Tag: Georgia

  • Loranne Ausley s-a mutat la coloana vertebrală, un centru de reabilitare pentru leziuni cerebrale din Georgia, spune soțul

    Fosta senatoare de stat din zona Tallahassee, Loranne Ausley, care a fost grav rănită într-un accident de bicicletă în comitatul Bay la începutul acestei luni, a fost mutată la un centru de reabilitare pentru leziuni ale măduvei spinării și creierului din Georgia, a postat soțul ei duminică pe Facebook.

    Ausley a fost transferat de la Centrul de îngrijire de urgență și traumă Ascension Sacred Heart din Panama City la Centrul Shepherd din Atlanta, a spus Bill Hollimon.

    „Ea lucrează din greu cu terapeuții ei și sperăm într-o recuperare completă”, a spus el în postare.

    Accidentul s-a produs în timpul unui triatlon, a postat Hollimon anterior, iar Ausley a suferit o intervenție chirurgicală la gât.

    „Are multă muncă grea în față, dar munca grea este o muncă bună și este pregătită pentru asta”, a adăugat el în postarea de duminică.

    „Pentru cei care au trimis rugăciuni și continuă să se gândească la Loranne, familia noastră vă mulțumește. Puteți să-i trimiteți e-mail la următoarea adresă. Vă rugăm să trimiteți numai felicitări, scrisori și note înălțătoare; vă rugăm să nu cadouri sau pachete.”

    Adresa este Loranne Ausley – BFR505 c/o Shepherd Center, 1860 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30309.

    Acoperire anterioară: Revărsare de sprijin pentru Loranne Ausley în urma accidentului de bicicletă din weekend

    Asemenea: Loranne Ausley, fost deputat din Tallahassee, a fost rănită într-un accident de bicicletă

    Postarea a avut peste 200 de comentarii până luni dimineața, inclusiv din partea parlamentarilor de stat. Ausley, o democrată, a servit pentru prima dată în Camera Reprezentanților din Florida în 2000-08, a revenit în 2016, apoi a fost aleasă să reprezinte Big Bend în Senatul statului în 2020. Ea a pierdut o ofertă de realegere în 2022.

    „Este o veste atât de grozavă!” a postat senatorul de stat Tina Polsky, deputat în Boca Raton. “Atât de fericit să aud asta. Voi continua să mă rog pentru recuperare completă. Trimit dragoste”, a adăugat senatorul de stat Lori Berman, deputat în Boynton Beach.

    Ausley, avocat, este rezident din a șasea generație din Tallahassee și face parte din consiliul de administrație al Institutului pentru Succesul Copilului și al Fundației Claude Pepper, potrivit biografiei sale oficiale.

    Liceul Leon este, de asemenea, fiica legendarului avocat din Tallahassee DuBose „Duby” Ausley.

    Bill Hollimon aici. În primul rând, vrem să mulțumim medicilor, asistentelor, producătorilor de omlete, personalului de custodie și tuturor celorlalți de la…

    Postat de Loranne Ausley duminică, 24 noiembrie 2024

    Această poveste conține informații raportate anterior.

    Jim Rosica, directorul de știri al Tallahassee Democrat, poate fi contactat la jrosica@tallahassee.com. Urmărește-l pe X: @JimRosicaFL.

    Acest articol a apărut inițial pe Tallahassee Democrat: fostul senator Loranne Ausley s-a mutat la un centru de îngrijire de specialitate din Atlanta

  • Un bărbat pledează vinovat că a ucis un cuplu din Georgia atras de o ofertă falsă de a vinde o mașină clasică

    McRAE-HELENA, Georgia (AP) — Un bărbat a pledat vinovat pentru uciderea unui cuplu din Georgia găsit împușcat cu aproape un deceniu în urmă, după ce a fost atras într-un județ rural de o ofertă falsă de a le vinde o mașină clasică.

    Ronnie „Jay” Towns a pledat vinovat luni la Curtea Superioară a județului Telfair pentru două capete de acuzare de crimă rău intenționată în uciderea lui Bud și June Runion din ianuarie 2015.

    Judecătoarea de la Curtea Superioară Sara Wall a condamnat Towns la închisoare pe viață fără șanse de eliberare condiționată, a informat WMAZ-TV. Pledoaria lui Towns l-a scutit de o posibilă condamnare la moarte dacă ar fi fost condamnat de un juriu.

