Mi-a plăcut să-mi fac propriul ruj cu ingrediente naturale, dar uneori o fată are nevoie de puțin luciu de buze. Un luciu de buze natural poate adăuga puțină strălucire și culoare buzelor și este simplu de făcut. Iată cum să faci luciu de buze natural, care este hidratant și hrănitor pentru a oferi buzelor tale puțină dragoste!
Bricolaj de buze
Un tutorial popular pentru a vă face propriul luciu de buze este să combinați pur și simplu vaselina (jeleu de petrol) și creioane. Deși este ușor și oferă puțină culoare, această formulare are câteva probleme (mare).
Jeleul de petrol este un produs secundar al industriei de rafinare a petrolului (benzină) și are unele efecte secundare potențiale. Dovezile indică contaminarea cu hidrocarburi toxice și degradarea colagenului pielii. Aceste toxine se acumulează în organism și pot fi chiar trecute prin laptele matern.
Apoi mai e problema creionului…
În timp ce creioanele sunt din punct de vedere tehnic non-toxice, ele nu au fost menite să fie folosite în îngrijirea pielii (mult mai puțin ingerate). Pigmenții folosiți sunt proprietari și (spre deosebire de creioanele DIY) nu există nicio modalitate de a ști ce obțineți. De fapt, Crayola este ferm că consumatorii nu ar trebui să-și folosească creioanele pentru rețete de machiaj.
Atunci cum faci luciu de buze DIY?
Reteta de luciu de buze de casa
Există o mulțime de ingrediente naturale și sigure pe care le puteți folosi pentru a vă face propriile rețete de îngrijire a buzelor! O rețetă de balsam de buze este excelentă pentru hidratarea buzelor, iar luciul natural de buze poate face același lucru. Uleiurile purtătoare ajută la hidratare, în timp ce ceara de albine și untul de shea protejează. De asemenea, puteți adăuga câteva picături de ulei esențial pentru parfum și beneficii suplimentare.
Puteți adăuga o nuanță sau puteți face mai mult un luciu de buze clar. Deoarece ceara de albine, unturile și uleiurile au în mod natural o anumită culoare, nu va arăta limpede în recipient, ci va apărea pe buze. Pentru colorant, mica funcționează bine pentru a adăuga puțină strălucire. O altă opțiune este să infuzi uleiul purtător cu rădăcină de alcanet pentru un pigment roșu. Pudra de sfeclă roșie este uneori recomandată, dar nu oferă multă culoare și devine granuloasă.
Cum să faci luciu de buze
Acum că am eliminat opțiunea creion/vaselină, ce ingrediente folosim? Bazele convenționale pentru luciu de buze folosesc ingrediente precum Versagel ca bază. Deși este limpede și ușor de colorat, este, de asemenea, format din răsucitori de limbă precum poliizobutenă hidrogenată și hidroxihidrocinamat de pentaeritritil tetra-di-t-butil. (Da, chiar e un cuvânt!)
Nu am chef să inger nimic din asta punându-mi pe buze!
În schimb, această rețetă folosește uleiuri purtătoare, ceară de albine, ulei de ricin și (opțional) rădăcină de alcanet pentru culoare. Uleiul de ricin este cu adevărat ingredientul secret. Nu numai că hrănește buzele, dar le oferă acea strălucire lucioasă. Dacă nu doriți o opțiune colorată, atunci omiteți rădăcina alcanet. Uleiul de migdale dulci, uleiul de măsline și uleiul de jojoba funcționează aici. Nu am folosit ulei de cocos deoarece se schimba de la lichid la solid in functie de temperatura. În acest fel, dacă casa ta se răcește, poți să aplici luciul de buze.
Recipiente pentru luciu de buze
Deseori fac balsamuri de buze pentru a le oferi cadou și folosesc recipientele sau cutiile de balsam de buze twist up. Luciul de buze este mult mai moale, așa că nu va funcționa într-un recipient Chapstick. Există o mulțime de tuburi de luciu de buze cu o baghetă aplicatoare disponibile pe Amazon, dar am putut găsi doar opțiuni din plastic. Opțiunea populară pentru sticla de stoarcere este, de asemenea, din plastic. În schimb, am optat să folosesc o sticlă cu rolă de sticlă pentru acest luciu de buze.
Dacă nu aveți o sticlă cu role, va funcționa și o cutie de metal sau un borcan de sticlă. Rețineți că produsul va fi moale, astfel încât se poate dezordona. Puteți oricând să creșteți puțin ceara de albine pentru a o face mai solidă într-un borcan.
Cum să faci luciu de buze cu arome
Uleiurile esențiale sunt o modalitate ușoară și sănătoasă de a-ți parfuma luciul de buze. Anumite uleiuri esențiale, cum ar fi scorțișoara, cuișoarele și iarba de lămâie pot provoca iritații și arsuri, chiar și în cantități mici. Altele, cum ar fi lămâia, lămâia și bergamota sunt fototoxice. Uleiurile fototoxice pot provoca arsuri dacă pielea/buzele sunt apoi expuse la lumina soarelui.
Unele opțiuni bune sigure pentru buze (când sunt diluate corespunzător) includ:
Puteți amesteca și potrivi aromele care sună bine și puteți experimenta pentru a vă crea propriile arome!
Bricolaj de buze
Acest luciu de buze ușor menține buzele hidratate în timp ce adaugă o notă de culoare naturală. Fă-o simplă sau adaugă puțină mică pentru un pic de strălucire!
Randament: 1uncie
Autor: Katie Wells
Adăugați ceară de albine, unt de shea, ulei de jojoba și ulei de ricin în partea de sus a cazanului dublu sau a vasului de sticlă.
Se încălzește la foc mediu-mare, amestecând din când în când până se topește complet.
Opriți focul și adăugați uleiul de vitamina E, mica și uleiurile esențiale, dacă utilizați.
Apoi, adăugați glicerina dacă folosiți, amestecând energic.
Turnați imediat amestecul în recipiente.
Puteți păstra acest lucru într-o sticlă cu role sau creșteți ceara de albine la 3/4 de linguriță și păstrați-o într-un borcan mic de sticlă.
Pentru a infuza balsamul de buze cu culoare naturală, încercați să utilizați rădăcină de alcanet. Am folosit 1 linguriță de rădăcină alcanet măcinată la 2 lingurițe de ulei purtător. Se lasă la infuzat în partea superioară a unui boiler timp de 1 până la 2 ore, apoi se strecoară pudra.
