Tag: Musk

  • Judecătorul american respinge oferta SEC de a sancționa Elon Musk

    De Jonathan Stempel

    (Reuters) – Un judecător federal a respins vineri cererea Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare și Burse din SUA de a-l sancționa pe Elon Musk, după ce acesta nu s-a prezentat la mărturia ordonată de instanță pentru ancheta autorității de reglementare cu privire la preluarea lui Twitter de 44 de miliarde de dolari.

    Judecătorul districtual american Jacqueline Scott Corley din San Francisco a declarat că sancțiunile pentru absența lui Musk din 10 septembrie nu sunt necesare, după ce cea mai bogată persoană din lume a depus mărturie pe 3 octombrie și a acceptat să plătească costurile de călătorie de 2.923 de dolari ale SEC.

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    „Deoarece circumstanțele actuale previn orice ocazie de ajutor semnificativ pe care instanța le-ar putea acorda, cererea SEC este discutabilă”, a scris Corley.

    SEC a cerut o declarație conform căreia Musk a încălcat un ordin judecătoresc din 31 mai de a depune mărturie.

    Se spunea că faptul că trebuie doar să ramburseze costurile de călătorie nu ar descuraja mulți alți oameni să ignore ordinele judecătorești, „cu atât mai puțin pe cineva din mijloacele extraordinare ale lui Musk”.

    Musk a spus că a respectat ordinul depunând mărturie pe 3 octombrie. El are o valoare de 321,7 miliarde de dolari, potrivit revistei Forbes.

    SEC nu a răspuns imediat unei solicitări de comentarii după programul de lucru. Avocații lui Musk nu au răspuns imediat la solicitări similare.

    Musk, ale cărui afaceri includ producătorul de mașini electrice Tesla și compania de rachete SpaceX și care este cea mai bogată persoană din lume, a mers la Cape Canaveral din Florida pe 10 septembrie pentru a supraveghea lansarea misiunii SpaceX Polaris Dawn.

    SEC investighează dacă Musk a încălcat legile privind valorile mobiliare la începutul anului 2022, așteptând cel puțin 10 zile prea mult pentru a dezvălui că a început să acumuleze acțiuni pe Twitter.

    Criticii și unii investitori au spus că acest lucru l-a permis să cumpere acțiuni ieftin înainte de a dezvălui în cele din urmă o participație de 9,2% pe Twitter și, la scurt timp după aceea, sa oferit să cumpere întreaga companie.

    În iulie, Musk a spus că a înțeles greșit regulile SEC și că „toate indicii” sugerează că a făcut o „greșeală”.

    SEC l-a dat și în judecată pe Musk în 2018 pentru postările sale pe Twitter despre a lua Tesla în privat. El a soluționat acel proces plătind o amendă de 20 de milioane de dolari, acceptând să lase avocații Tesla să revizuiască unele postări în avans și renunțând din funcția de președinte al Tesla.

    Cauza este SEC v Musk, Tribunalul Districtual al SUA, Districtul de Nord al Californiei, nr. 23-mc-80253.

    (Reportaj de Jonathan Stempel la New York; Raportare suplimentară de Ismail Shakil; Editare de Chris Reese și Cynthia Osterman)

  • Elon Musk s-a angajat să stabilească Marte. Această carte oferă o verificare a realității

    Înscrieți-vă pentru buletinul informativ științific Wonder Theory al CNN. Explorați universul cu știri despre descoperiri fascinante, progrese științifice și multe altele.

    Promisiunea de a începe viața din nou pe Marte poate părea atrăgătoare, chiar fezabilă, pe măsură ce criza climatică se intensifică și tehnologia spațială și a rachetelor avansează.

    Dar realitatea ar fi îngrozitoare, potrivit unei cărți care susține că intenția lui Elon Musk de a stabili planeta roșie în următorii 30 de ani este sortită eșecului.

    Scris de Kelly și Zach Weinersmith, „Un oraș pe Marte: putem stabili spațiul, ar trebui să stabilim spațiul și ne-am gândit cu adevărat la asta?” a câștigat premiul pentru cartea științifică Trivedi al Societății Regale în 2024 și a fost publicat în noiembrie 2023.

    Autorii soț și soție investighează cum ar fi de fapt viața în mediul neiertător al planetei roșii și clarifică orice concepție greșită cu privire la ceea ce ar putea implica.

    Kelly Weinersmith, biolog și profesor asistent adjunct la Universitatea Rice din Houston, și Zach Weinersmith, caricaturist, se adâncesc în tot felul de întrebări cu care s-ar confrunta oamenii dacă am deveni o specie multiplanetară. Cum am construi ferme spațiale pentru a hrăni pe toată lumea? Ce zici de a da naștere și de a crește copii? Asezarea lui Marte ar dezlănțui o nouă cursă spațială?

    Inițial entuziasmați de perspectiva oamenilor care trăiesc pe Marte, autorii au spus că cercetările lor i-au transformat în sceptici ai așezărilor spațiale. „Lăsarea unui Pământ cu 2 (grade Celsius) mai cald pentru Marte ar fi ca și cum ai părăsi o cameră dezordonată, astfel încât să poți trăi într-o groapă de deșeuri toxice”, au scris ei în introducerea cărții.

    Acest interviu a fost editat pentru lungime și claritate.

    CNN: De ce ai vrut să scrii această carte?

    Kelly Weinersmith: Suntem tocilari. Eram destul de încântați de așezarea spațială. Am scris o carte numită „În curând: zece tehnologii emergente care vor îmbunătăți și/sau ruina totul”, iar două dintre tehnologiile emergente despre care am vorbit în acea carte erau accesul mai ieftin la spațiu și minerit de asteroizi. Între aceste două tehnologii, ne-am gândit, fie putem livra acum toate echipamentele de care avem nevoie pentru a menține oamenii în viață în spațiu, fie putem folosi resursele spațiale pentru a construi așezări spațiale. Deci, deși oamenii au spus de zeci de ani că acest lucru va veni în curând, ne-am gândit că poate acum va veni în sfârșit.

    CNN: Dar nu asta ai concluzionat după ce ai cercetat și scris cartea?

    KW: Cu cât am intrat mai mult în asta – până în anul doi din procesul de cercetare de patru ani, ne-am gândit, OK, sunt o mulțime de lucruri pe care nu le știm și pe care încă trebuie să le dăm seama. Și dacă facem asta curând, ar putea fi o catastrofă etică.

    În "Un oraș pe Marte," autorii Kelly și Zach Weinersmith susțin că este nevoie de mult mai multe cercetări înainte ca oamenii să poată popula Marte în siguranță. - Cărți speciale

    În „A City on Mars”, autorii Kelly și Zach Weinersmith susțin că este nevoie de mai multe cercetări înainte ca oamenii să poată popula Marte în siguranță. – Cărți speciale

    CNN: Pot oamenii să stabilească Marte pe termen scurt?

