Miami has struggled to find the explosiveness that made it so dangerous last season. Mostert has battled injuries and was essentially demoted after a critical fumble in Week 9. Achane has been Miami’s lead rusher, but his efficiency unsurprisingly dropped after he averaged nearly 8.0 yards per carry in 2023. — Marcel Louis-Jacques
Most shocking ranking: 22nd in red zone efficiency
In 2023, the Niners led the league in red zone efficiency and their 67.2% conversion rate was the fourth best by any team over the past three seasons. This year, the Niners have had little trouble moving the ball with 51 red zone drives, which is tied for sixth in the NFL. But they have consistently failed to put the ball in the end zone. Some of that can be attributed to the star players they’ve been missing with injury, such as wideout Brandon Aiyuk (ACL) and running back Christian McCaffrey (PCL), but the number of negative plays and ineffectiveness in the run game has been jarring for an offense that not long ago was the best in football at finishing drives. — Nick Wagoner
Week 14 result: Lost to the Vikings 42-21 Week 14 ranking: 17
Most shocking ranking: Quarterback Kirk Cousins leads league in interceptions
Through the first nine games, Cousins was efficient enough to lead the team to a 6-3 record, including a 4-0 NFC South mark. The wheels have come off since. The Falcons have lost four in a row, and Cousins has been a major turnover risk with 15 interceptions. He has no touchdown passes and eight interceptions during that four-game stretch, the first time a QB has had no touchdowns and eight or more interceptions in a four-game span in a season since 2005. Cousins is tied with Baker Mayfield for the most fumbles (12) this season. — Marc Raimondi
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 18
Most shocking ranking: 28th in pass block win rate
The Colts have had some surprising offensive line struggles. Their highly regarded line is still one of the league’s best at run blocking (74.1% run block win rate), but pass protection (53.2% pass block win rate) has been an adventure. If not for quarterback Anthony Richardson’s ability to escape the pocket, the Colts might rank much worse than seventh in sacks allowed, where they currently sit. — Stephen Holder
The Bengals are never going to be known for their ground game. Since 2022, Cincinnati has the fewest total rush attempts in the league. However, the run blocking has been lackluster, to say the least. The Bengals have the worst win rate on run plays (67.4%) after being eighth (71.8%) in the same category last season. Chase Brown has helped mitigate that by ranking 11th in yards after contact per carry, according to NFL Next Gen Stats. But the inability to win on blocks should be something that must be evaluated as the Bengals enter a pivotal offseason. — Ben Baby
Ja’Marr Chase reunites with young Bengals fan Brixton Wood
Ja’Marr Chase reunites with Brixton Wood after the young Bengals fan’s cancer returned and required significant treatment.
Most shocking ranking: T-31st in yards per carry allowed
The Saints didn’t allow a 100-yard rusher for 55 straight games from 2017 to 2020 under then-defensive coordinator Dennis Allen, who became the head coach in 2022 before he was fired earlier this season. The Saints’ once-stout run defense has struggled and is tied for last in yards-per-carry allowed. The Saints and Panthers are allowing rushers to run for 5.0 yards per carry. — Katherine Terrell
Week 14 result: Lost to the Bengals 27-20 Week 14 ranking: 23
Most shocking ranking: 32nd in rushing touchdowns
The Cowboys’ four rushing touchdowns have them threatening the team record. In 2011, they had just five. Three other times they had six, including the first two seasons of the franchise in 1960-61. Calvin Hill (1971) and Emmitt Smith (1990, 1995) share the team record for most rushing touchdowns in a game with … four. With how the Cowboys handled running back in free agency, maybe there figured to be a drop-off in 2024, but the poor efficiency up front has contributed to the lack of rushing touchdowns. — Todd Archer
Week 14 result: Lost to the Steelers 27-14 Week 14 ranking: 25
Most shocking ranking: 2nd-most explosive plays allowed
The Browns gave up the fewest yards per play (4.6) last season, but that figure has ballooned to 5.7 in 2024, mainly because of the 100 explosive plays they’ve allowed. It’s a head-scratching issue for a defense that gave up the second-fewest explosive plays in 2023 and returned the majority of its starters for a second season with coordinator Jim Schwartz. According to Schwartz, there has been no commonality in these plays — sometimes it’s missed tackles and other times it’s coverage breakdowns. — Daniel Oyefusi
Week 14 result: Lost to the 49ers 38-13 Week 14 ranking: 22
Most shocking ranking: Rookie quarterback Caleb Williams leads NFL in sacks taken
Opposing defenses have brought down the No. 1 draft pick 56 times through 14 weeks, which is 15 more than the next most-sacked quarterback (Houston’s C.J. Stroud, 41). The Bears did a better job of protecting Williams after Thomas Brown took over playcalling duties beginning in Week 11 (Williams was sacked three times each versus Green Bay and Minnesota), but the numbers crept back up against Detroit (five) and culminated with Williams taking seven sacks in the Bears’ seventh straight loss in San Francisco. David Carr still owns the single-season record (2002, 76), which Williams is flirting with because he’s sacked an average of 4.3 times per game. — Courtney Cronin
Week 14 result: Lost to the Eagles 22-16 Week 14 ranking: 26
Most shocking ranking: Quarterback Bryce Young is 13th in Total QBR since Week 9
Young’s QBR of 62.8 over his past five games is better than that of Patrick Mahomes, Jalen Hurts, Bo Nix and Jayden Daniels, to name a few. This is shocking because Young had a QBR of 9.9 in his first two starts of the season and only 34.1 last season as a rookie. His improvement has been remarkable. — David Newton
Week 14 result: Bye Week 14 ranking: 28
Most shocking ranking: 32nd in pass block win rate
After finishing 32nd in pass block win rate in 2023, addressing the offensive line was one of the Patriots’ top priorities in the offseason. Yet, through 13 games, the Patriots have had nine different starting lineups on the line due to a combination of missed personnel evaluations, poor performance and injuries. There has been zero improvement with a 51.4% pass block win rate, which hasn’t helped Drake Maye’s adjustment to the NFL. — Mike Reiss
Week 14 result: Lost to the Dolphins 32-26 (OT) Week 14 ranking: 27
Most shocking ranking: T-28th in takeaways
It’s hard to believe a defense with three players who earned All-Pro or Pro Bowl status in 2023 (cornerback Sauce Gardner, linebacker Quincy Williams and defensive tackle Quinnen Williams) has only 10 takeaways in 13 games. That includes only two interceptions (both by backup cornerback Brandin Echols). In fact, the Jets have yet to record an interception since Jeff Ulbrich became the interim coach eight games ago. Scheme, coaching and underperforming players have contributed to the turnover shortage. — Rich Cimini
Rodgers uncertain what the Jets will look like next season
Aaron Rodgers tells Pat McAfee the importance of finishing the season strong since there are no guarantees of having a spot on the Jets next year.