Mai multe produse naturale de frumusețe
Iată câteva rețete de bricolaj de încercat. Ei fac cadouri grozave (și nu uita să păstrezi câteva pentru tine!).
Ți-ai făcut vreodată propriul machiaj înainte? Pentru ce produse ați dori să vedeți rețete? Lasă un comentariu și anunță-ne!
Toothpaste has been a passion of mine ever since I learned teeth can be remineralized. I used to always make my own, but there are so many good options out there now. However, there are plenty of brands that claim to be natural yet have sketchy ingredients.
Here are some of the best natural toothpaste brands that are non-toxic and beneficial to your teeth.
What’s Wrong With Conventional Toothpaste?
Conventional toothpaste on Amazon or at the local big box store has questionable ingredients. Some are toxic, and others prevent teeth from remineralizing. Many are also too abrasive, leading to a gradual breakdown of tooth enamel when they’re used as part of your oral care routine. Here are some ingredients to look out for when shopping for toothpaste:
Parabens are sometimes used as preservatives in toothpaste. They’re added to many personal care products to prevent mold or bacteria growth. Mold prevention is of course a good thing. However, they’re also known to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they could mess with hormones.
Parabens have also been linked to breast and testicular cancers. While more research is needed, it’s best to avoid parabens. Especially in any product that goes on the skin or in the mouth.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
Sodium lauryl sulfate (or its cousin sodium laureth sulfate) is a foaming agent in toothpaste. While it gives brushing your teeth the impression of a scrubby bubble clean, it can irritate the oral tissues. For some people, SLS causes painful canker sores.
While it may seem obvious not to have sugar in your toothpaste, artificial sweeteners aren’t a good substitute. Examples of these sweeteners are saccharin, erythritol, and aspartame. They can cause tissue irritation and have some links to cancer.
Vegetable glycerine is also used as a sweetener. While it’s often derived from coconut or palm oil, glycerin can also come from soy. Unfortunately, most soy products are genetically modified. There’s also some concern that glycerin could coat the teeth and prevent the enamel from remineralizing.
The one exception I make is for xylitol. It’s a sugar alcohol with proven oral health benefits. While I don’t like to eat a lot of it (it can irritate the gut), I do use it in toothpaste. It’s naturally found in fruits and veggies and doesn’t impact blood sugar
Chemists add dyes to make that lovely aquamarine or red color characteristic of a few famous brands. They’re often used in fruity kids’ toothpaste, like strawberry or watermelon flavors. In theory, these dyes make brushing teeth more appealing and fun. However, they can also contribute to inflammation and irritation in the mouth. Avoid FD&C dyes, like Red 30 and Blue 1 Lake.
Artificial Colors and Flavors
Artificial anything isn’t a great thing to be putting into your body. Remember, much of what you put in your mouth eventually absorbs into the bloodstream. Artificial ingredients may create inflammation and contribute to many health issues.
Microplastics can also show up in some toothpaste brands. Tiny plastic beads or particles are sometimes used as abrasives or exfoliators. The Ocean Blue Project is a non-profit dedicated to keeping our oceans safe and free of toxins, including plastics. They share that if your toothpaste label lists polypropylene or polyethylene, it has microplastics.
Triclosan is a pesticide used in some toothpaste to fight plaque and gingivitis. However, it’s also an endocrine-disrupting chemical. Some animal studies have shown high amounts of triclosan could impact thyroid function. Other evidence points to triclosan potentially contributing to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. EGCG from green tea is a healthier alternative.
What to Look for in a Natural Toothpaste
Keep an eye out for these on a toothpaste label.
Contains no artificial sweeteners
Coconut oil
Baking soda
Aloe vera
Essential oils like peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, and tea tree oil
Calcium hydroxyapatite
Herbs that benefit oral health
Xylitol for remineralization and plaque reduction
Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste
Calcium hydroxyapatite is a key ingredient to look for. It’s a form of calcium that makes up 97% of tooth enamel. Even better, it can help remineralize and restore damaged enamel. Plus it helps maintain strong, healthy teeth as we age.
Some toothpastes have nano-hydroxyapatite, which is synthetic and something I avoid. Micro-hydroxyapatite however is the smallest natural hydroxyapatite available. Even though the nano size is smaller, it may not be the better option since it’s still synthetic.
Hydroxyapatite is a great way to remineralize teeth naturally and help prevent tooth decay. When teeth are healthy and strong, it also helps reduce tooth sensitivity. Many natural brands are opting for hydroxyapatite instead of fluoride, but be sure to look out for which kind they use.
Review of Common Natural Toothpastes
1. Tom’s of Maine:
Let’s look at Tom’s of Maine Natural Fluoride-Free SLS-Free Botanically Bright Toothpaste, Peppermint. It appears to be a healthy option. After all, it’s fluoride-free, SLS-free, and sweetened with sugar alcohols and stevia. Here’s the full list of ingredients.
Is this a good natural toothpaste option? Well, let’s look at a few of the listed ingredients.
Carrageenan is something to avoid in anything that goes in the mouth (food or toothpaste). In animal studies, researchers use it to cause inflammation.
Natural flavor – Described as peppermint oil and “other natural flavor.” It gives the toothpaste its mint flavor. Manufacturers can use any number of chemicals, including MSG.
This toothpaste has a few questionable ingredients and doesn’t offer a lot to remineralize teeth.
2. Spry Kids:
Next up, Xlear – Spry Kid’s Tooth Gel with Xylitol, Original Flavor. This toothpaste has a very short list of ingredients, as you can see below.
The least familiar ingredients listed are likely the calcium glycerophosphate and cellulose gum. Some use calcium glycerophosphate as a calcium dietary supplement. Cellulose gum is a soluble fiber used as a thickener. All the ingredients in this product are safe for use in toothpaste and help prevent cavities.
Spry is also one of the few toothpaste brands that use xylitol NOT derived from corn (for those with allergies or sensitivities). It doesn’t have any flavor but teeth feel clean afterward.
3. Jason:
Jason is a common brand in natural foods and supplement stores. This company has both fluoride toothpaste and fluoride-free toothpaste. Here, we’ll review Jason Simply Coconut Strengthening Toothpaste, Coconut Mint.