    KW: Musk spune că în următorii 30 de ani vom avea un milion de oameni pe Marte. În niciun caz nu ai putea crește până la un milion de oameni pe Marte fără să se întâmple ceva catastrofal, fie că nu putem avea copii acolo sus, iar mamele și bebelușii mor sau fac cancer.

    Dacă vrei să faci asta, trebuie să fie munca lentă a generațiilor pentru a construi până la un punct în care să ne putem autosusține pe Marte.

    Este un mediu atât de dur care necesită echipamente complicate pentru a te menține în viață și pur și simplu nu pot să văd că asta se întâmplă pe Marte în termen scurt.

    CNN: Ce este de realizat atunci în viața noastră actuală?

    KW: O mulțime de cercetări și asta e incitant, cred. Mi-ar plăcea să văd, de exemplu, o stație de cercetare pe Lună unde avem colonii de rozătoare și vedem cum se descurcă atunci când trec prin câteva generații. Poate că în timpul vieții noastre, vom vedea oameni care aterizează pe Marte, fac niște explorări și vin acasă, asta s-ar putea întâmpla, dar nu cred că vom avea copii pe Marte.

    CNN: Subliniați reproducerea ca fiind una dintre provocările majore. De ce?

    KW: Unul dintre locurile în care am început a fost biologia și chestiile medicale. Acesta a fost primul nostru moment de deschidere a ochilor. Cred că am presupus că cei 50 de ani de cercetare pe care i-am obținut de la astronauții din stațiile spațiale care orbitează Pământul ne-au spus tot ce trebuia să știm despre modul în care oamenii răspund în regimuri gravitaționale, spre deosebire de cel al Pământului, și despre modul în care oamenii răspund la radiațiile spațiale.

    Atmosfera subțire a lui Marte înseamnă că oamenii ar avea o protecție redusă împotriva radiațiilor spațiale, a spus biologul Kelly Weinersmith. Roverul Perseverance al NASA a realizat această imagine a suprafeței marțiane pe 19 noiembrie. - NASA/JPL-Caltech

    Atmosfera subțire a lui Marte înseamnă că oamenii ar avea o protecție redusă împotriva radiațiilor spațiale, a spus biologul Kelly Weinersmith. Roverul Perseverance al NASA a realizat această imagine a suprafeței marțiane pe 19 noiembrie. – NASA/JPL-Caltech

    Dar se dovedește că astronauții (acolo) sunt protejați de magnetosferă (o bulă de protecție care înconjoară atmosfera Pământului) și știm că a fi în cădere liberă, care este în esență ca și cum ați experimenta gravitația zero, este previzibil rău pentru oase, pentru mușchi. . Această microgravitație explică de ce vederea tinde să se degradeze în timp, iar starea în spațiu ar putea duce la declin cognitiv pe termen lung.

    Cea mai lungă ședere în spațiu a fost de mai puțin de un an și jumătate, iar astronauții experimentează, probabil, o pierdere de 1% osoasă în șolduri în fiecare lună. Chiar dacă aceasta scade la doar 0,1% în fiecare lună pe Marte (unde gravitația reprezintă 38% din gravitația de pe suprafața Pământului), îți poți imagina că este foarte rău, de exemplu, când travaliul începe și trebuie să speri că șoldurile tale. sunt suficient de puternici pentru a se descurca. Pur și simplu am fost surprinși de câte probleme credeam că avem de rezolvat. Dar se dovedește că avem foarte puține date relevante despre cum se vor descurca adulții, să nu mai vorbim despre cum ar funcționa să ai copii.

    Zach Weinersmith: Trebuie să existe mult mai multe cercetări în reproducere, pur și simplu pentru că este o întrebare mare, deschisă. Ar putea fi complet benign pentru tot ceea ce știm – am fi surprinși de asta, dar ar trebui să existe mult mai multe cercetări în acest sens. Prima facie, presupunerea ar trebui să fie că (bebelușii) vor avea o rată mai mare decât cea normală de anomalii care trebuie tratate fără niciun fel de îngrijire (medicală) pe care o considerăm de la sine înțeles pe Pământ.

    CNN: De ce este mediul de pe Marte atât de ostil?

    ZW: Lucrul fundamental este să înțelegem că oamenii au evoluat pe Pământ, iar lui Marte îi lipsesc o mulțime de lucruri pe care le avem pe Pământ. Este vorba de aproximativ 40% gravitație și știm că oamenii aflați în microgravitație au tot felul de probleme majore, iar ce se întâmplă la 40% pur și simplu nu știm.

    Solul este încărcat în perclorat, despre care se știe că provoacă perturbări hormonale. De fapt, nu avem multe date despre expunerea prelungită la niveluri ridicate ale acestor lucruri, pentru că de ce am face-o? Dar probabil că nu este grozav pentru oamenii în curs de dezvoltare.

    Ai o atmosferă extrem de subțire. În esență, asta înseamnă că nu poți ieși afară fără un costum de presiune. Atmosfera este totuși suficient de puternică pentru a provoca furtuni de praf la nivel mondial și, de asemenea, unele mari, localizate. Există, de asemenea, chestia asta numită regolit, care are piatră și sticlă zimțate, tot ce se aruncă în jur, care este rău pentru echipament, rău pentru oameni. De asemenea, dacă intenționați să utilizați energie solară, mai bine aveți un sistem de rezervă foarte bun și va trebui să petreceți o cantitate enormă de timp întreținându-l.

    Marte are de obicei furtuni mari de praf și vânturi puternice. Roverul Curiosity al NASA înregistrează o rafală de vânt pe Marte pe 10 iunie. - NASA/JPL-Caltech

    Marte are de obicei furtuni mari de praf și vânturi puternice. Roverul Curiosity al NASA înregistrează o rafală de vânt pe Marte pe 10 iunie. – NASA/JPL-Caltech

    De asemenea, dacă te afli oriunde în apropierea suprafeței, ești expus la niveluri ridicate de radiații, pentru că atmosfera marțiană este atât de subțire și pentru că Marte este doar foarte slab magnetic, nu are o magnetosferă foarte puternică ca Pământul. are.

    KW: Marte, în medie, se află la 140 de milioane de mile (225 de milioane de kilometri) distanță, ceea ce înseamnă că va exista întotdeauna o întârziere de comunicare: (cel puțin) trei minute și, uneori, chiar și de la 22 la 24 de minute. Așa că, dacă există o urgență, nu poți niciodată să dai un apel în direct la medicii de pe Pământ.

    CNN: Dar guvernanța spațiului?