Week 14 result: Lost to the Jaguars 10-6 Week 14 ranking: 29
Most shocking ranking: 27th in red zone touchdowns allowed
Tennessee’s red zone defense was the best in the league last season, allowing touchdowns only 37.7% of the time. This year’s team is giving up touchdowns on 65.1% of opposing teams’ red zone visits. Defensive coordinator Dennard Wilson has had a tough time finding ways to get pressure on quarterbacks without sacrificing coverage on the backend. Tennessee has also had its share of issues with penalties at the most inopportune times, which extends drives and give offenses another set of downs to find the end zone. — Turron Davenport
The Jaguars are giving up 396.1 yards per game. If that number holds over the final month, it will be the second-worst average in franchise history, behind only the 2020 team (417.7). They hired coordinator Ryan Nielsen to fix the defense, and the numbers in the four major defensive categories — total defense, rushing (132.6 allowed per game, 24th), passing (263.5 allowed per game, 31st) and scoring (26.5, 28th) — are all worse than 2023. — Mike DiRocco
Week 14 result: Lost to the Buccaneers 28-13 Week 14 ranking: 31
Most shocking ranking: 32nd in the NFL in rushing
After grinding out a combined 494 yards on the ground in their final four games last season, averaging 123.5 yards per game, the Raiders had high hopes for the running game in 2024. Instead, Las Vegas is averaging 79.1 yards per game. Although Zamir White and Alexander Mattison have missed a combined eight games because of injury, former practice squad lifer Sincere McCormick is averaging 5.5 yards per carry in three games. Diamond in the rough, or more like fool’s gold? — Paul Gutierrez
Week 14 result: Lost to the Saints 14-11 Week 14 ranking: 32
Most shocking ranking: 32nd in points per game
There’s no reason to get too fancy. Sure, the Giants are averaging an embarrassing 5.2 yards per pass play and rank dead last with eight touchdown passes in 13 games, but it all ties into their inability to score points. The Giants are averaging 14.9 points per game, which is more than two full points worse than any other team. When asked Sunday why their passing game struggled so badly against the Saints, coach Brian Daboll said, “It’s a collective thing, put it on me.” Fair enough, because he took over playcalling this season. — Jordan Raanan
În timp ce Pittsburgh și Denver împărtășesc 10 victorii în ligă, cel mai mare nivel în ligă, Titanii au acoperit doar de două ori, cele mai puține victorii din ligă. Tennessee este un underdog cu 5 puncte de acasă în șansele NFL din Săptămâna 15 împotriva Cincinnati, iar Titanii sunt unul dintre cei șapte câini de acasă pe care puteți plasa pariuri NFL în Săptămâna 15. Alți dezavantajați în spread-urile NFL din Săptămâna 15 includ Giants (+14,5) față de Ravens, Browns (+6,5) împotriva Chiefs și Raiders (+4,5) față de Falcons.
Persoanele defavorizate de acasă au 5-4 ATS în ultimele două săptămâni. Deși asta nu te poate face să treci cu vederea recordul ATS 2-11 al Tennessee, te-ar putea influența spre alte echipe de acasă care obțin puncte în liniile de pariuri din Săptămâna 15 NFL. Ce echipe ar trebui să ia în considerare alegerile tale NFL din Săptămâna 15 și ce alte informații ar trebui să-ți influențeze pariurile NFL ATS? Toate liniile NFL actualizate din Săptămâna 15 sunt enumerate mai jos, iar modelul computerizat avansat SportsLine are toate sfaturile de pariuri NFL și predicțiile NFL de care aveți nevoie pentru a face cele mai bune alegeri NFL din Săptămâna 15 acum.