Natural flavor is suspect since it’s listed in addition to the essential oils of peppermint and spearmint. Otherwise, the ingredients list is pretty clean.
4. Dr. Bronner’s All-One Toothpaste:
People know Dr. Bronner’s brand for its All-One soaps. Some even use them as a substitute for toothpaste. However, they also have a toothpaste line, which includes Dr. Bronner’s All-One Toothpaste (Peppermint). This toothpaste is 70% organic ingredients, fluoride-free, and SLS-Free. Here’s what’s in it:
This is a pretty clean and organic toothpaste. Like many of the others, it may get teeth clean but doesn’t offer much in the way of remineralizing teeth. I found it hard to get my teeth feeling clean with this one because it was so non-abrasive.
5. David’s:
David’s Nano Hydroxyapatite Natural Toothpaste, Peppermint has hydroxyapatite, to strengthen enamel. While that’s a positive, nano-hydroxyapatite is the synthetic version.
David’s hydroxyapatite toothpaste is pretty good, and it comes in an old-fashioned recyclable metal tube with a key roller. Carrageenan is also there, contributing to irritation and potentially canker sores.
6. Boka
Boka has nano-sized hydroxyapatite (synthetic) for stronger enamel. It’s also fluoride-free, SLS-free, paraben-free, and free of artificial flavors. It’s also free of all endocrine disruptors. Their Ela-Mint toothpaste has the following ingredients:
Boka has natural ingredients that help with teeth whitening. And the xylitol and essential oils are really helpful for preventing cavities and general oral health. The downside here is that the nano-hydroxyapatite is synthetic.
7. RiseWell
RiseWell is a hydroxyapatite toothpaste with lots of essential oils and natural sweeteners. Some people experience gastrointestinal issues from artificial sweeteners like erythritol which is also in this brand. It can cause problems like gas, bloating, and stomach pain.
RiseWell has beneficial essential oils for fresh breath and oral health, but it’s not clear what type of hydroxyapatite they use though, and it has artificial sugar alcohols. Glycerin can also be a concern as some studies show that it can impact the ability for hydroxyapatite to soak into the tooth enamel.
Best Natural Toothpaste Brand
My favorite natural toothpaste is the one I helped create! (No surprise there). So even though it’s at the end of the review, you could say it’s number one.
Wellnesse is what I use and recommend. It’s the first brand that uses natural hydroxyapatite for tooth remineralization but also skips the glycerin and fluoride.
Fluoride is bad news when it’s absorbed or swallowed, and there’s some concern glycerin isn’t the best for teeth. While there isn’t hard evidence on glycerin and teeth, I prefer to err on the side of caution and avoid it when it’s paired with hydroxyapatite.
Wellnesse has natural whitening toothpaste and charcoal toothpaste. There’s also a kid’s strawberry version and a cinnamint flavor. Here are the ingredients for the regular whitening toothpaste and the charcoal version.
Wellnesse Fresh Mint Whitening ToothpasteIngredients
Xylitol is great for cavity prevention and the natural hydroxyapatite strengthens enamel. Then there’s activated charcoal to help naturally whiten and detox the mouth.
Wellnesse also has Children’s Strawberry Toothpaste (formulated on the same ingredients as the Whitening Toothpaste), toothbrushes, probiotic mints to support the oral microbiome, silk floss, and oral care gift sets, not to mention skin care. More recently they’ve come out with a Balanced Mouth Blend to boost toothpaste or use as a mouthwash.
You can check out all of their oral care items (including toothpaste) here.
Bottom Line: Ingredients Matter!
It’s possible to have minty fresh breath and whiter teeth with natural toothpaste. Many also have antiplaque and anticavity ingredients too. The key is to find a toothpaste that’s not only free of toxic ingredients but supports oral health.
Keep in mind that bad breath or sensitive teeth may indicate something else is going on in your body. Oral health can reflect overall health. Be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner to get thorough testing and restore function to your body.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Have you been able to remineralize your teeth? Share with us below!
I’ve never understood it… the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for Black Friday sale gifts for those same people! No judgment from me if that’s your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively).
I’m doing my early shopping from the comfort of home on Black Friday (likely while still wearing PJs). And Cyber Monday (which I’ll update on Monday morning) thanks to some companies I love. Most of these are from family-owned companies and they’re offering great online discounts this weekend.
Not only can you get some shopping done early, but you can support some great small businesses too!
My Favorite Black Friday Deals on Natural Products
Need more ideas for everyone on your list (and, ahem, a thing or two for you)? You can see my gift giving guide for everyone on your list here.
Jaspr Air Filter
Our family has used air filters for years but I’ve recently switched to Jaspr and love the performance! I’ve definitely noticed a positive difference in our home’s air quality. Unlike some brands, Jaspr was specifically designed to remove some of the toughest pollution, including toxins from wildfire smoke. It reduces over 99% of fine particles (smoke, pollen, dust) in 20 minutes and can reduce bedroom allergens by over 95%.
Jaspr is made from steel (not plastic)and has a lifetime warranty. And since it has a 360 degree wrap around air intake you can put it close to furniture and it will still work.
Get the Deal: Use code wellnessmama for a $400 discount!
Just Thrive Supplements
You’ve probably heard me say before (lots of times!) that our food quality isn’t what it used to be. Even with organic options, soil nutrient depletion has wreaked havoc on our health. Finding good supplements that actually work well can be a challenge. My family loves Just Thrive supplements and I’m impressed with their quality.
We mainly use their probiotics, which unlike many brands can survive stomach acid and make it to the gut! Their proprietary strains have been 3rd party clinically tested and proven to arrive 100% alive in your gut. They’re 1000x more effective than most probiotic brands and my kids love their gummy version.
Get the Deal: Save 25% sitewide with code BFCM25 until December 3.
I’ve had the founder of LeelaQ on the podcast in the past as they have some amazing products on the market to neutralize EMFs. Leela Quantum Tech’s biggest sale of the year starts now and runs through December 3rd.
They have 25% OFF everything and 35% OFF when customers pay with crypto!
Get the Deal: Get 25% to 35% off with code BLACKFRIDAY until December 3.
Annmarie Gianni Skincare Set
As we enter the winter months, I’m sure your skin is beginning to remind you it needs a little more love than usual. Unfortunately, steamy showers, dry furnace heat, and windy days can wreak havoc on your skin this time of the year.