    KW: Sunt multe necunoscute acolo. În 1967, am primit Tratatul privind spațiul cosmic prin intermediul Națiunilor Unite și acesta este principalul document care guvernează spațiul. Are doar 2.000 de cuvinte. Este un document foarte scurt și anume a fost menit să fie vag, pentru că cei care l-au scris știau că nu poți prezice cu adevărat cum se va desfășura viitorul. Acum suntem în punctul în care lucrurile încep să se gătească în spațiu, dar nu avem linii directoare clare pentru ceea ce este permis. Cu siguranță nu aveți voie să pretindeți suveranitatea.

    De asemenea, oricine merge în spațiu este responsabilitatea unei națiuni, așa că Musk ar fi aproape sigur responsabilitatea Statelor Unite.

    Unele întrebări sunt mai puțin clare, cum ar fi ce ai voie să faci cu resursele din spațiu. Aveți această lipsă de claritate cu privire la cine are voie să meargă unde, cât timp au voie să stea acolo, ce au voie să facă cu acele resurse, vă puteți imagina cursa spațială partea a doua dintre Statele Unite și China. De data aceasta, în loc să mergi și să te întorci, ceea ce nu interzice nimănui să facă același lucru, aterizezi și creezi o stație de cercetare în cea mai bună parte (a lui Marte sau a lunii), asta înseamnă că altcineva poate nu mai folosi acel loc. Așa că ne putem imagina că de data aceasta există mize mai mari, ceea ce este puțin îngrijorător, având în vedere circumstanțele geopolitice actuale dintre China și SUA.

    CNN: Cum ne-am hrăni pe Marte?

    ZW: Altceva care necesită o cantitate imensă de cercetare este ecologia în buclă închisă. Adică, să zicem, cum ai o bulă subterană, sigilată, care este un fel de zonă agricolă intensivă care produce oxigen și alte consumabile? Nu prea știm cum să facem asta.

    Pentru mai multe știri și buletine informative CNN, creați un cont la CNN.com

  • Echipa Trump îi avertizează pe republicani să susțină alegerile Cabinetului sau să se confrunte cu primare finanțate de Musk

    Pe măsură ce controversele continuă să întunece unele dintre alegerile din cabinetul președintelui ales Donald Trump, echipa sa are un avertisment de rău augur pentru republicanii care nu se încadrează în spatele nominalizaților săi.

    Corespondentul șef al ABC News la Washington, Jonathan Karl, raportează că un consilier principal al lui Trump a spus că mesajul către parlamentari este: „Dacă sunteți de partea greșită a votului, vă cumpărați primar”.

    — Asta e tot, îi spuse consilierul lui Karl. „Și există un tip pe nume Elon Musk care o va finanța”.

    “Președintele trebuie să decidă cabinetul său. Nimeni altcineva”, a adăugat consilierul.

    MAI MULT: Trump a promis că va perturba Washingtonul. Alegerile lui de cabinet ar face exact asta: ANALIZA

    FOTO: Președintele ales Donald Trump participă la Gala America First Policy Institute, care a avut loc la Mar-a-Lago, 14 noiembrie 2024, în Palm Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

    FOTO: Președintele ales Donald Trump participă la Gala America First Policy Institute, care a avut loc la Mar-a-Lago, 14 noiembrie 2024, în Palm Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

    Amenințarea a venit când Matt Gaetz și Pete Hegseth (avocați pentru procuror general și, respectiv, secretar al apărării) au făcut turul pe Capitol Hill săptămâna aceasta pentru a susține sprijinul. Ei au fost escortați de vicepreședintele ales JD Vance, senatorul junior din Ohio.

    Gaetz a anunțat joi după-amiază că își retrage numele din considerare, declarând că oferta sa de confirmare „devine în mod nedrept o distragere a atenției”.

    Gaetz se confruntă cu acuzații de comportament sexual necorespunzător și consum ilicit de droguri, pe care le-a negat de mult timp, care au făcut obiectul unei investigații federale și al unei anchete a Comitetului de etică al Camerei. Hegseth a fost acuzat că a agresat sexual o femeie în 2017, o întâlnire pe care Hegseth a spus poliției că a fost consensuală.

    Trump a rămas ferm cu selecțiile, care au ridicat, de asemenea, sprâncene pentru lipsa relativă de experiență pentru a conduce Departamentul de Justiție și Departamentul Apărării. Trump a spus că în cele din urmă a fost alegerea lui Gaetz să se retragă.

    Unele dintre celelalte alegeri ale președintelui ales s-au confruntat, în mod similar, cu un control asupra calificărilor lor, inclusiv Tulsi Gabbard pentru directorul de informații naționale sau Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pentru secretarul Sănătății și Serviciilor Umane.

    FOTO: Candidatul președintelui ales Donald Trump pentru a fi procuror general, fostul reprezentant Matt Gaetz închide ușa unei întâlniri private cu vicepreședintele ales JD Vance și membrii Comitetului Judiciar al Senatului Republican la Washington, 20 noiembrie 2024. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

    FOTO: Candidatul președintelui ales Donald Trump pentru a fi procuror general, fostul reprezentant Matt Gaetz închide ușa unei întâlniri private cu vicepreședintele ales JD Vance și membrii Comitetului Judiciar al Senatului Republican la Washington, 20 noiembrie 2024. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

    Trump a cerut anterior conducerii republicane să susțină așa-numitele „numiri de pauză” pentru a evita procesul tradițional de confirmare. Această cale ar impune parlamentarilor să amâne și senatorilor să renunțe la rolul de „consiliere și consimțământ” pe care îl joacă în nominalizări, așa cum este prevăzut în Constituție.

    Dar cererea lui este întâmpinată cu o oarecare rezistență din partea unor republicani din Senat.

    Senatorul Thom Tillis, un senior republican și membru al Comitetului Judiciar al Senatului, a spus că numirile în pauză pentru posturile din Cabinet ar trebui să fie „absolut în afara mesei”.

    „Și sincer, orice candidat serios pentru o poziție la nivel de Cabinet, chiar ar trebui să mă întreb dacă și-ar dori acest lucru sau ar fi dispus să o accepte în pauză”, a spus Tillis. „Aceste poziții sunt prea importante. Au prea multă greutate la nivel internațional pentru a lua o scurtătură”.

    FOTO: Senatorul Thom Tillis apare în fața Comisiei de credite a Senatului de pe Capitol Hill, 20 noiembrie 2024, la Washington. (Mark Schiefelbein/AP)

    FOTO: Senatorul Thom Tillis apare în fața Comisiei de credite a Senatului de pe Capitol Hill, 20 noiembrie 2024, la Washington. (Mark Schiefelbein/AP)

    MAI MAI MULT: Ar putea Trump să ocolească Congresul dacă republicanii din Senat nu-și fac alegerile din Cabinet?

    Mai mulți senatori au spus că doresc ca „procesul” complet și verificarea candidaților să se desfășoare.

    Senatorul Josh Hawley a declarat miercuri că intenția sa este să voteze pentru toți nominalizații.