    Anchetatorii au spus că Runions au călătorit mai mult de trei ore de la casa lor din Marietta, în afara Atlanta, până în județul Telfair, așteptându-se să cumpere un Ford Mustang din 1966 de la cineva care l-a contactat pe Bud Runion, în vârstă de 69 de ani, ca răspuns la un anunț de pe site-ul Craigslist. În schimb, au fost jefuiți și împușcați mortal. Autoritățile și-au găsit cadavrele lângă un drum județean.

    Towns a fost arestat câteva zile mai târziu și acuzat de jaf armat și omor. Cazul său a blocat după ce instanțele din Georgia au respins primul rechizitoriu al lui Towns pentru probleme legate de modul în care a fost selectat marele juriu. Towns a fost inculpat pentru a doua oară în 2020, iar pandemia de COVID-19 a provocat noi întârzieri.

    „Au fost 10 ani extrem de lungi”, a spus judecătorul în timpul audierii pledoariei lui Towns.

    Noi dovezi ale morții Runionilor au apărut în mod neașteptat în aprilie anul trecut, când cineva care folosea un magnet pentru a pescui obiecte metalice într-un pârâu a scos o pușcă de calibru .22 și o geantă care conținea un telefon mobil, precum și o pereche de permise de conducere și cărți de credit. care aparținea Runionilor.

    Procurorul districtual Tim Vaughn de la Circuitul Judiciar Oconee a declarat că noile dovezi i-au întărit cazul împotriva Towns.

    Fiica familiei Runions, Brittany Patterson, a declarat pentru Associated Press în 2015 că tatăl ei a călătorit în județul Telfair sperând să-și cumpere o bucată din tinerețe, un Mustang decapotabil din 1966, asemănător celui pe care îl cumpărase după ce s-a întors din războiul din Vietnam cu decenii mai devreme.

    În comunitatea lor de la nord de Atlanta, familia Runions a condus o organizație de caritate, pe care o numeau „Bud’s Bicycles”, care a donat biciclete recondiționate, rechizite școlare, paltoane, pături și alimente pentru persoanele aflate în nevoie.

  • Julie Adams’ Rise From Conservative Activist to Georgia Election Official — ProPublica

    In an ornate room in Georgia’s Capitol, Julie Adams — a member both of the election board serving the state’s most populous county and of a right-wing organization sowing skepticism about American elections — got the news she was waiting for. And she couldn’t wait to share it.

    With pink manicured nails that matched her trim pink blazer, she tapped out a message on her phone to a top election lawyer for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. “Got it passed,” she wrote to Gineen Bresso, photographs reviewed by ProPublica show.

    What had passed that September afternoon in Atlanta was a state rule, championed by Adams, that would allow poll watchers like those she’d trained to gain greater access to sensitive areas in counting centers where votes were being tallied. The rule was a priority for supporters of former President Donald Trump who are looking to pave the way to challenge election results if their candidate loses this week’s vote.

    The win was one in a string of them for Adams, who quickly ascended from a little-known, financially troubled conservative activist to a surprise appointee to the Fulton County board of elections. Her note to Bresso signaled not just this particular victory but the extent to which the 61-year-old has used her new perch to carry out the efforts of national players seeking to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

    Fulton itself is significant in state and national politics for a host of reasons: its sheer concentration of Democratic voters (380,000 in 2020, more than any other Georgia county), the scrutiny it received from national election skeptics after Trump lost the state by fewer than 12,000 votes — and, now, its newest election board member’s outsize role in trying to influence Georgia’s election processes.

    Her actions in her nine months on the Fulton County board have been prodigious. She secretly helped push another, arguably higher-stakes rule through the state election board that vastly expanded the authority of county board members to refuse to certify votes they deem suspicious. She herself refused to certify the results of the presidential primary in March (though the board’s Democratic majority overruled her), and then she sued her board and election director, asserting local officials should be allowed to refuse to certify vote totals if there are discrepancies, which experts say are almost always innocuous. Some of her lawyers in that case work for the America First Policy Institute, an advocacy group staffed with former Trump officials.

    So far, Adams’ efforts have mostly failed. Two judges have invalidated rules that Adams backed, with one calling them “illegal, unconstitutional and void.” But other efforts are still underway. The month after joining the Fulton County election board, Adams became regional coordinator for the Election Integrity Network, the group founded by lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who joined Trump on a call when he asked Georgia’s secretary of state to “find” him enough votes to overturn the 2020 election results there.

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    In that role, Adams runs weekly calls for Republican activists who have described Georgia’s voting as rigged, and she has pulled conservative members of local election boards into a loose coalition, many of whom have challenged results in their counties, too. And prominent conservative election lawyers, writers and national groups have used Adams’ push against certification in Georgia as the basis for a national argument.