As a long-time customer of Annmarie Skin Care, I know their products are clean and MADE SAFE®-certified. For Black Friday you can get their Clean Beauty Bundle + Activated Night Serum Trial for 74% off plus free shipping.
Get the Deal: Shop the set here.
Purality Health Supplements
If the holiday stress is starting to get to you, supporting the body’s health can help! Purality has a 2-step protocol for both your mind and body that includes glutathione and ashwagandha. Right now you can try them (or stock up!) with a buy one get one free deal (plus 20% off).
Our family also likes their vitamin C. Purality uses a liposomal formula for faster absorption so your body is better able to use the nutrients.
Get the Deal: Buy one get one free on their glutathione and ashwagandha products, plus save up to 20% on top of the BOGO deal.
Queen of the Thrones
My favorite castor oil brand for healthy skin and hair. It’s also great for supporting the body’s natural detox pathways and can be used for castor oil packs. Not only is it organic, but it’s hexane-free and always bottled in amber glass, not plastic.
Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil is high quality and third-party tested to guarantee purity and potency.
Get the Deal: Get up to 47% off sitewide now through Monday.
I love Organifi’s Gold Drink and their Green Juice. Right now they have a new apple crisp Green Juice flavor! Sometimes green drinks feel more like a chore than a tasty drink, but I love Organifi’s mildly sweet taste. It has 11 superfoods and I like using it whenever I feel an illness coming on or just to support everyday wellness. Their GOLD drink features a blend of mushrooms, lemon balm, ginger, turmeric, and other superfoods to help me unwind at night.
Get the Deal: Save 30% off sitewide & free shipping + free steel water bottle with the first 1,000 orders.
Beam Dream
A healthy hot cocoa for sleep! Their White Chocolate Peppermint Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep and help you wake up refreshed. Plus it tastes like dessert! times. It’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and sweetened with monk fruit.
Or try one of their other nutritious drink mixes, from greens powder to lattes to a hormone-balancing blend.
Get the Deal: Wellness Mama readers get exclusive 24-hour early access to Beam’s biggest Black Friday sale ever—up to 50% off sitewide automatically on the site.
Our Place
I like to use their Always Pan which is the first non-stick pan without PFAS and other toxins. I also like their Wonder Oven which is a non-toxic air fryer/toaster/oven all in one! (priced down to $149!). Air fryers are such a time saver for busy days but most of them have toxic non-stick coatings inside.
Plus you can shop all of their cookware and bakeware.
Get the Deal: Save up to 40% on their entire collection from now until December 3.
Naturepedic Organic Bedding
I ordered a Naturepedic mattress several years ago and it was easy to assemble and comfortable. They have many organic options, including some without springs. Naturepedic options are all GOTS, GOLS, Non-GMO, Greenguard, and Green America certified.
They don’t use any flame-retardant chemicals (even the more “natural” ones) and still meet all state and federal safety standards.
Naturepedic offers a wide variety of mattresses, pillows, bedding, and accessories.
Get the Deal: Save 20% off sitewide + free pillows now through December 4.
I just ordered the XL Twin mattresses for my girls after they tried the mattress out at a conference. They’re really excited about their new mattresses! The Essentia sale is now until November 30th and you can stack our Code: WELLNESSMAMA for an additional $100 off a Lifestyle or Performance mattress. This includes the Stratami (top rated by Consumer Reports), Tatami, Grateful Eight, Classic REM5 Active, and Dormeuse REM9 Active.
Save 25% OFF Sitewide during their Black Friday Sale + 2 FREE Organic Latex Pillows ($330 Value) with an Essentia Organic Mattress purchase.
Get the Deal: Get 25% off sitewide plus free pillows with a mattress purchase until Nov 30.
Pique Tea
There are so many good options at Pique it’s hard to narrow them down. They offer a variety of black, green, and herbal teas, plus an adaptogenic coffee alternative with medicinal mushrooms. Pique has really stringent purity standards and offers some of the healthiest teas in easy to use sachet packets. Or try some of their supplements!
Spend $80, get a free Bag, Cup
Spend $150 – get a free Bag, Cup, Creamer, Candle
Spend $200 – get a free Bag, Cup, Creamer, Candle, Chai
Get the Deal: Click here to get your FREE gifts with purchase from Nov 25 – Dec 5 or until supplies last.
Purity Coffee
So many of us enjoy coffee to start our day. However, coffee beans are often contaminated with pesticides, mold, mycotoxins, and more. I don’t drink coffee every single day, but the amazing flavor of Purity Coffee almost makes me want to!
They’re organic and tested to be free of mold, mycotoxins, and other contaminants.
Get the Deal: Save 20% through December 8th.
Vibrant Blue Oils
I use several different essential oils brands, but Vibrant Blue Oils are unique. Their blends are carefully formulated with very particular ratios of specific oils. They help shift organs in the body and regions of the brain to support physiological function and emotional balance. One of my favorites is their parasympathetic blend.
Get the Deal: Until November 30 save 25% off of the whole store PLUS free shipping on US orders over $100.
Purity Woods
I bought a sample tube a couple of years ago and it was love at first swipe! I began to use the Dream Cream on my neck when it started to feel a little dry and not as firm as it used to be.
I love that it’s certified organic and packed with skin-nourishing ingredients. In fact, their Dream Cream has over 25 research-based botanical extracts and plant butters.
Get the Deal: From now until December 5th get an additional $5 off each bottle of dream cream, up to 38% off PLUS free shipping.
Science meets skincare when it comes to OneSkin. All their products, including OS-01 FACE are backed by lab and clinical studies, certified safe for sensitive skin, and free from harmful ingredients.
What sets OneSkin apart is its discovery of a new peptide called OS-01. Peptides are what make up our bodies, including our skin. And OS-01 is the only peptide scientifically proven to reverse skin’s biological age.
TIER 1: $30 off $150 (20%)
TIER 2: $60 off $225 (26%)
TIER 3: $100 off $300 (33%)
*Not stackable with other discount codes, new orders only, not valid on existing subscriptions
Get the Deal: Save up to $100 now through December 2nd.
Toups and Co
This is a great clean makeup brand that actually performs well! I’ve used their foundation, mascara, and lip colors. Toups and Co carries all sorts of skincare products from lotion to deodorant to serums and cleansers.
They only use natural, organic ingredients and feature skin superfoods like tallow and aloe vera.