Modelul, care simulează fiecare joc NFL de 10.000 de ori, a crescut cu mult peste 7.000 de dolari pentru jucătorii de 100 de dolari la alegerile de top din NFL de la începuturi. Modelul a intrat în săptămâna 15 a sezonului NFL 2024 cu o serie incredibilă de pariuri de 25-11 la alegerile de top din NFL anul acesta. Pe termen mai lung, se află pe o listă de 205-139 la alegerile NFL de top care datează din sezonul 2017 și o listă de 59-32 la alegerile NFL de top din săptămâna 7 din 2022.
Modelul s-a clasat, de asemenea, în top 10 pe NFLPickWatch patru din ultimii șase ani la alegeri directe NFL și a învins peste 94% dintre jucătorii CBS Sports Football Pick'em de patru ori în acea perioadă. Oricine urmărește la casele de pariuri sportive și la aplicațiile de pariuri a înregistrat profituri puternice.
Acum, și-a îndreptat atenția către cele mai recente cote NFL din Săptămâna 15 și linii de pariuri NFL și a blocat alegerile de pariuri pentru fiecare meci din NFL. Mergeți aici pentru a vedea fiecare alegere.
Cele mai bune predicții NFL din săptămâna 15
Vă putem spune că una dintre cele mai puternice alegeri ale modelului din Săptămâna 15 din NFL este că texanii (-2,5, 47) acoperă spread-ul acasă împotriva Dolphins. În timp ce Houston nu a câștigat ATS în cinci jocuri de divizie, nu are nicio problemă când iese din AFC South. Texanii au scor 5-1 ATS în ultimele șase competiții non-diviziale, în timp ce Miami s-a chinuit să se acopere cu meciurile interdiviziale, ajungând doar 2-6 ATS față de adversarii non-AFC East. Delfinii au pierdut, de asemenea, două consecutive față de spread, în general, și sunt într-un dezavantaj de odihnă, deoarece Houston intră în pauza.
Texanii au echilibru pe ambele părți ale mingii, clasându-se printre primele duzini de echipe NFL atât în atacul de marcare, cât și în apărare. În plus, doar alte trei echipe au o diferență de cifra de afaceri mai bună decât plus-10, în timp ce Miami are o marjă de minus-două. Delfinii pur și simplu nu pot muta mingea pe sol, ocupându-se pe locul 29 în yarzi pe cursă, iar asta este un semn rău pentru ei, având în vedere că apărarea de pasă a lui Houston este de elită și permite cel mai mic procent de finalizare din ligă. Modelul îl face pe Houston câștigând cu aproape un touchdown, deoarece texanii prevalează față de spread în 60% din timp. Vedeți ce alte echipe să alegeți aici.
Încă una dintre predicțiile NFL din Săptămâna 15: Bills (+2,5, 53,5) acoperă pe drum împotriva Detroit în peste 50% din simulări. Lions au avut o perioadă de 41 de meciuri din 2022 până în 2024, în care au trecut cu 32-9 ATS, fără să scadă niciodată jocuri consecutive față de linie. Cu toate acestea, acea rundă s-a încheiat deoarece nu au reușit să acopere fiecare dintre ultimele lor două. În timp ce seria de șapte victorii consecutive a lui Bills s-a încheiat duminică împotriva lui Rams, Buffalo este încă 6-2 față de diferența din ultimele opt jocuri.
În timp ce Leii sunt favoriții la Super Bowl, ei au o deficiență flagrantă în apărarea la pasă. În ciuda blitz-ului la al doilea cel mai mare procent, Detroit este doar pe locul 19 la sack-uri, așa că blitz-ul fără a-l doborî pe fundaș lasă o mulțime de găuri în secundar. Detroit are unul sau zero sackuri în cinci din ultimele șapte jocuri, în timp ce Josh Allen nu a fost demis în fiecare dintre ultimele sale trei starturi. Modelul îl face pe Buffalo să obțină cu aproape 10 puncte mai multe decât la ce renunță Lions în medie, ceea ce permite Bills (+2,5) să acopere pe drum. Modelul avansat spune, de asemenea, că Over hits în peste 50% din timp. Vedeți ce alte echipe să alegeți aici.
Cum să faci alegeri din săptămâna 15 NFL
Modelul a făcut, de asemenea, apel la cine câștigă și acoperă în fiecare alt meci din programul NFL din Săptămâna 15 și tocmai a dezvăluit patru echipe care câștigă definitiv peste 70% din timp, oferindu-ți potențial o zi de plată uriașă. Puteți obține doar fiecare alegere pentru fiecare joc la SportsLine.
Deci, ce alegeri NFL puteți face cu încredere și care patru echipe ar trebui să vă blocați acum? Consultați cele mai recente cote NFL de mai jos, apoi vizitați SportsLine pentru a vedea ce echipe câștigă și acoperă răspândirea, totul dintr-un model de computer dovedit, care a returnat cu mult peste 7.000 USD și aflați.
Săptămâna 15 NFL cote de pariuri, linii, ultimele spread-uri, scoruri
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Unde să pariezi jocurile NFL
Iată câteva dintre casele de pariuri sportive pentru a paria pe jocurile NFL săptămâna aceasta, împreună cu diferitele promoții de pariuri sportive NFL pe care le oferă în prezent.
Cam Ward would’ve likely been no better than QB5 in last year’s draft class, but he’s QB1 in 2024. Teams had a late Day 2/Day 3 grade on him over the summer, but he’s made big strides this season; he’s playing more from the pocket, he’s getting the ball out on time and he’s doing a better job of getting through his reads. We know about the athleticism and arm strength, but he’s gotten better each year he’s been in college, too.