    „Constituția ne oferă un rol în personalul numit sfaturi și consimțământ. Părerea mea este exact ceea ce se va desfășura aici atunci când acești nominalizați vor fi de fapt trimiși, și îi vom trata așa cum i-am tratat pe toți ceilalți cu verificarea adecvată”, a declarat de multă vreme liderul republican al Senatului, Mitch McConnell, care a renunțat recent din funcție.

    Echipa Trump îi avertizează pe republicani să susțină alegerile Cabinetului sau să se confrunte cu primare finanțate de Musk a apărut inițial pe abcnews.go.com

  • Oamenii sunt cu adevărat îngrijorați de felul în care Elon Musk își mănâncă cartofii prăjiți

    Sunt sigur că ați văzut cu toții această imagine a celor mai puternici oameni din lume care dă jos McDonald's pe un PJ până acum.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Pentru posteritate, îi avem pe Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Președintele Camerei Mike Johnson și RFK Jr.

    Da, bărbatul „Make America Healthy Again” a fost prins în flagrant într-o ceață indusă de sodiu.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Internetul a funcționat cu el, iar reacțiile au fost destul de amuzante.

    Margo Martin/Twitter: @Geiger_Capital

    Personal, sunt cu această persoană care a spus „Este să ofere excursie de școală gimnazială”.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @emilyjashinsky

    Dar nu sunt aici să vorbesc despre RFK Jr. care se ofilește într-o ură de sine, sunt aici să vorbesc despre felul în care Elon Musk își mănâncă cartofii prăjiți.

    Cinci persoane sunt așezate într-un spațiu de luat masa cu jet privat și se bucură de o masă de la McDonald's, cu tăvi, băuturi și ambalaje pentru alimente vizibile pe masă

    Da, pune ketchup-ul direct pe ei. Nicio parte de scufundare. Nu nimic.

    Grup de bărbați care stă la o masă pe un avion privat și mănâncă fast-food McDonald's

    Mizeriea tuturor.

    Femeie care își exprimă determinarea în timp ce flutură mâna; suprapunerea textului se citește, "O DOJEN IN NUMELE DOMNULUI!" Scenă dintr-o emisiune TV


    Oamenii denunță acest comportament neobișnuit.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    „Cel mai diabolic lucru de aici este ca Elon să introducă ketchup-ul chiar în cutia de cartofi prăjiți”, a spus această persoană.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    O altă persoană l-a numit „comportament ridicol”.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Iar această persoană a întrebat fără îndoială: „Ce e în neregulă cu tine?”

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Se pare că asta, din toate, chiar a lovit publicul american.

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    De la numirea ei „cea mai mare crimă din toate timpurile”…

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin


    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Oamenii sunt nebuni!

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin

    Oricum, ce părere aveți despre această tehnică de prăjire? Gânduri, sentimente, preocupări?

    Margo Martin/ Twitter: @margomartin


    Persoană care își exprimă îngrijorarea față de frază "E cu laturile întunecate" la o emisiune TV


  • Rebecca Solnit on Hope in the Dark—Plus the Musk Bromance

    Jon Wiener: From The Nation magazine, this is Start Making Sense. I’m Jon Wiener.  Later in the hour: the bromance between Trump and Elon Musk cannot last–David Nasaw will explain why.  But first: hope in the dark.  Rebecca Solnit will explain–in a minute.
    What does it mean to hold onto hope right now? For that, we turn to Rebecca Solnit. She wrote the book Hope in the Dark a while ago, in another dark time. It seems more necessary now than ever.   Rebecca is a columnist for The Guardian. Last time we talked with her here was about the book she co-edited with Thelma Young Lutunatabua, Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility. Before that we talked about her award-winning book Orwell’s Roses. We reached her today at home in San Francisco. Rebecca, welcome back.

    Rebecca Solnit: Thank you, Jon. Here we are.

    JW:   I need to ask you about what hope means right now. People say, ‘how can you have hope when we just suffered such a disastrous defeat, and when we know things are going to get really bad?’

    RS: Václav Havel said, “Hope is not about outcomes, it’s an orientation of the spirit.” Mariame Kaba said, “Hope is a discipline.” 

    JW: And you say “hope does not mean saying this is not bad, and it does not mean saying that we can defeat it. It just means saying that we will not give up. That we will assess our powers and weaknesses and recognize that the future we face looks grim, but we do not know how it will unfold, and neither do those we oppose. How it will unfold depends in no small part on what we do.”  And we also know we’ve been surprised many times in the past by huge changes we never imagined.
        But you also say you don’t want to talk about hope right now. 

    RS: I did decide to kind of park hope for the week and talk instead about being resolute.
    Something I’ve known for a very long time, whether I’m dealing with the fossil fuel industry or patriarchy or whatever, is, your enemies would like you to surrender, to say, ‘oh, they’ve won. I’m powerless. There’s nothing I can do,’ Don’t give them the satisfaction, for starters. And second of all, yes the outcome of the presidential election was terrible. At the same time, a bunch of really cool progressives got elected, climate champions, young women of color, and a bunch of abortion referendums passed.
    For me, the deepest truth revealed by this election when it comes to Harris versus Trump is that, thanks particularly to Silicon Valley, the public is profoundly uninformed, misinformed, and it’s not a verb, but I think ‘disinformed’ should be something, the kind of willful propaganda distortion. And people did not necessarily like him or his policies, but they lived inside a lot of bubbles of wildly inaccurate, distorted misinformation and priorities that would make you think, for example, trans girls playing softball is more important than climate change, which could wreck the entire South Asian subcontinent, in large part is already killing in excess of 10 million people a year, et cetera, and, unlike trans girls playing softball, who are not killing anyone.

    JW: I want to talk about each of these things a little. Your recent piece for The Guardian quotes Timothy Snyder — after Trump won the 2016 election, he told us, “Do not obey prematurely. Most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given.” Perhaps you could comment on that.

    RS: Yeah, you can already see with the newspaper billionaires withdrawing their endorsements at The LA Times and The Washington Post, or rather withdrawing their editors’ endorsements of Harris, obeying in advance. And you can see a lot of people who are powerful enough not have to, kind of groveling to Trump and MAGA right now. But what I always like to add to “do not obey prematurely” is do not obey maturely, either. 

    JW: Exactly. 

    RS: I get that if there’s a gun at your head, maybe you don’t want to get shot and you’re going to have to obey. But for a lot of us, I speak here as a US-born, straight, white Californian. I know my stakes are radically different than the stakes of an immigrant, a brown person, a Black person, a queer person, which is all the more reason why people like me should stand up and take risks.
    So to me, “do not obey prematurely” means anticipating danger, and obeying “maturely” is half a joke. But seriously, it does mean even when there actually are threats. Look at the heroes who did not obey. Look at the extraordinary resistance of the most oppressed people in this country. Enslaved Black people before 1865, indigenous people who over the course of centuries did not give up, and resisted in beautiful and creative ways, often at great risk to themselves. And we’ve got plenty of heroes to look to as well, to remind us of that; somebody said recently, “Sometimes a hero makes history. Often history makes heroes.”