Get the Deal: Now through Cyber Monday save 20% off the entire online store.
Plant Therapy
One of my favorite essential oil brands, Plant Therapy offers a wide variety of single oils and blends. I also love their focus on safe use and their kid-safe line with specially formulated blends for little ones. They take all the guesswork out of aromatherapy!
Plus they have carrier oils, butters, diffusers, and more.
Get the Deal: Today only save 25% off sitewide.
Equip Prime Protein
After years of underfeeding and under-nourishing my body I realized how much healthier I felt when I got enough protein in. It can be hard to get enough protein in my diet sometimes, so I rely on healthy protein powders to fill in some of the gaps. Equip offers grass-fed beef isolate protein that’s an easy (and tasty!) way to get my protein in.
Get the Deal: From now until December 2 get 20% off one-time purchases and 35% off the first month for Subscribe & Save orders. BONUS: Buyers (both new and existing) can save sitewide, including on our NEW Cinnamon Roll Prime Protein!!
NativePath Collagen
Collagen peptides are another type of protein I try to get enough of. They’re a great way to support healthy hair, skin, nails, and gut health. I like NativePath because it comes from grass-fed cows and has type 1 and type 3 collagen. It comes in original, vanilla, or chocolate flavors.
NativePath has set aside a very limited supply for Wellness Mama readers!
Up To 45% OFF Collagen + 3 FREE GIFTS
+ Free Jar of Collagen + 30 Free Collagen Stick Packs (NEW) + Free Fall E-Cookbook (NEW)
Bundle And Get Over $200 In Savings
Free Shipping & 365-Day Money Back Guarantee
Get the Deal: Now through December 2 save here.
Sip Herbals
This drink is for everyone who loves coffee, but for whatever reason wants/needs to avoid it. Sip Herbals offers a tasty alternative of loose leaf herbal teas with earthy flavors reminiscent of coffee.
Organic chicory, dandelion, and other herbs help support the body’s systems, all while tasting delicious. Choose from flavors like peppermint mocha, French vanilla, and seasonal Holiday flavors.
Get the Deal: From now through December 2 save 30% off sitewide.
Spring & Mulberry
I’m not a fan of sugary filled treats and chocolate is no exception. I was excited to find Spring & Mulberry though when I was looking for a healthier chocolate bar.
They’re sweetened only with fruit and come in amazing flavors like chili mango and lavender rose. Or you can get plain if that’s your thing.
Get the Deal: Now through December 2 get 20% off everything.
I shared an Instagram video a few months ago showing my new shower filter and humidifier from Canopy. During their Black Friday sale, save up to 50% off select bundles and products. Their showerheads start at $99 when you subscribe to their filters. And their Humidifier 2.0 starts at $106 when you subscribe.
Get the Deal: Save on Canopy filtered showerheads and humidifiers here.
Caraway Pans and Cookware
I have the full cookware set from Caraway as well as some of their bakeware. Their non-toxic pots and pans are made with earth-friendly ceramic and free of harmful chemicals. I love that they have some really fun colors to match the kitchen.
Their stackable set makes storage a breeze. You can even find safe baking racks, teapots, kitchen towels, food storage containers, and more.
Get the Deal: Right now get up to 20% off here until December 31st.
Kombucha Kamp
This is my go-to place for everything kombucha and kefir! You can find continuous brew systems, scobies, kefir grains, brewing vessels, plus jun tea supplies. Then there are the teas, jar covers, pH meters, bottling supplies, and so much more.
Not only do they offer everything you could need to brew your own kombucha, but they’ll teach you how to make it too. You can listen to my podcast episode with Hanah here.
Get the Deal: Save 20% off with the code THNX20 until December 2.
Saunas are amazing for cardiovascular health, better skin, less anxiety, a better mood, and so much more.
The sauna blanket from HigherDose is an easy and portable way to get a sauna session in. They also have infrared PEMF mats, red light face masks, and a full-spectrum infrared sauna. Plus they’re made without toxic materials and they’re low EMF.
Get the Deal: Right now get 20% off sitewide with code BFCM and 30% off of bundles. Plus a free HighDration kit with orders over $500.
This brand has some of my favorite clean skincare products. They came about after their founder Andy was involved in a very serious accident and wanted skincare ingredients to help him heal. The result is amazing products that help detox, nourish, and build healthy skin!
I love their clay mask or really anything from their skincare line! You’ll find toners, scrubs, body oil, cleansers, lotion, serums, and so much more.
Get the Deal: Save up to 60% and get free shipping.
Bon Charge
Bon Charge has my favorite blue light glasses for after dark (some studies show these can help with hormones and better sleep). You’ll also find red light therapy panels, infrared sauna blankets, infrared PEMF mats, and red lights for nighttime.
Our family uses these soft red lights after dark to help us all wind-down and get better sleep. Plus they have EMF shielding products for those who work on the computer or phone a lot.
Get the Deal: Right now you can get 25% off sitewide and free shipping on orders over $125.
Radiant Life
I can’t say enough about Radiant Life products! I have their whole house water filter system and their under the sink 14 stage filter which makes having clean water effortless. You can also find many other things from Radiant Life in my kitchen.
They have several different Black Friday sales going on until December 8th:
Code WM25: $25 off orders over $100 plus free shipping (valid on any product on our site)
Code WM200: $200 off any Whole House Water System or 14-Stage Purifier – up to $400 in savings on our most popular home water systems
Code WM20: Save 20% on the Countertop Gravity Water System, Countertop Gravity XL Water System + Direct Connect/Direct Connect Plus
Get the Deal: Check out their products and use the promo codes here
Everlywell Tests
Ever wanted to get some lab testing done but didn’t want to wait at the doctor’s office? There are now labs like Everlywell that allow you to order your own tests and have them shipped to your door. I used them when I was tracking my health stats during my weight loss journey and they’re a nice tool to have.
They offer quite a few different tests including a women’s hormone panel, and tests for food sensitivities, thyroid, metabolism, Lyme disease, and more.
Get the Deal: Right now get up to 30% off with code THANKFUL.
This supplement brand has my favorite magnesium supplement, Magnesium Breakthrough. It features 7 different kinds of magnesium in a bioavailable pill for maximum absorption.
I’ve noticed that it helps reduce my stress levels and I feel so much more relaxed. They also have clean supplements for better sleep, brain health, better digestion, and more.
Get the Deal: Get 25% off sitewide until December 3.