• Sr
• 6’2″
/ 215 lbs
Projected Team
N.Y. Giants
Good luck finding someone tougher than Shedeur Sanders. He’ll stand in the pocket and take hit (after hit after hit) to make a play downfield. He’s not the athlete and doesn’t have the arm strength of Cam Ward, but he does a lot of things really well. I would like to see him play on time more consistently, but part of that has to do with Colorado’s inconsistent offensive line.
• Jr
• 6’1″
/ 185 lbs
Projected Team
New England
Travis Hunter is the best athlete — and the best player — in this draft class. We’ve had otherworldly cornerbacks and wide receivers in previous classes, but he’s a twofer, able to dominate on both sides of the ball and take over games. The big question: where will the team that drafts him want him to play? And if it’s, say, at cornerback, how big will be the package of offensive plays for Hunter? Because lining up for 120 snaps a game, like he’s done for the Buffs, isn’t sustainable in the NFL.
Penn State
• Jr
• 6’3″
/ 252 lbs
Projected Team
Abdul Carter is a freakish athlete who moved from off-ball linebacker to edge rusher for the 2024 season. Carter is not Micah Parsons — not yet, anyway — but he’s just scratching the surface on what he can do.
• Jr
• 6’3″
/ 320 lbs
Projected Team
My comp for Mason Graham over the summer was Christian Wilkins. My co-host on the “With the First Pick” podcast, Rick Spielman, took it a step further and said Quinnen Williams. Wherever you land, Graham is a special talent who headlines a deep defensive line class.
• Jr
• 6’4″
/ 320 lbs
Projected Team
Kelvin Banks Jr. was my OT1 over the summer and nothing’s changed. He’s athletic, has good feet, plays with balance and power and uses his hands well. He’s better in passpro than the run right now, but it’s close — and he’s only going to get better.
• Jr
• 6’2″
/ 202 lbs
Projected Team
N.Y. Jets
Will Johnson was my No. 1 player over the summer and he remains a top-10 talent. He battled a toe injury that sidelined him for much of the second half of the 2024 season, but when he’s healthy, he’s one of the best defenders in college football; there’s a reason the easy comp for him is Patrick Surtain II.
• Jr
• 6’6″
/ 323 lbs
Projected Team
Will Campbell has been my OT2 throughout, and while he’s not as athletic as Kelvin Banks Jr., he’s been incredibly consistent throughout his LSU career. He had his struggles with Jared Verse in 2023 (who didn’t), and the formidable South Carolina front four gave him trouble at times this season. But he held his own against Arkansas’ Landon Jackson, who will be a high-round pick in April.
• Jr
• 6’5″
/ 265 lbs
Projected Team
Georgia has a history of producing insane athletes, and Mykel Williams may end up being the best of the group. He’s a first-round talent all day long, and he could end up being one of the first defenders off the board in April.
Texas A&M
• Jr
• 6’4″
/ 285 lbs
Projected Team
New Orleans
Nic Scourton is a power rusher who will long-arm you into the stands. He’ll also flash an inside spin move that puts OTs on their heels. Add the non-stop motor with which he plays, and it’s hard not to love his game. My podcast co-host, Rick Spielman, calls him a more athletic Keion White.
• Jr
• 6’5″
/ 212 lbs
Projected Team
Tetairoa McMillan is 6-foot-5, but he moves like a shifty slot receiver with the benefit of an enormous catch radius and the ability to make contested catches look easy. Think Drake London but a better athlete.
Boise State
• Jr
• 5’9″
/ 215 lbs
Projected Team
Is Ashton Jeanty a luxury pick? That depends; were Bijan Robinson or Jahmyr Gibbs luxury picks? Because Jeanty is that type of impact back. He hasn’t been used nearly as much in the pass game, but that doesn’t mean he can’t do it.
• Jr
• 6’1″
/ 205 lbs
Projected Team
Put aside for the moment that Malaki Starks is an elite athlete who can line up anywhere in the secondary; he’s also one of the smartest players on the field, and that combination is what makes him a top-10 talent.
• Jr
• 6’2″
/ 245 lbs
Projected Team
Jalon Walker is listed as an off-ball linebacker, but he can line up anywhere … and wreak havoc from anywhere. Very interested to see how NFL teams plan to use him at the next level.
• Jr
• 6’5″
/ 243 lbs
Projected Team
James Pearce Jr. is a juiced-up, twitchy edge rusher who can win with the bull rush or speed around the edge. He plays with a non-stop motor and with the type of freakish athleticism that can match the Jalen Milroe-type QBs in the pocket.
• Jr
• 6’3″
/ 339 lbs
Projected Team
Kenneth Grant is a really good athlete for his size — and he has a knack for getting his hands up in the passing lane and knocking the ball down. He moves well laterally, as he has a surprisingly quick first step with good hand usage to shoot gaps and be disruptive in the backfield. For me, he’s more explosive and consistent than Kris Jenkins, his former teammate and Bengals second-round pick in 2024.
Ohio State
• Sr
• 6’5″
/ 310 lbs
A San Diego State transfer where he played right tackle, Josh Simmons was a pleasant surprise in Columbus, Ohio, where he was not only installed at left tackle, but was playing at a high level before an October knee injury vs. Oregon ended his season. I thought he might come back to school — he could probably use the experience — but instead he declared for the 2025 draft. And in a draft light along the offensive line, I fully expect Simmons to draw some first-round consideration, even if he might need a year or two of seasoning.