    Adams did not respond to numerous requests for comment or a detailed list of questions. Nor did representatives for the Election Integrity Network.

    The Georgia-based group that hired Adams in 2022, Tea Party Patriots Action, has received millions of dollars from organizations closely tied to conservative legal activist and fundraiser Leonard Leo and billionaire Richard Uihlein, tax records show. Uihlein-backed groups launched unsubstantiated attacks on the legitimacy of voter rolls in at least a dozen states after the 2020 election.

    A representative for Uihlein did not respond to questions. A representative for Leo would not elaborate on his contributions to organizations that supported Tea Party Patriots.

    The true test of Adams’ effectiveness will come on Election Day — and, if the results in Georgia are anywhere near as close and consequential as they were in 2020, in the days and weeks beyond.

    “She’s trying to help Trump win or trying to create chaos in the administration of the election in order to cast aspersions on it if he doesn’t win,” said Patrise Perkins-Hooker, who served as chair of the county election board when Adams joined. Perkins-Hooker described Adams’ work as centered on carrying out the agenda of right-wing activists and not making “the elections run smoothly or transparently.”

    In response to ProPublica’s questions, the Republican National Committee provided a statement that said: “The Georgia state election board passed commonsense safeguards to secure Georgia’s elections. The Trump-Vance Campaign and RNC supported these rules to bring transparency and accountability to the election process.” It also said, “The RNC defended these rules in court against attacks from Kamala and the DNC and will continue to fight against Democrat election interference.

    Back in 2020, Mitchell and others challenging the results across the country had to rely on disorganized groups of Trump supporters who came together at the last minute and were mostly unfamiliar with election systems. Experts now warn about the more pronounced impact that election deniers like Adams will have, given that they have come to occupy positions of power in local election administration. As Trump said at an October rally in North Carolina: “The vote counter is far more important than the candidate.”

    “It was universal support for Julie,” said Earl Ferguson, a vice chair of the Fulton County Republicans, who has also filed challenges to voters’ eligibility and repeated debunked conspiracy theories about the reliability of voting machines at election board meetings. (Ferguson does not agree that the points he made about the machines were not valid.) “She is honest and very capable, and very pleasant.”

    After Trump lost the 2020 election, Adams and a small group of conservative activists became regular attendees at election board meetings. On a few occasions, she addressed the board during the public comment period, questioning the integrity of the county’s elections and its certification process. But she was much less outspoken than other activists in the group.

    “When Adams was appointed, little was known about her connections to election deniers to justify opposition,” said Max Flugrath, spokesperson for Fair Fight, the Georgia-based voting advocacy organization. “Voting rights groups instead focused on opposing candidates with documented anti-voter records.”

    Adams had worked in human resources and executive recruiting. Records show she also had experienced major financial setbacks. She’d filed for bankruptcy in 2005, and her mortgage company had auctioned her Cobb County home on the courthouse steps in 2010. A landlord later sued her, and she agreed to pay more than $13,000 in back rent, according to a 2021 consent agreement.

    That same year, she trained 32 poll watchers to monitor the 2021 municipal elections. And she told county commissioners that she believed some tally sheets from an audit of the 2020 election had been “falsified.”

    In 2022, Tea Party Patriots Action, the politically active arm of one of the largest national Tea Party groups, hired Adams as a field director, paying her about $124,000 a year according to tax filings.

    Her hire came at a time when the group was pulling in cash and intensifying its focus on election issues. Groups funded by Leo, who is seen as the architect behind the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, provided the Tea Party group and a related foundation at least $1.1 million between 2020 and 2022, records show, including a 2021 grant related to election integrity. The group also hired Leo’s firm as consultants.

    In 2022, Tea Party Patriots Action more than doubled its annual revenue, thanks in part to a $2.5 million grant from Restoration of America — which is backed by Uihlein, the billionaire owner of the packing supplies company Uline. That year, former Trump campaign official Gina Swoboda was a Restoration for America executive director. Restoration has spent the years since Trump lost in 2020 pushing the unfounded idea that discrepancies in voter roll data between the number of votes and the number of ballots cast are evidence of fraud, despite insistence by elected officials from both parties that the claims are baseless.

    That year, the Tea Party group added a program to bring in poll watchers and workers in Georgia, records show. And it had Adams in place.

    Representatives for the Tea Party group and Restoration of America did not respond to requests for comment. Swoboda did not respond to questions.