Harkla weighted blankets, sensory swings, and other products are great for kids with sensory difficulties, ADHD, autism, and the like. Even if your child doesn’t struggle with some of these issues, sensory swings activate the vestibular system and help keep them active. You can hang the swing in your child’s room or even the living room!
They also offer digital courses to help kids improve focus, mood, and behavior, as well as infant sensory development. Harkla even has a course to help children who have retained primitive reflexes (89% of elementary students!) that negatively affect coordination, motor skills, and social skills.
Get the Deal: Get 20% off sensory products and 25% off digital courses through December 2.
Truly Free Home
I used to make all of my own laundry products, but now I don’t have to. I’ve been using Truly Free’s non-toxic Refillable Laundry Wash for years. Not only are they made with non-toxic ingredients that are great for my family’s skin, but it removes tough stains (grease, grass, spaghetti, juice).
They ship to your door so you don’t even have to take a trip out to the store. And I love that with the refills I’m not adding extra one use plastic bottles into the landfill.
Get the Deal: Get an extra 20% off with code BETTER20.
If you’re searching for clean, all-natural personal care products, check out my line! You’ll find toothpaste, oral care, hair care, deodorant, and more. I’ve spent over a decade perfecting the Wellnesse collection.
These products have only safe, natural ingredients and work better than their conventional alternatives. I know because my family has been using (and loving) them for years, and I’m beyond excited to share them with all of you. Bonus: they make the perfect stocking stuffer!
Get the Deal: Get 20% off orders and 25% off orders above $100
Paleovalley beef sticks are the go-to snack for our family when we’re out or traveling. They’re 100% grass-fed and as clean (and delicious) as it gets. They also have naturally occurring probiotics since they use fermentation.
They have several different flavors to choose from. Check out their other high-quality products too like grass-fed bone broth protein, superfood bars, tallow, olive oil, and supplements.
Get the Deal: Get up to 35% off everything. Plus a free gift and free shipping (for life) with your purchase of $75 .
Beekeeper’s Naturals
This company makes a full line of bee-based health products, and it’s not just honey! I use their bee propolis throat spray to ward off a sore or scratchy throat. I also mix a spoonful of their sleep-inducing B.Chill hemp honey into a cup of tea at night.
Beekeeper’s also has a cough syrup we love. It’s free of refined sugars, dyes, added flavors, gluten, soy, cheap fillers, or anything unnecessary. I also love their soothing lozenges and their Propolis+Vitamin C!
Get the Deal: Save 30% off everything and get free shipping on orders $50+ until December 3.
My Green Mattress
Getting a natural mattress can be a significant investment and they don’t often go on sale. I ordered one from My Green Mattress when one of my littles moved up to a twin-size bed and she loves it. We also have this mattress brand in our guest room and I’ve gotten positive feedback on it from guests.
They’re also GOLS, GOTS, and GREENGUARD certified. Read my full review here.
Get the Deal: Save up to $300 on organic mattresses and 15% off bedding, crib mattresses, and bases.
Branch Basics
I never thought I’d say goodbye to my DIY cleaners, but several years ago I minimized my cleaning closet with Branch Basics concentrate. I can make cleaning sprays, laundry detergent, and even hand soap. They’re totally non-toxic and meet my high standards, but versatile and effective enough to use for any cleaning job.
Get the Deal: Save 25% off NEW exclusive kits and 20% off all existing products (including refills) gift cards are excluded, no code needed.
Air Doctor
Did you know indoor air can be hundreds of times more polluted than outdoor air? I’m so thankful I’ve found a solution that removes 99.97% of indoor allergens, neutralizes VOCs, pet dander, and much more. I have a few Air Doctor air filters in our house and have noticed a significant difference.
One filter is outside the kitchen area. If I’m doing some stovetop cooking and the kitchen begins to fill with scents, the air filter will automatically begin to filter at a higher speed. They’re offering amazing deals on their site today!
Get the Deal: Save up to $1,100 on their air purifiers.
Kion natural supplements are my go-to after a tough workout or to keep my immune system in check. I use their Berry Aminos as well as Kion Flex for joint health and better recovery.
They also have an amazing real-food bar (my kids love it!) that makes a delicious snack. My kids love the Kion Bar for the taste, and I love that it’s all-natural, made from real food ingredients, and provides stable, long-lasting energy
Get the Deal: Earn up to $100 cashback with purchase here.
Joovv Red Light
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen me snap a picture in front of my Joovv red light panel in my bedroom. I have both their Joovv Go to take with me when I travel and their Solo for a full body session.
Red light therapy is great for skin repair, muscle recovery, wound healing, building collagen, improving hair growth, and more. I’ve noticed firmer skin and my scars faded since using red light. It even helped with my thyroid! Joov has their biggest sale of the year this weekend.
Get the Deal: Save up to $1,000 on Joov products.
More people are becoming aware of the benefits of nootropics (supplements specifically for brain health). Not all the contenders on the market though deliver results. I’ve used and recommended so many of their products to friends. I like their Qualia Mind and Focus, as well as their Qualia Night for better sleep.
They offer several options for improving your focus, vision, eyes, and so much more! These supplements blend together specific vitamins, herbs, adaptogens, amino acids, and antioxidants in a synergistic way to have a big impact on brain health.
Get the Deal: Buy one get one free sitewide today and Saturday. And use KATIE15 for an extra 15% off – this will stack on the BOGO sale!
Sunlighten Sauna
I always feel better when I get a few sauna sessions each week. Studies show it can help with a variety of issues, from heart health to pain relief, and boosted immunity. There are several types of saunas, but Sunlighten uses infrared light in theirs.
Their portable one-person sauna (The Solo) is much less expensive than wooden models. And it’s easier to store. If I feel myself getting sick I immediately spend an hour in there.
Get the Deal: Save here.
Xtrema Cookware
One of my favorite non-toxic, non-stick cookware brands is having a sale! Their products are third-party tested and they share their test results. Xtrema is also easy to clean, dishwasher and oven-safe, and won’t scratch or flake. It’s also safe to use on high heat, cooks well on low heat, and can go in the fridge or freezer. You can read my full review here.
Get the Deal: Shop the sale here.
These days EMFs are everywhere. They’re in our homes, schools, stores, etc. Somavedic helps mitigate these unwanted influences of EMF radiation for better health.