• Sr
• 6’6″
/ 330 lbs
Projected Team
L.A. Rams
Aireontae Ersery allowed just one sack all season. I love his athleticism, his ability to throw guys out of the club consistently, and while he’s better against run than pass right now, he has all the traits NFL teams look for in a tackle.
Texas A&M
• Jr
• 6’6″
/ 290 lbs
Projected Team
Tampa Bay
For an edge rusher, Shemar Stewart is enormous. He’ll play too high at times, but can collapse the pocket with his size/power/strength. He has a quick first step, even for his size, and the power to shoot gaps. And when the bull rush doesn’t get home, his huge frame allows him to knock down passes. He has a hair-on-fire motor and consistently plays with power and athleticism.
East Carolina
• Sr
• 6’3″
/ 193 lbs
Projected Team
Shavon Revel tore his ACL in October, and he hasn’t played since. But his tape is a lot of fun; his track background shows up on tape, as does his length. He’ll play with physicality at the line in man coverage and is a fluid mover in space. He’s not the shutdown corner of, say, Sauce Gardner when he came out, or as physical as Joey Porter Jr. (and maybe that’s a good thing), but he’s a nice mix of both in terms of size and play style.
• Jr
• 6’5″
/ 245 lbs
Colston Loveland is listed at 6-foot-5 and 237 pounds, and while he runs like he’s 185, he plays like he’s 260. He’ll run through open-field arm tackles all day long, has an enormous catch radius, and is a precise route runner, looking like a receiver at times in his movement skills. He’s a willing blocker, but like most pass-catching tight ends coming into the league, he’ll need to improve in this area.
Penn State
• Sr
• 6’6″
/ 261 lbs
Projected Team
Tyler Warren has accounted for roughly 75% of Penn State’s offense (we’re ballparking that, don’t quote us) as a receiver, passer and runner. No player has done more for his draft stock than Warren, who was a late Day 2/Day 3 pick over the summer.
• Jr
• 6’6″
/ 345 lbs
Projected Team
Deone Walker consistently wins with heavy hands at the snap as a pass rusher — both long and powerful, which makes him a nightmare no matter where he lines up (and Kentucky used him everywhere). He will play too high at times against the run, but was more consistent in that area in 2023, so he’s certainly capable of dominating in the run game, too. Plus, you don’t find many guys this size this athletic.
• Jr
• 6’5″
/ 310 lbs
Projected Team
Derrick Harmon is what I’d describe as “country strong” because when you see him bull rush an interior OL into the QB’s lap and then throw him out of the club, it gets your attention. He’s consistently a load on the inside, in part because of power, low pad level and the aforementioned bull rush. He doesn’t have a variety of pass-rush moves, but he doesn’t need them. He can struggle against the run if he plays too high, but when he’s locked in he’s a game-wrecker — Harmon had 40 pressures on the season, including eight(!) against Boise State.
Ole Miss
• Jr
• 6’3″
/ 305 lbs
Projected Team
This defensive line class is incredibly deep, and in previous years, Walter Nolen probably goes off the board a little higher. Either way, he explodes off the ball while also being strong as an ox. At 6-foot-4 and 290 pounds, he won’t be mistaken for, say, Dexter Lawrence, but don’t be fooled; he plays stout against double teams, and is quick to get off blocks and get to the ball.
• Sr
• 5’11”
/ 200 lbs
Projected Team
Green Bay
This may sound rich but, at times, Jahdae Barron flashes in a way that reminds me of Brian Branch; he’s one of the smartest players on the field, he’s always around the ball, and if you need a play, he consistently shows up. He can line up in the box, in the slot or outside, is an effective blitzer off the edge, and is an asset in the run game.
• Jr
• 5’11”
/ 205 lbs
Projected Team
The numbers don’t blow you away (66 catches for 771 yards), but don’t be fooled: Luther Burden III is a first-round talent and game-changer with the ball in his hands. The QB play at Mizzou was inconsistent in 2024, but there’s a reason he had 86 receptions for 1,212 yards and nine touchdowns in 2023.
South Carolina
• Jr
• 6’4″
/ 290 lbs
Projected Team
He’s a better pass rusher than run stuffer right now, but wherever you line him up (and South Carolina used him everywhere), he’s playing every snap with his hair on fire. He’ll collapse the pocket when he’s playing over the center, and he uses his hands well when coming off the edge with a head of steam.
• Sr
• 6’7″
/ 280 lbs
Projected Team
This is going to sound nuts, but watch a handful of Landon Jackson’s pass-rush snaps and you’ll see some T.J. Watt (remember, Watt somehow lasted until the end of Round 1). At other times, you’ll see the consistency of Anthony Nelson, which is pretty good, too. Either way, Jackson plays with heavy hands and the power you’d come to expect from a 270-pound edge rusher (even though Arkansas lined him up everywhere), as well as the juice you might not be expecting.
• Sr
• 6’3″
/ 315 lbs
Sweet mercy, Omarr Norman-Lott is juiced up coming off the ball. Explosive is probably the best way to describe him; he’s listed at 305 pounds but moves like he’s 50 pounds lighter, plays with a relentless motor, is as close to sideline-to-sideline as you’ll find in a defensive linemen, and we get Braden Fiske-hustle vibes when watching him — except Norman-Lott may be a better overall athlete.