    Adams has run scores of poll watcher and worker online trainings, with some drawing dozens of people, records reviewed by ProPublica show. In a May training, Adams listed over 10 things that she wants trainees to report, from the serial numbers on voting machines to the names of poll managers. “There’s no such thing as too much documentation,” she said in a recording of a May training. “If something doesn’t feel right to you, you need to write it out.”

    At an October training, she told the roughly three dozen attendees, including those joining from out of state, to first report discrepancies to their state GOP and RNC hotlines and then to VoterGA, an organization whose leader has cast doubt on the outcome of the 2020 election. The Republican Party and right-wing organizations plan to use the poll watchers’ reports in post-election litigation, ProPublica has reported.

    “VoterGA has an 18-year proven track record of nonpartisan activity,” said co-founder Garland Favorito. “Republicans and Democrats are told to call their own party hotlines for election issues. We have no plans or resources to file any type of speculative litigation in any matter.”

    While working for the Tea Party, Adams also led weekly meetings frequented by prominent state activists, RNC officials, GOP county heads, conservative election board members and voter registration challengers, according to records including emails obtained by the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and shared with ProPublica.

    Agendas included subjects such as “Voter Integrity concerns for 2024 Elections” and warnings like “New York Times Reporter traveling to several counties in Georgia.”

    In 2022, Adams had appeared at the Election Integrity Network’s Georgia chapter launch and was described the following year as its state liaison in social media posts by other activists.

    But much of her work was done behind the scenes. So when the county GOP nominated her to join the election board in the heavily Democratic Fulton County, commissioners approved the choice 6-0.

    After Adams joined the board in February, it did not take long for fellow members to begin worrying about her intentions. The board is made up of four political appointees, two by each party, led by a chair chosen by the Democratic-majority county commission. Traditionally, the board’s primary goal has been to make Fulton elections run smoothly, past and present board members said.

    However, Perkins-Hooker, the chair when Adams joined, said that during meetings, she could see Adams receiving text messages from a Republican activist “telling her what to say, and what to do.” After Perkins-Hooker stepped down in April, the new chair banned board members from using phones during meetings.

    “She came with a mission to try and paint our elections as being fraught with fraud and incompetency,” said Perkins-Hooker, an opinion echoed by other board members.

    Adams had been on the board for just a few weeks when, in March, she was elevated to regional coordinator for the Election Integrity Network, the organization that Mitchell, Trump’s lawyer, had launched. The new position put her near the top of the leadership’s organizational chart.

    Adams quickly began pushing conservative priorities at election board meetings. She wanted poll watchers to have more access to vote tallies from election machines. And she was very concerned about the mechanics of certifying elections. Though a century of case law says that certification is a mandatory duty for officials like her — whom experts compare to scorekeepers, not referees — Adams began questioning if she had to do it. She demanded reams of information she said that she needed to be certain of the results before certifying.

    At Adams’ third meeting, in March, she and the other Republican board member shocked Democratic board members by voting against the certification of the presidential primary election — though the Democratic majority overruled them.

    Adams’ push to have power over certification of election results couldn’t succeed under the state’s current rules, so she set out to change them.

    To do so, she lobbied to remake the body that determined them, the State Election Board, which at the time was composed of two moderate Republican members, two MAGA-aligned members and a Democrat. She activated the coalition she had been building with the support of national Republicans, inviting them to a March meeting where the goal was to ensure that the moderate Republican on the State Election Board was replaced. “The Georgia House of Representatives needs to take action immediately!!!!” the meeting invitation read, providing the phone number of the speaker of the house.

    Not long afterward, the speaker replaced that board member with a conservative media personality whom Trump would soon praise by name at a rally.

    The new Trump-backed majority quickly began passing rules that the prior board had criticized as illegal, including one, originally pushed by Adams, expanding the power of county board members to refuse to certify votes they found suspicious. It was passed by the new board along with another rule potentially allowing county board members to delay certification.

    A national outcry ensued, with The New York Times calling it “The Republican Plan to Challenge a Harris Victory.”

    Three of the nation’s leading conservative election lawyers backed the new rules. A conservative group ran ads targeting swing state election officials that echoed the lawyers’ arguments. And the certification rule Adams pushed became a talking point for conservative media outlets. One article in The Federalist argued that it “could stop leftists from bullying election officials into certifying results without completing their duties.” Lawyers for the Republican National Committee and a Trump-aligned conservative think tank also defended the certification rules in Georgia superior court, testing arguments that certifying election results was optional.