We have a couple of these in our home. The semi-precious stones and metals inside the beautiful glass sphere help mitigate any EMFs. There are a few different sizes and options as well as a travel size version.
Get the Deal: Save 20% off with code BF2024 plus a FREE Somavedic on orders over $5,000.
Need More Black Friday Shopping?
Many of the items on my natural gift-giving guide are on sale. You never know what you might find at a great price this weekend… enjoy!
Deși nu mi-am lăsat niciodată barbă, mulți bărbați din viața mea au făcut-o! Fie că este vorba de soțul, tatăl sau fratele tău, iată câteva opțiuni grozave pentru cel mai bun ulei de barbă. Acestea ajută la hrănirea pielii și la calmarea iritațiilor și inflamațiilor, oferind în același timp un miros plăcut.
Sunt grozave de umplutură pentru ciorapi sau cadouri. Și dacă ai chef să-ți faci singur, iată rețeta mea de ulei de barbă DIY.
Ce este uleiul de barbă și cum se folosește
O barbă sănătoasă începe cu o rutină bună de îngrijire. Și dacă tu (sau celălalt semnificativ) ai făcut No-Shave-noiembrie anul acesta, poate că cauți o modalitate de a menține acea barbă. Din ce în ce mai mulți bărbați folosesc ulei de barbă pentru un păr mai puternic, o piele mai sănătoasă și o barbă frumoasă.
Săpunul obișnuit poate provoca pielea uscată, deoarece nu este cu adevărat creat pentru părul facial. Și este important să hidratați pielea, dar loțiunea poate fi incomod de aplicat pe zona barbii. Deci, cum ai grijă de părul barbii și de pielea de dedesubt?
După ce te-ai spălat pe față cu o spălare de barbă sau cu săpun, urmărește-o cu hidratare din puțin ulei de barbă. Acestea conțin uleiuri purtătoare specifice (și adesea uleiuri esențiale) pentru a menține atât bărba, cât și pielea dedesubt. De obicei, tot ce aveți nevoie sunt câteva picături masate în piele și barbă. Bărbilele mai lungi au nevoie de puțin mai mult produs.
Cele mai bune ingrediente pentru uleiul de barbă
Uleiul de barbă a explodat în popularitate recent, așa că veți găsi o mulțime de uleiuri de barbă pe piață. Unele dintre ele conțin totuși ingrediente sintetice care pot irita pielea, pot provoca mâncărimi în barbă sau au efecte necunoscute pe termen lung asupra sănătății. Alte mărci folosesc parfumuri artificiale despre care se știe că cauzează probleme precum dezechilibrul hormonal, cancerul, durerile de cap, iritația pielii și multe altele.
Cel mai bun ulei de barbă are un amestec de uleiuri purtătoare naturale (și uneori uleiuri esențiale). Ingrediente precum untul de shea și uleiul de cocos sunt grozave pentru piele, dar sunt prea solide pentru un ulei de barbă lichid. Puteți obține versiuni fără parfum, dar uleiurile esențiale oferă și unele beneficii pentru păr și piele. Iată câteva opțiuni bune de urmărit și ce fac acestea.
Ulei de jojoba – Imită uleiurile naturale ale pielii noastre pentru o absorbție rapidă. Jojoba este antimicrobian, antiinflamator și bogat în vitamine și minerale pentru o piele sănătoasă. De asemenea, are antioxidanți pentru a lupta împotriva îmbătrânirii și a deteriorarii pielii.
Ulei de vitamina E – Un antioxidant natural care luptă împotriva radicalilor liberi. De asemenea, ajută la prelungirea duratei de valabilitate a produselor pe bază de ulei.
Ulei de argan – Bogat în acid linoleic și vitaminele A și E. Acidul linoleic reduce inflamația și acneea, protejând în același timp bariera de hidratare a pielii.
Ulei de ricin – Accelerează creșterea părului (foarte mult!), reduce inflamația și calmează pielea deteriorată. Conține acizi grași care pot ajuta la prevenirea căderii părului. Ajută la hidratarea pielii și descurajează bacteriile nesănătoase care pot provoca erupții. Mărește strălucirea părului și poate ajuta la prevenirea vârfurilor despicate.
Ulei de semințe Meadowfoam – Acest ulei cu sunet luxos are un profil unic de acizi grași cu o durată de valabilitate foarte lungă. Este un emolient care ajută la catifelarea și netezirea pielii, previne pierderea de umiditate, echilibrează producția de ulei și minimizează petele.
Uleiuri esențiale – Opțiunile populare de ulei de barbă includ lemn de santal, mentă, arbore de ceai, lemn de cedru, rozmarin și lavandă. Acestea au o mare varietate de beneficii, cum ar fi antiinflamatorii și antimicrobieni. De asemenea, favorizează creșterea părului și mențin pielea sănătoasă. Dacă pielea este foarte sensibilă sau deteriorată, atunci uleiurile esențiale o pot irita și mai mult.
De ce să folosiți un ulei natural de barbă?
Iată câteva moduri prin care un ulei bun pentru creșterea barbii poate ajuta la îmbunătățirea sănătății barbii și a pielii.
Poate ajuta bărbile petice prin îmbunătățirea creșterii părului. Aceștia funcționează asupra părului de barbă și a pielii goale pentru a încuraja o creștere sănătoasă.
Ajută bărbile mai lungi să rămână fără încurcături. După aplicare, urmați cu un pieptene pentru barbă pentru cele mai bune rezultate.
Face părul gros din barbă să se simtă mai moale.
Hrănește pielea de sub barbă pentru a preveni uscarea, mâncărimea, mătreața și erupțiile.
Întărește foliculii de păr pentru mai puțină căderea și ruperea părului.
Cel mai bun ulei de barbă
Cel mai bun ulei de barbă pentru bărbați depinde de ceea ce cauți. Desigur, îți vei dori ceva care să-ți ofere o barbă sănătoasă, dar ingredientele naturale sunt și ele importante. Unele uleiuri de barbă funcționează bine, dar au ingrediente dure care pot irita pielea sau o pot expune la toxine și perturbatori endocrini.
Următoarele opțiuni de îngrijire a bărbii au ingrediente hrănitoare și funcționează bine. Așa că băieții pot avea o barbă mai bună, o piele mai sănătoasă și să fie ca sărut moale.