    JW: You say our first job is not being like “them” – like the MAGA people

    RS: A lot of times when something happens, we feel frightened, we feel sad, we feel grief. Those are emotions that make you feel more vulnerable. A lot of people transmute them into anger because anger doesn’t make the same demands on you. It makes you feel powerful. You stop looking at what happened. You stop looking at yourself, you start pointing the finger at someone else. You get your exciting little cortisol and adrenaline surges, and it makes people feel invulnerable, but it’s often not very helpful for you or anything else.
    Something a lot of activists on the left and in progressive movements tend to believe is that anger is this magic motivating superpower. I think often they’re looking at, ‘oh, I’m looking at how I feel when I see the forest or the children of Gaza’ pick your subcategory ‘are under attack,’ but what you’re really feeling is protectiveness.
    And what’s underneath that is love. And I quoted GK Chesterton saying something to the effect that what motivates the good soldier, leaving aside militarism here, is not the enemy he faces, but what he loves that’s behind him. And I think that what motivates great activists, great champions, heroes, is really love. It’s because you love the forest, you love the children, you love justice, you love human rights, you love the earth, that you do these things — and they’re not attacking you and you’re not fighting them. So it’s easy to lose sight of the thing themself and to lose sight of what I think is the deepest motive, which is love.
    And I think staying in touch with that love in various ways is really crucial to remembering who we are and who we want to be and what kind of a world we want to be. I grew up in the age of anti-nuclear activism and what we called prefigurative politics in the 1980s, which is yes, you want to stop nuclear war and nuclear weapons, which means that you’re anti-war. You need to embody your values. And doing so is already a victory in this space. We have justice in this space. We have peace in this space. We have kindness and inclusion. So I think prefigurative politics still really holds for this. And it doesn’t mean you don’t have to be fierce, and you don’t have to fight.

    JW: Great. Well, we need to figure out what happened in this election so we can do a better job next time and we have some time to do that now. Part of the Trump victory that I’m especially interested in was the support he continues to receive from white women. This year, the exit polls say 53% of white women voted for him pretty much the same as four years ago. And Kamala Harris focused some of her campaign on trying to win moderate white women away from Trump. You remember, she campaigned with Liz Cheney in the suburbs in the swing states where Nikki Haley got a significant proportion of the vote in the Republican primary. Now, a lot of our friends are criticizing her for doing that. What do you think?

    RS: I’m struck by the fact that the last three elections, everyone wants to talk about white women, while white men have been the strongest constituency for the Republican party for a very long time, and the real shift we’ve seen is not among white women. It’s been among Latino men; white women have been splitting pretty evenly. And if you go into subcategories like evangelical women, women in a lot of the red states are hugely for the Republican party. If you look at Jewish women, college educated women, women in some of the blue states, we go hugely, I mean a bunch of those categories, we go hugely for the Democrats. And the gender gaps have been astounding. An early thing showed that there was a 20-point gap between men and women over 65; young men have gone way far to the right. And that brings us to something that I think is super important in this election.
    The internet has become a giant cesspit of what we call the manosphere of misogyny, often wedded to white supremacy in this kind of soup of porn and pretending to advocate for men while constantly feeding their insecurity and resentments and really making white men feel like the most oppressed people on earth – just really driving a lot of this. And young white men, in 2016 – a cybersecurity expert came to give me a security upgrade and she said something so striking to me in those days, everyone was talking about how ISIS was recruiting young men online. And she said, “never mind Isis. The right worldwide is recruiting young men online” – and it’s super true. And of course, the internet was invented by, for the most part really nasty white men. And they let it become a place where hate misogyny, racism, homophobia, climate denial, anti-vaxxer stuff, conspiracy theories, cults like QAnon all flourish because anything that makes money is good by them.
    And because a lot of them, like Elon Musk, uphold a lot of those beliefs. And I think the deep trouble we see in this election is the information economy, not the economy-economy. And I don’t know how Democrats win in that. Somebody said in 2012 that Mitt Romney won the 1960 election, aka, if we had the demographics of 1960, which was mostly white men, he would’ve done fabulously. I think Kamala Harris won the 2008 election if we’re in the climate Barack Obama had before Citizens United, before the unraveling of the Voting Rights Act, but also before the internet became such a malignant force of corruption of consciousness, truth, fact, she did pretty damn well going uphill as a late coming Black woman in this race. But the disinformation economy is so powerful right now. 

    JW: And we wonder how much of women’s vote for Trump was not a free choice. They were pressured by their MAGA husbands. Of course, that’s certainly true of evangelical women in their world, wifely submission is a duty commanded by, I guess Jesus himself. And it’s undoubtedly true of a lot of other women who are not evangelicals, but who have authoritarian husbands. I was interested that Democrats for the first time spoke openly about this, this time. Michelle Obama’s speech in Kalamazoo. You remember she said, “if you are a woman who lives in a household of men that don’t listen to you or value your opinion, just remember your vote is a private matter regardless of the political views of your partner, you get to choose. You get to use your judgment and cast your vote for yourself and the women in your life” – Michelle Obama. And there was that famous ad by Julia Roberts that said the same thing. I tried to find some evidence about how many women are subject to this. One in eight women told one poll they’ve secretly voted differently from their partners. This is not just differently, but differently and secretly. And another question in that survey was, “Did you vote the same as your partner to avoid conflict?” And 5% of the women said they had. What do you think about all this?

    RS: Well, first of all, I found that Julia Roberts ad and the Michelle Obama speech really frustrating because now in a huge part of the country, people do not have the privacy of the voting booth. I think election day, going to your precinct, polling place, going to the booth is a great democratic right and ritual and it should be a holiday day and celebrated. And at least we get the little, “I Voted” stickers if we do that. But a huge number of people vote at home and your vote is not necessarily private there. You live in a dictatorial household with a household of what domestic violence experts call coercive control, which is not just the physical violence, but economic coercion, psychological coercion. I don’t know if it mounts up to change outcomes nationally, but when you say that 5% figure, maybe it does; but it has been something I started writing about in 2018 when I heard from a ton of door-to-door, get-out-the-vote canvassers for Democratic candidates that they were encountering women whose husbands didn’t know they were registered Democrat, husbands who wouldn’t let the wife speak to them, women who were visibly bullied, intimidated, afraid to talk.
    It’s always really interesting. I’ve done a bunch of this, not huge amounts each time, but I’ve been doing it since 2004. You have this little moment of seeing inside a stranger’s home and just so many people have reported to me about views inside homes in which abuse is a reality. And so yeah, I don’t know how much that affects the vote and the outcome, but the figures you cite suggest it’s a real factor. And given that last time I checked the data, there’s a 1.5% difference between Trump and Harris. It could be that much. We know this stuff is really heated and we know that a lot more women are Democratic than men among white and Latino voters. I’d mostly heard about it with white voters, but I just talked to somebody who went door-to-door and saw exactly the same kind of coercion from Latino voters, although Black people keep voting for Kamala Harris. So all arguments about how it’s oh, economic whatever, or the working-class or whatever and doesn’t hold up. This was an election like all the other ones we’ve had in a long time, that’s very much about race and gender. 