Ohio State
• Sr
• 6’1″
/ 205 lbs
Projected Team
Kansas City
Emeka Egbuka is a big-bodied, fluid mover with natural hands, good contact balance and the ability to run through arm tackles. He gets in and out of breaks with urgency and has yards-after-catch ability. He’s not a finesse player but more of a bruiser. When you talk about “big slots,” this is what you mean. I think he has some Amon-Ra St. Brown in his game.
Ohio State
• Sr
• 6’5″
/ 260 lbs
Projected Team
Jack Sawyer is listed at 6-foot-5 and 260 pounds and is coming off a five-sack 2024 season that includes 28 hurries. Used almost exclusively off the edge for the Buckeyes, he flashes the speed-to-power of a first-round pass rusher who is also stout setting the edge in the run game.
La mijlocul lunii octombrie, am stivuit primele cinci Conexiuni QB-WR în NFL la „Get Up!” (cu ajutorul lui Harry Douglas). Dar multe s-au schimbat de-a lungul acestor două luni, așa că am decis să-mi revin lista — și să o extind 20 duouri.
Pentru a face clasamentul actualizat/extins, m-am sprijinit foarte mult pe ceea ce am văzut în sezonul 2024 și pe ceea ce mă aștept să se întâmple în restul drumului (și în playoff). Pentru că mă concentrez acum pe accidentările de la sfârșitul sezonului contează. Dacă sunteți în căutarea lui Dak Prescott și CeeDee Lamb, ei nu vor fi aici, deoarece Prescott are o problemă cu ischiobial. Același lucru este valabil și pentru Patrick Mahomes și Rashee Rice; Rice s-a terminat pentru anul cu o accidentare la genunchi (deși Mahomes este pe listă cu un alt WR.) Și aceasta nu este doar o listă de WR1 — m-am concentrat asupra modului în care anumiți receptori au construit chimie și fiabilitate cu fundașii lor. , chiar dacă nu sunt primii pasi de top pe tabelul de adâncime al echipei.
Să începem cu unul evident, totuși. Bengalii se confruntă cu Cowboys la „Monday Night Football” în această seară (20:15 ET, ESPN/ABC/ESPN+) și vom vedea bine legătura dintre Joe Burrow din Cincinnati și Ja'Marr Chase. După părerea mea, ei formează în acest moment perechea de top indiscutabil din ligă. Dar cine cade la rând în spatele lor?
Statistici 2024: 79 de completări, 1.142 de metri, 13 aterizări
Acesta este destul de simplu. Dintre toate combinațiile QB-WR, Burrow și Chase conduc NFL la touchdown-uri și au condus în yarzi în săptămâna 14. Burrow are un QBR de 94,3 când îl țintește pe Chase, iar Chase l-a ajutat pe Burrow cu un lider în ligă la 544 de yarzi după captură. Pe scurt, acești doi pot face în mod constant orice doresc împotriva apărării.
Statistici 2024: 48 de completări, 836 de metri, 4 aterizări
Dacă Brown primește o confruntare 1-la-1, mingea va ajunge la el — și probabil că va câștiga. Cadrul său de 6 picioare 1, 226 de lire și puterea pură îl fac greu să se oprească în acele situații. Vulturii nu au nevoie de trasee complicate cu el; Brown prinde orice în cartierul său, indiferent de piesă.
Hurts și Brown s-au conectat pentru 12,5 yarzi pe încercare, vârfuri printre duourile cu cel puțin 50 de ținte.
Statistici 2024: 75 de completări, 1.170 de metri, 7 aterizări
Darnold-to-Jefferson este unul dintre cele două duouri de peste 1.000 de metri pe sezon (Burrow/Chase), dar acești doi o fac cu mai multe care vin prin aer. Darnold are o medie de 11,6 metri de aer per încercare de trecere când îl țintește pe Jefferson, care parcurge rutele de trecere explozive la fel de bine ca oricine din joc.
Statistici 2024: 81 de completări, 892 de metri, 10 aterizări
Acesta este cel mai bun echipaj de mișcare a lanțurilor din NFL, care a acumulat 53 de prime coborâri (nr. 1 în general) și zero drop. Goff are o rată de finalizare de 81,8% când îi aruncă drumul lui St. Brown, cu 13,2% peste așteptări conform NFL Next Gen Stats. Când Detroit trebuie să facă o piesă, acești doi se ridică.
Statistici 2024: 60 de completări, 863 de metri, 4 aterizări
Flowers a explodat cu adevărat în acest sezon, iar când este în acoperire de la om la om, această pereche distruge apărările. Cele 863 de metri ale lor ocupă locul opt dintre toate duourile, iar 303 dintre acestea au venit împotriva aspectului bărbatului.
Statistici 2024: 48 de completări, 807 de metri, 4 aterizări
Când am făcut topul celor cinci în octombrie, aceștia doi au fost pe locul 1. Apoi Collins a fost rănit și Stroud a căzut într-o mică criză. Dar hei, această pereche este prea bună pentru a o exclude. Când sunt amândoi sănătoși și în vârful jocurilor lor, sunt încă printre cei mai buni din ligă. În ciuda a doar opt meciuri împreună, cele 807 de yarzi ale lor se află încă pe locul 12 și sunt singurul duo QB-WR din ligă care are o medie de peste 100 de metri pe meci.