Toups & Co | Ulei de barbă
Folosesc Toups & Co de ani de zile și mereu am fost impresionat de produsele lor. Mai important, îmi place că sunt non-toxice și au ingrediente bune pentru pielea ta.
Uleiul lor de barbă ajută la hidratarea și hrănirea zonei barbii. Conține ingrediente precum uleiul de ricin și uleiul de argan pentru a stimula creșterea părului și a umple zonele neregulate. Plus că miroase a pădure de brad Douglas.
Obțineți ulei de barbă Toups & Co aici
INGREDIENTE: ulei de jojoba, ulei de măsline, ulei de ricin, ulei de argan, uleiuri esențiale din extract de fructe de portocale, rășină copaiba, ulei de coajă de grapefruit roz, ulei de coajă de Amyris, ulei de ramură/frunze de brad de Douglas, ulei de lemn de ho, ulei de coajă de tei cheie.
Crunchy Betty | Shaving Days Ulei de barbă de argan
Sunt un mare fan al deodorantului Kokomo de la Crunchy Betty și a tot ceea ce face ea. Acest ulei de barbă este formulat pentru a înmuia și hrăni barba în timp ce hidratează pielea de dedesubt. De asemenea, ajută la stimularea creșterii părului fără a lăsa pielea să se simtă grasă. Uleiul de barbă de argan miroase a lemn de cedru, cu nuanțe florale și citrice.
Obțineți ulei de barbă de argan Crunchy Betty Shaving Days aici
INGREDIENTE: Ulei de argan, ulei de migdale dulci, ulei de jojoba, ulei de ricin fără hexan, ulei esențial de lemn de cedru, ulei esențial de bergamotă (fără bergaptenă), ulei esențial de rozmarin, ulei esențial de lavandă, ulei esențial de ylang ylang
Monstru și fiu | Ulei de barbă
Acest ulei de barbă vine în două arome diferite, iarbă de lămâie și lemn de cedru sau tămâie și lemn de santal. Este realizat cu uleiuri esențiale și ambele versiuni oferă beneficii părului și pielii. Monster & Son folosește uleiuri organice presate la rece pentru o potență maximă. De asemenea, conține ulei de semințe de luncă, care este excelent pentru piele, dar mai greu de găsit în uleiurile de barbă.
Obțineți ulei de barbă Monster & Son aici
INGREDIENTE: Ulei de semințe de argan, ulei de semințe de jojoba, ulei de semințe de măsline, ulei de semințe de luncă, ulei de vitamina E, ulei de santal, tămâie (ulei de cedru, ulei de lămâie).
Amish sincer | Ulei de barbă clasic
Fabricat manual în SUA, Honest Amish folosește un amestec de 14 uleiuri naturale și organice. Este conceput pentru a întări barba și a menține foliculii de păr sănătoși pentru o creștere mai bună. Honest Amish hrănește, de asemenea, pielea de dedesubt pentru a evita „barba” în timp ce adaugă o strălucire plăcută. Versiunea lor clasică are un miros dulce și lemnos.
Obțineți ulei de barbă Honest Amish Classic aici
INGREDIENTE: Ulei extravirgin organic din semințe de dovleac, ulei organic rafinat de avocado, ulei de migdale dulci, ulei virgin organic de sâmburi de caise, ulei de nucă Kukui, ulei de argan organic virgin, ulei de jojoba organic auriu, ulei esențial de lemn de cedru, ulei esențial de muguri de cuișoare, ulei esențial de anason stelat, Ulei esențial de grepfrut (roz), esențial de lavandă (bulgară). Ulei, ulei esențial din frunze de scorțișoară organic, ulei esențial de mentă organică (Arvensis) *uleiuri esențiale organice certificate
Pura D'or | Ulei de barbă pentru bărbați adevărați
Acest ulei de barbă îl menține simplu, în timp ce este eficient. Ingredientele principale sunt uleiul de argan și jojoba, prietenos cu părul, cu uleiuri esențiale adăugate pentru beneficii suplimentare ale pielii. Vitamina E naturală ajută la reducerea mâncărimii. Combinația de uleiuri Pura D'or ajută la menținerea porilor curați și elimină celulele moarte ale pielii pentru a minimiza acneea și firele de păr încarnate.
Obțineți ulei de barbă Pura D'or pentru bărbați adevărați aici
INGREDIENTE: ulei de sâmburi de argan, ulei de semințe de jojoba, ulei de lemn de santal, ulei de coajă de grapefruit, ulei de fructe de bergamotă. *toate certificate organic
Bursucul | Ulei de barbă de bergamotă și vanilie
Bursucul este preferatul meu pentru o mulțime de produse de îngrijire a pielii datorită ingredientelor lor curate. Amestecul lor nu numai că are un parfum minunat de pământ, citrice, dar este plin de ingrediente hrănitoare. Sunt formulate pentru a înmuia, hidrata, proteja și condiționează barba. În plus, uleiurile și extractele naturale sunt ușoare și non-grase.
Cele mai multe uleiuri de barbă vin într-o sticlă cu picurătoare, dar îmi place și sticla unică lată de la Badger.
Obțineți ulei de barbă de bergamotă și vanilie aici
INGREDIENTE: Ulei organic de jojoba, ulei organic de Babassu, ulei organic de floarea soarelui, ulei organic de bergamotă, extract organic de rodie, vitamina E de floarea soarelui, extract organic de vetivert, ulei organic de lemn de santal, ulei organic de cardamom, ulei organic de piper negru, extract organic de vanilie și extract organic de mir. .
Alte produse pentru barbă de încercat
Nu te opri doar la uleiul de barbă! O spălare pentru barbă formulată special pentru zona barbii poate ajuta la prevenirea uscăciunii și iritațiilor cauzate de săpunul obișnuit. Puteți să vă faceți propriul șampon natural hidratant sau să obțineți unul aici de la Morocco Method.
Balsamul de barbă sau untul de barbă hrănesc aproape în același mod, dar aceste produse sunt mai groase. De asemenea, pot conține ingrediente hidratante precum untul de cacao, untul de mango și untul de shea, care sunt prea groase pentru a fi folosite în uleiul de barbă. Balsam de bursuc vinde aici un balsam de barbă bun.
Ce fel de produse îți place să folosești pe barbă? Mama, care sunt modalitățile tale preferate de a menține barba celuilalt semnificativ și moale și sănătoasă? Lasă un comentariu și anunță-ne!