    JW: You mentioned the victories of the abortion rights referenda. We had hoped those would bring out anti-Trump votes since of course Trump is the one who put the justices on the Supreme Court who abolished the constitutional right to an abortion. But Trump nevertheless won several of the states where the referenda passed; Arizona and Nevada, swing states, and more remarkably referenda for protecting abortion passed in Montana and in Missouri. Trump beat Harris in Montana by 21 points. He won in Missouri by 18 points. So I guess we have learned that voting for abortion rights does not necessarily mean voting for a woman for president. Why do you think that was?

    RS: I don’t have a theory except the disinformation misinformation We’ve seen people did not seem to have a clear sense of what the candidates represented and were really caught up in weird stuff like trans girls in sports. And the Trump campaign spent almost $30 million running ads

    JW: In Ohio. The ad said that Sherrod Brown favored gender changing surgery in public elementary schools. Completely ridiculous. But he lost the election.

    RS: And I really just think people are swimming in just a sea of disinformation, misinformation and pure ignorance about stuff. There was a cute little video of a young woman, a college student in Arizona who thought Trump was protecting her abortion rights, so she voted for him. People do not really understand who did what, and what the consequences of electing this person or that person would be. There’s a famous meme or sort of line from 2015, “’I didn’t know leopards would eat MY face,’ said the woman who voted for the Leopards Eat Your Face party.” But I have to say I want to modify that for 2024, 9 years later. I don’t think a lot of people knew that this was the party that was going to eat their face. In a lot of cases, they wanted immigrants to be eaten by those leopards or whoever, they’re othering.
    But truly, I don’t think a lot of people got it. It’s also really dumbfounding to me how readily immigrants get demonized. And there was a really interesting survey just before the election with Ipsos polling showing that the more misinformed you were about crime, immigration, and the economy, the more likely you were to be a Trump voter. Meaning people who have a clear grasp of the realities. Harris is the reality candidate. Trump is the delusion candidate. And I don’t know how we undo that. Elon Musk owns Twitter, Silicon Valley loves its disinformation, the legacy corporate media, the kind of Washington Post, NBC, CBS, New York Times, et cetera, wash Trump, soft-pedaled, what he’d done and what he threatened to do. I think other than individuals and kind of left media, thank you, The Nation. I think even people who think that they’re very well-educated, upper middle-class people whose egos are very flattered by The New York Times, they’re often really living in pretty profound distortion about reality.

    JW: I want to add a couple of things. Yes, Trump won the election, but I want to emphasize how divided the country remains. It looks like when all the votes are counted, Trump will not have 50%, he’ll have like 49.5. So there are a lot of us. And look at the Republican’s biggest electoral victories in recent history. Reagan won 59% in 1984. Two years later, the Democrats retook Congress, 1972, George McGovern running against Nixon got only 37%. Two years after that, Watergate forced Nixon to resign. So one of the things you’ve often said is hope is based on the idea that we don’t know what’s going to happen and history shows, we have often been surprised when we thought things were at their darkest.

    RS: Yeah, and you’re talking about older elections, but people did not make enough of the fact that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, lost by a landslide in 2020. I was hoping that tendency was going to continue, and it hasn’t, but I think we need to keep saying, shouting from the housetops that they do not have a majority. But as for hope in the dark, which is pro dark with dark being coming to terms with the fact we don’t know what’s going to happen. Heather Cox Richardson wrote a fantastic column about something. If you looked at the state of the United States in the early 1850s before Abraham Lincoln becomes president, the anti-slavery movement looks pretty powerless. It looks like the southern elitist are really going to dominate politics for the foreseeable future. And that really happens for a lot of the decade. And then something radical shifts.
    Abraham Lincoln becomes president, the South secedes, they lose the Civil War, slavery is abolished and going even further back than the anti-slavery people in public and political life in the 1850s. I think of the abolitionists. I was at the Museum of American History, which is a fabulous place, and they had some of the crafts that women were selling at little bazaars in the 1840s to raise money for the abolitionist cause. Who the hell thought they could sew a pin cushion and abolish slavery? Except they did. Things change. They change again. What’s really shaped my life and my thinking is the resurgence of the indigenous people of the Americas in ways nobody really foresaw building power from the sixties on reclaiming land rights, language rights, pride, visibility, audibility. I went to a Land Back ceremony just before the election that was so beautiful and fulfilled a prophecy that someday the white people will come to ask us how to take care of the land.
    But also seeing, so I talked about the Quincentennial of 1992 or instead of celebrating Columbus and we shifted radically how we thought of the history of this hemisphere, but also the 1989 revolutions; Nelson Mandela gets out of jail, apartheid begins to implode, and a man who is supposed to spend the rest of his life in prison becomes president of post-apartheid South Africa, which is not a country that ended up happily ever after, but it sure changed.
    And then all the east bloc regimes toppled, totalitarianism, and with largely nonviolent means. And we just had the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, and that was astonishing, utterly unforeseen even by the participants, the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ireland once a very conservative prim little Catholic country voting in referenda for both abortion rights and marriage equality. The world changes. 

    JW: For the last word. I like in your recent piece in The Guardian, your quote from Daniel Berrigan.

    RS: Yeah. Daniel Berrigan, the Jesuit priest, who was such a powerful force in the anti-war movement of the sixties and seventies, said this very beautiful thing: “One cannot level one’s moral lance at every evil in the universe. There are just too many of them, but you can do something. And the difference between doing something and doing nothing is everything.”
    And I had said the night of the election, along the same lines, that although we cannot save everything, that does not mean we can’t save anything, and everything we can save is worth saving.

    JW: “The difference between doing something and doing nothing is everything.” Rebecca Solnit. You can read her online at theguardian.com. There’s no paywall. And her book, Hope in the Dark is available from Haymarket Books this week is a free download. You can get it at haymarketbooks.org, click on “free books’ and then go to Hope in the Dark.

    RS: Let me just add — nine other free books in their anti-fascist library, and all the books at Haymarket are $2 this week as digital downloads. So Haymarket is awesome to work with.

    JW: Rebecca, thank you for all your work — and thanks for talking with us today.

    RS: My pleasure. Thank you, Jon.