Statistici 2024: 29 de completări, 487 de metri, 3 aterizări
Când legătura dintre Wilson și Pickens este puternică, această ofensă a Steelers marchează. Când nu este, infracțiunea nu. Este atât de simplu. Wilson aruncă o minge grozavă adâncă cu atingere, iar Pickens are controlul corpului pentru a face prinderi dure pe 50-50 de mingi.
Cele 487 de yarzi totale dintre cei doi ar putea părea scăzute, dar amintiți-vă că Wilson a ratat timp la începutul sezonului. Pe bază de joc, Wilson-to-Pickens ocupă locul 11 la 81,2 metri.
Statistici 2024: 51 de completări, 629 de metri, 5 aterizări
A fost un sezon de jos pentru Hill, dar când ajunge în spațiu, poate ridica bucăți mari. Între precizia extraordinară și plasarea mingii a lui Tagovailoa și mâinile sigure și viteza devastatoare a lui Hill, acești doi sunt încă foarte greu de oprit. Cei 2.428 de metri de la începutul anului 2023 ocupă primul loc.
Hill, Waddle chiar și Delfinii cu jeturi pe TD, conversie în 2 puncte
Tyreek Hill face o captura de touchdown, iar Jaylen Waddle urmează cu o conversie de 2 puncte pentru a egala scorul împotriva Jets.
Statistici 2024: 56 de completări, 801 de metri, 9 aterizări
Apariția lui Daniels în sezonul său de începători a fost incredibilă pentru McLaurin. Vedem câteva meciuri mari pe teren, iar McLaurin are capacitatea de urmărire de a câștiga în 1-la-1. Conform NFL Next Gen Statistics, procentul de finalizare de 72,7% al lui Daniels atunci când vizează McLaurin este cu 14,7% mai mare decât se aștepta.
Dacă Daniels revine la sănătate deplină din cauza accidentării sale la coaste și începe să pună și mai multă încredere în McLaurin, acest duo ar putea termina fierbinte.
Statistici 2024: 43 de completări, 590 de metri, 7 aterizări
Tampa Bay rămâne în imaginea playoff-ului NFC South în principal pentru că Mayfield-to-Evans este de elită. Evans a revenit la sănătate după ce a ratat câteva meciuri din cauza unei răni la coapsă, iar acest joc de trecere a Buccaneers trece prin el.
Statistici 2024: 30 de completări, 357 de metri, 4 aterizări
S-ar putea ca Hopkins să nu aibă numerele sclipitoare ale celorlalți receptori de top de pe această listă, dar a devenit tipul pentru Mahomes într-una dintre cele mai bune infracțiuni de pasă din ligă. Încrederea dintre ei crește de la o săptămână la alta și cred că Hopkins va fi o parte importantă a playoff-urilor Chiefs. Kansas City a încercat de multe ori să obțină un catcher de trecere de impact la termenul limită de schimb, iar Hopkins ar putea fi în sfârșit răspunsul, avansând cu Rashee Rice în afara sezonului.
Statistici 2024: 57 de completări, 803 de metri, 4 aterizări
McConkey a devenit rapid indicatorul lui Herbert în jocul de pasageri al celor de la Chargers. Herbert are încredere în sentimentul lui McConkey împotriva acoperirii zonei și în controlul corpului împotriva acoperirii bărbaților. Duo-ul și-a rupt apărarea cu McConkey alergând pe trasee din slot și nu pare să conteze că este un începător.
Statistici 2024: 54 de completări, 708 de metri, 3 touchdown-uri
Nacua — care a ratat timpul din cauza unei accidentări la genunchi la începutul acestui sezon — se deschide, iar Stafford îi dă o șansă să facă o piesă. Este într-adevăr despre sincronizare. Acești doi au o chimie și încredere atât de puternice; Stafford va pune mingea acolo unde trebuie și când trebuie să fie acolo, iar Nacua are mâinile pentru a muta lanțurile.
Statistici 2024: 75 de completări, 927 de metri, 5 aterizări
DK Metcalf și Tyler Lockett au amândoi legături grozave cu Smith, dar Smith Njigba este cel care a preluat cu adevărat această ofensă în acest sezon. Jucătorul din al doilea an a fost excelent, iar această pereche — care excelează pe trasee alese — este a treia la yardage.
Statistici 2024: 30 de completări, 403 de metri, 2 aterizări
Doubs este în prezent eliminat din cauza unei comoții, dar când este pe teren, Love își caută devreme și des — mai ales când Doubs este într-un 1-la-1 afară. Love mută mingea către Jayden Reed, Christian Watson și Dontayvion Wicks, dar jocul de pasă al celor de la Packers este diferit când Doubs este aliniat. Este un adevărat receptor care face totul.
Statistici 2024: 57 de completări, 873 de metri, 5 aterizări
Ar putea fi argumentat ca Drake London să fie aici în loc de Mooney, deși Mooney are mai multă distanță în sezon decât Londra (866). Când te uiți la Atlanta, Mooney seamănă din ce în ce mai mult cu WR1 ca receptor X și el câștigă atâta în josul câmpului. Cousins și Mooney s-au conectat pentru 12 completări la pase aruncate la cel puțin 20 de metri în jos, la egalitate cel mai mult în NFL.
Statistici 2024: 63 de completări, 846 de metri, 5 aterizări
A avea pe cineva ca Sutton în atac poate fi extrem de important pentru un fundaș începător, iar această pereche devine din ce în ce mai eficientă. Cele 846 de yarzi ale lor împreună ocupă top 10, iar Sutton s-a bucurat de trasee de intrare și de a merge mingi împotriva acoperirii 1-la-1.
Statistici 2024: 65 de completări, 735 de metri, 3 aterizări
S-ar putea ca Shakir să nu primească cel mai mult în camera de recepție a lui Bills; au făcut schimb pentru Amari Cooper și l-au recrutat pe Keon Coleman pentru a prelua roluri importante. Dar nu vă înșelați, Shakir a jucat un rol esențial în boom-ul ofensiv al lui Buffalo în acest sezon. Doar Chase are mai mulți metri după capturare decât Shakir (535), iar Allen face o treabă grozavă de a-i aduce mingea rapid și într-un loc de viraj după capturare.
Statistici 2024: 41 de completări, 604 de metri, 2 aterizări
A doua noastră combinație de la Delfini! Avem Tagovailoa-Hill mai sus pe listă, dar perechea Tagovailoa-Waddle trebuie să fie și aici. A avea Waddle în ofensă este un motiv masiv pentru care Miami este greu de încetinit. Dacă te concentrezi pe oprirea lui Hill, Waddle te va arde.
Printre perechile QB-WR cu cel puțin 50 de ținte, acestea două sunt la egalitate pe locul al treilea în yarzi pe încercare (11,8) și pe locul al doilea în rata primului în jos (60,8%).
Statistici 2024: 45 de completări, 553 de metri, 5 aterizări
Pentru a nu fi mai prejos, Eagles primesc și o a doua combinație pe listă. Smith este de încredere atât pe câștiguri scurte, cât și pe jocurile mari în adâncul terenului. Nu are niciun drop, iar rata sa de 72,6% de prindere ocupă locul 13 printre WR-urile cu cel puțin 60 de ținte.
Aceasta trebuia să fie săptămâna în care Kirk Cousins s-a răzbunat pe vechea lui echipă. În schimb, vikingii au demonstrat că au luat decizia inteligentă de a trece de la fostul lor fundaș. Sam Darnold a fost quarterback-ul care l-a înlocuit pe Cousins în Minnesota și a plecat duminică, aruncând pentru cinci touchdown-uri în victoria cu 42-21 a Vikings împotriva Falcons.
În victorie, Darnold a realizat mai multe lucruri pe care Cousins nu le-a făcut niciodată în timpul celor șase ani în Minnesota:
Darnold a fost primul QB Vikings cu cinci sau mai multe aterizări de pasă într-un joc de la Daunte Culpepper în 2004.
Darnold are acum patru jocuri consecutive cu cel puțin două pase de touchdown și zero interceptări, care este cea mai lungă serie dintr-un singur sezon din istoria francizei.
Darnold este acum primul QB care a început cu 11-2 sau mai bine în primul său sezon, după ce și-a schimbat echipele de la Brett Favre în 2009. Favre a făcut-o și cu Vikingii. În primele 13 jocuri cu Falcons, Cousins are pe Atlanta la 6-7.
Având în vedere asta, să trecem la note, începând cu marea victorie a Minnesota:
Campionul olimpic la discuri Roje Stona și internaționalul de rugby din Australia, Jordan Petaia, vor fi printre ultimele grupe de sportivi care vor lua parte la Calea Internațională a Jucătorilor din NFL.
Programul IPP identifică talentul global și oferă sportivilor oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta abilitățile de fotbal american și, potențial, de a câștiga un loc pe o listă NFL.
În ianuarie, 14 sportivi vor merge într-o tabără de antrenament de 10 săptămâni în Florida – cu sesiuni pe teren și la clasă – înainte de a-și prezenta abilitățile cercetașilor NFL înainte de draftul NFL de anul viitor.
Jucătorii de rugby Louis Rees-Zammit și Travis Clayton, plus fotbalistul gaelic Charlie Smyth au fost selectați de echipele NFL după ce au făcut parte din clasa 2024.
Grupul din 2025 îi include pe Dante Barnett și Mapalo Mwansa din Marea Britanie, unicul reprezentant al Irlandei fiind Aaron Sexton, aripa uniunii de rugby din Ulster.
Stona, în vârstă de 25 de ani, s-a antrenat cu două echipe NFL în primăvara anului trecut, înainte de a câștiga prima medalie de aur olimpică a Jamaicii într-un eveniment de aruncare la Paris 2024.
Petaia, în vârstă de 24 de ani, a fost deja legat de o schimbare de la uniunea de rugby și va avea ca scop să imite colegul australian Jordan Mailata.
De când programul IPP a fost înființat în 2017, 41 de jucători internaționali s-au alăturat echipelor NFL, dintre care 23 în prezent cu echipe și șase ajungând pe lista activă a unei echipe.
Mailata este cel mai de succes care a trecut de la liga de rugby de vârstă pentru a deveni o parte cheie a liniei ofensive a Philadelphia Eagles, ajutându-i să ajungă la Super Bowl în 2023.
„Concentrarea asupra eforturilor noastre globale de dezvoltare a fotbalului și încurajarea talentului internațional este crucială pentru a ne dezvolta jocul la nivel global”, a declarat Peter O'Reilly, vicepreședinte executiv al NFL.
„Programul IPP oferă oportunități de schimbare a vieții pentru talente internaționale și așteptăm cu nerăbdare să urmăm progresul acestora în săptămânile și lunile următoare”.