    Jon Wiener: Now it’s time to talk about the bromance of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Can it last? For that, we turn to David Nasaw. He’s written bestselling biographies of William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Carnegie and Joseph P. Kennedy. He’s an emeritus professor of history at the CUNY Grad Center. His most recent book is The Last Million: Europe’s Displaced Persons from World War to Cold War. We talked about it here. He writes for The New York Times op-ed page, The Washington Post and The Nation. We reached him today at home in Manhattan. David, welcome back.

    David Nasaw: Thank you. Thank you.

    JW: A lot of our friends did not watch Trump’s victory speech. What did he talk about?

    DN: It was characteristic–it was disoriented, dislocated, rambling. There was a cursory mention, I guess somebody said, ‘You have to say something about your wife and your children.’  So he talked about them. Then he said something about his ‘feisty’ vice president. Then he said something about his campaign managers.
    And then out of nowhere he ran this thing about Elon Musk. Much longer, the greatest part of the speech was about how wonderful Elon Musk was.  Then he said, “Elon,” he said, “a star is born. You are a star.”  And what was remarkable about it, it shows the hubris of this guy. I mean, Elon Musk dominated not only his own platform, but every other platform, what, for the last two years? He’s all over the place. You can’t escape him. But somehow the president-elect sort of made it clear by saying, “A star is born,” that his only importance, he had become a star, because he had supported Trump’s campaign.

    JW: It’s not hard to see why Trump would say that he loves Musk. Musk spent more than a hundred million dollars of his own money helping Trump win. Musk paid for the field operation for the Trump campaign, so that Trump’s own campaign didn’t have to. And I assume that hundred million is why Trump says, “I love you, Elon.” It’s why Trump’s first statement after winning the election was, as you say, “A star is born. Elon.” And he also called him ‘a super genius.’ But you seem to think there’s a problem here.

    DN: The problem is that you can’t fit two megalomaniacs into the same room. Elon Musk has, I think, invaded Mar-a-Lago. One report said that he wandered into the room when Trump was talking to Zelensky, and Trump waved him over and handed him the phone. Musk wants to be in the limelight. He wants to be the star. He can’t run for president, because he was born in South Africa, but he can be a president-maker and he doesn’t want anybody to take the limelight away from him. Well, Trump is not one to cede his place on center stage to anybody, and it’s inevitable that this is going to fall apart.
    In 2016, Trump invited him to be on two advisory panels, and within months, Musk resigned, because he said to Trump, “You can’t get out of the Paris Climate Accords. You can’t just unilaterally withdraw.” Well, Trump unilaterally withdrew.

    JW: Yeah, and Musk resigned.

    DN: And there are going to be problems with China tariffs. I mean, Musk cannot continue to sell his Teslas at the price he’s selling them, without relying on the manufacture of significant parts in China.

    JW: Now, you say it’s not just the peculiarities of Musk as the founder of Tesla, you are saying there’s a history here of very wealthy men, the richest men in America, and their relationships with presidents. And you’re speaking here as a professional.

    DN: Yeah.

    JW: You are a historian, a biographer—

    DN: Thank you.

    JW: — of Elon Musk’s predecessors, the genius businessman of America’s past. Let’s talk about them. The richest man in America once upon a time was Andrew Carnegie. He was a big Republican contributor when Theodore Roosevelt took office, and Carnegie had a lot of ideas about what Theodore Roosevelt should do. How did that go?

    DN: It didn’t go well. Carnegie bombarded Roosevelt with his plans for peace, arbitration treaties between the major powers, disarmament treaties, an end to the building of bigger and bigger dreadnoughts and battleships. He knew World War I was coming, and he tried to get Teddy Roosevelt to intervene and to play peacemaker. Roosevelt listened. He received his entreaties in person by mail and in op-ed pieces in major newspapers, and then discarded him, threw them out. Not only did he throw them out, but behind Carnegie’s back, he made fun of the guy. He scorned him, laughed at him. Carnegie got absolutely nothing from Roosevelt, though he had been a major contributor, maybe the major contributor to the campaign.

    JW: And then there was William Randolph Hearst, sort of the Musk of his day. First of all, how do Elon Musk and William Randolph Hearst compare in the political reach of their media empires?

    DN: I think that Hearst’s reach was much greater. At some point during, in 1932, 1933, one out of four adults read a Hearst paper. He had a paper in every major American city except Philadelphia.

    JW: And it wasn’t just newspapers.

    DN: He had the most important magazines, with the largest circulation. He had radio stations, and he produced newsreels, weekly newsreels. So he was all over the place.

    JW: Did Hearst have any suggestions for FDR when he took office?

    DN: As soon as FDR took office, Hearst, who had been, if not his largest contributor, his next to largest contributor, sent him his recommendation for the cabinet, and then Hearst put together his own 11-point recovery plan, and sent it to the president.

    JW: How did that go?

    DN: It did not go well. Hearst heard back nothing. The president didn’t respond to his letters. The president didn’t respond to his intermediaries. The president didn’t call him, as he had thought would happen. The president didn’t invite him to Hyde Park or Warm Springs for private conversations. Nothing. Zero.

    JW: And then there was Joseph Kennedy, not the world’s richest man, but a multimillionaire who connected FDR as a candidate to Hearst, and also was connected to Hollywood’s most powerful tycoons, and of course to Irish American voters. Did Joseph Kennedy think he should be part of FDR’s first administration?

    DN: Joseph Kennedy was absolutely convinced that he was going to have to move to Washington, and he was ready to do so. He didn’t have a job. He was, according to Forbes Magazine, the eighth-richest man in the United States. And he was also, he believed and made it clear to everyone else, a genius, a genius businessman who understood the world. He understood media, he understood politics, he understood business, he understood the stock market. He thought he’d be the perfect Secretary of the Treasury. Didn’t work out that way.

    JW: This brings us back to Musk. During the campaign, did he talk at all about wanting an appointment in the administration?

    DN: What was remarkable about Musk, his chutzpah, his hubris, was that in August he interviewed Trump on X, his platform. There were delays of up to two hours. There were glitches all over the place. And about 50 minutes into it, while Trump was going on about, I don’t know what, I mean, he was just rambling on, Musk began to interrupt him. And Musk said, “The real problem here is inflation, and I know how to solve it. We need a Department of Government efficiency.”
    And Trump ignored him.
    Musk came back to it a second time. Musk came back to it a third time, and the third time he said, “I would be happy to head up this Department of Government efficiency.”
    And suddenly a bell went off in Trump’s head and Trump said, “Hey, you are a great cutter. You’re the world’s greatest cutter,” meaning firing people who worked for him. He said, “That’d be great.” He said, “I love the idea.” So that was the beginning. It took another three weeks or another month before Trump publicly announced that he wanted Musk to head up his commission on government efficiency.

    JW: And what has Musk said about how much of the federal budget he intends to cut?

    DN: One of the reasons why Musk is never going into the administration in any significant role, although he may be an advisor to an advisory committee, Musk said that he’s going to cut $2 trillion from federal spending. Federal spending is now at $6 trillion. So what does that mean? If Musk is going to reach his $2 trillion cut, he’s got to cut into mandated spending. He’s got to cut Medicare, social security, debt payments, and defense, or he’s got to eliminate everything else the government does — from border control to aid to the police, to Pell grants, to you name it. It’s all got to go – $2 trillion is one third of federal spending.
    Now, there’s no Republican in the world, no matter how MAGA, who’s going to agree to that, and then go back to his constituents and say, “Sorry.” He’s sorry. “We can’t run the federal prisons or the federal courts, or this and this, and this, and this, and this.”

    JW: You quoted in your New York Times op-ed piece, a co-chairman from Trump’s transition team talking about this proposal of Musk’s. What did he say?

    DN: He said, “Musk is not going to join the government.” Then there was a little bit of a pause– he didn’t say because his plan is ridiculously stupid– he said, “because of conflicts of interest.” He’d have to quit Tesla, and SpaceX, and he’s not going to do that. And then he said, “But he’s really going to help us out. He’s going to write software for the government and give it to us for free.” And this is the co-chair, this is the co-chair of the transition committee.

    JW: Now just in case Trump does appoint Musk to something or other, what is Trump’s record of loyalties to his top appointees in his first term?

    DN: Yeah. In his first term, everybody went. In the first year, he let go his National Security Advisor, his Chief of Staff, his Assistant Chief of Staff, his Press Secretary, his Deputy Press Secretary. And that was in the first couple of months. Subsequently, he replaced, remember Rex Tillerson?

    JW: Oh, yeah.

    DN: He was Secretary of State for a minute and a half. The Attorneys General, he went through. Remember Lance Priebus? He was the first Chief of Staff — gone. So, Trump is not known for loyalty to anyone, except his sons. Not to his wives, but to his sons he’s been very loyal.

    JW: Of course, there’s a lot of other things Trump could do for Musk as president. I guess he could trade in all government vehicles for new Teslas. Then, there is Musk’s enthusiasm for Crypto. In his first term, Trump said Crypto was, “a scam,” “not money,” and “based on thin air.”
    And now Elon Musk is pushing a cryptocurrency called Dogecoin. He plugged this at the Madison Square Garden rally. And Trump, of course, has become an enthusiast for it. I’m a little confused, Doge, D-O-G-E, stands for Department of Government Efficiency, which is what Musk says he wants to head. Are you buying Dogecoin?

    DN: No. Not today, not tomorrow.
    Musk, whether he goes to Washington in some capacity or has Zoom calls with an advisory panel in Washington, his investment in Trump is going to pay off magnificently, because Musk survives on federal grants, his Tesla business, SpaceX. They would not be in the position they now are without government grants. Those government grants are going to increase dramatically. Musk says, and Trump agrees, “We’ve already been to the moon, who cares about the moon? Let’s go to Mars, and I’ll build the rockets to get us there. All I need is billions of dollars from the federal government.”
    But as importantly, I think for Musk, Musk doesn’t want any strings attached to any of the money he gets from the federal government. He doesn’t want to be investigated by the SEC, by the Justice Department, by the 30 or more federal agencies have been investigating his practices. Every time a rocket goes off, rockets launched in Texas, it befouls the air and befouls the water. The EPA says, “You can’t do that.”
    The FCC, the FTC, everybody investigates them. He wants to build his robo-taxis and wants to continue his production of self-driving Teslas, which are involved in all sorts of crashes without any oversight whatsoever; AI has to be regulated in some way. Musk doesn’t want that, and it’s not going to happen.

    JW: So, Trump says Elon Musk is ‘a super-genius,’ but there’s room for only one genius at the Trump White House: a very stable genius.
    David Nasaw wrote about “The Bromance That Cannot Last” for The New York Times. David, it’s always great to have you on the show.

    DN: Thank you.  A lot of fun.

  • Trump comparte McDonald's con RFK Jr., Elon Musk, Donald Jr. y el presidente Johnson

    El presidente electo Trump y miembros de su círculo íntimo compartieron una comida de McDonald's a bordo del avión privado de Trump, y Donald Trump Jr. publicó una foto el domingo por la mañana y bromeó diciendo que la misión de la campaña de Trump de hacer que los estadounidenses sean más saludables tendrá que esperar un día.

    Trump y su séquito incluían a Elon Musk, el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, republicano por Luisiana, Donald Trump Jr. y, quizás lo más sorprendente, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., el elegido de Trump para secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos. Kennedy, un crítico abierto de los alimentos procesados, fue fotografiado con comida de McDonald's y una Coca-Cola.

    Trump Jr. subtituló la foto: “Hacer que Estados Unidos vuelva a ser saludable comienza MAÑANA”.

    El grupo había viajado a la ciudad de Nueva York el sábado para asistir a UFC 309 en el Madison Square Garden, el lugar del histórico mitin de campaña de Trump el mes pasado.


    Elon Musk, el presidente electo Trump, Donald Trump Jr., el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, y Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    El presidente electo Trump compartió una comida en McDonalds con Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr., el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, y Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Donald Trump Jr./X)

    Kennedy no ha tenido reparos en compartir sus opiniones sobre la dieta del presidente electo.

    “Las cosas que come son realmente malas”, dijo Kennedy al podcaster Joe Polish el lunes.

    “La comida de campaña siempre es mala, pero la comida que va en ese avión es, como, simplemente veneno”, dijo sobre la comida a bordo del avión privado de Trump. “Puedes elegir entre… no tienes elección, te dan KFC o Big Macs. Ahí es cuando tienes suerte, y luego el resto de las cosas las considero no comestibles”.


    Kennedy también prometió a principios de este mes limpiar “departamentos enteros” dentro de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos por “no hacer su trabajo”.

    RFK Jr.

    Trump nombró a Kennedy como su secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos después de ganar las elecciones presidenciales de 2024. (Rebecca Noble/Getty Images, Archivo)

    Kennedy respaldó a Trump después de suspender su propia campaña presidencial, convertirse en uno de los sustitutos más destacados de Trump e incorporar el movimiento “MAHA” (Make America Healthy Again) en su argumento final ante los votantes.


    Kennedy ya ha comenzado a pedir a los estadounidenses comunes y corrientes que hagan sugerencias sobre qué políticas y personas deberían implementarse como secretario del HHS, lanzando un sitio web llamado “Policies for the People” que permite a las personas nominar, sugerir y votar por los líderes y las políticas que desean. ver venir desde la Casa Blanca de Trump.

    Joseph A. Wulfsohn y Peter Pinedo de Fox News Digital contribuyeron a este informe.