    Adams’ arguments that certification is not mandatory inspired David Hancock, a GOP member of Gwinnett County’s election board, to vote against certifying the same presidential primary as Adams. (He described several minor inconsistencies as sufficient reason for him not to certify.) “It was, like, a big deal,” Hancock said of Adams’ decision to vote against certifying.

    Because two judges in October invalidated the new rules passed by the State Election Board, the mechanics of the election this week will be the same as before Adams’ pushes to empower poll watchers and county election board members.

    But at a combative Fulton County board meeting the week before the election, Adams made clear that she wasn’t going to let the judge’s rulings stop her from continuing her campaign. Despite the county’s lawyer telling her that the certification rule she had pushed had been stayed, she argued that it had actually not been, citing her lawyers. “I’ve learned how the system works — or at least how it was supposed to work,” Adams said. “I’ve learned how sometimes it doesn’t work as the law requires, right here in Fulton County.”

    Mollie Simon contributed research and Andy Kroll contributed reporting.

  • Kirby Smart din Georgia a convocat comitetul de selecție CFP după victoria în fața Tennessee

    Georgia și-a prezentat argumentele pentru playoff-ul de fotbal universitar sâmbătă, cu o victorie cu 31-17 în fața Tennessee, iar Kirby Smart a avut un mesaj pentru comitet.

    În cele mai recente clasamente, Georgia a fost clasată pe locul 12 și prima echipă din exterior care se uită în bracket. Clasamentul Bulldogs a venit după o înfrângere în fața lui Ole Miss săptămâna trecută. Tennessee a intrat în meciul de sâmbătă, clasat ca echipa nr. 7 în clasament și va fi în Playoff.


    Kirby Smart pe margine

    Antrenorul principal al Georgiei, Kirby Smart, reacționează pe margine în timpul meciului cu Tennessee, sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2024, la Atena, Georgia. (AP Foto/John Bazemore)

    Cel mai mare câștig al Georgiei va schimba probabil asta.

    “Nu știu ce caută. Chiar nu știu”, a spus Smart despre comitetul de selecție, prin ESPN. „Mi-aș dori să poată defini cu adevărat criteriile. Mi-aș dori să poată face testul globului ocular acolo unde vin aici și să se uite la oamenii împotriva cărora jucăm și să se uite la ei.

    “Nu poți vedea chestiile astea la televizor, așa că nu știu ce caută. Dar asta trebuie să decidă altcineva. Sunt îngrijorat pentru echipa noastră.”


    Carson Beck sărbătorește

    Quarterbackul Carson Beck reacționează după un touchdown din Georgia împotriva Tennessee, sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2024, la Atena. (AP Foto/John Bazemore)

    ESPN a remarcat că președintele comitetului de selecție al CFP, Warde Manuel, care este și directorul de atletism la Universitatea din Michigan, a spus că rulourile și problemele ofensive ale Bulldogs au fost motivul pentru care au coborât de la numărul 3 la numărul 12.

    Georgia a avut sâmbătă 453 de yarzi totale și nicio schimbare de afaceri acasă.

    „Nu sunt în acel mediu”, a spus Smart despre oficialii CFP. „Nu sunt la Ole Miss în acel mediu, jucând împotriva acelei apărări, care este în top 5 din țară, cu unul dintre cei mai buni jucători de pasă din țară, și sunt încântați. Au un avans de două scoruri, și vin la fiecare piesă. Ei nu știu asta.

    Warren Brinson îl concediază

    Arbitrul defensiv al Georgiei, Warren Brinson, reacţionează după ce Bulldogs l-au demis pe fundasul din Tennessee Nico Iamaleava, sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2024, la Atena. (AP Foto/John Bazemore)


    Georgia are 8-2 în acest sezon și mai are UMass și Georgia Tech pe anul. O a treia pierdere i-ar scădea cu siguranță speranța de a ajunge în ultima paranteză.

    Urmărește Fox News Digital acoperire sportivă pe X și abonați-vă la buletinul informativ Fox News Sports Huddle.

  • Reacții în săptămâna 12: Oregon scapă supărat și Georgia se întoarce în cursa de playoff? | Ora de putere de fotbal universitar

    Acest conținut încorporat nu este disponibil în regiunea dvs.

    Oare Dan Lanning a ieșit din linie pentru a falsifica un gol de teren în loc să pună mingea în mâinile lui Dillon Gabriel? Oregon își menține sezonul perfect în viață pe drumurile din Wisconsin, dar nu fără unele controverse. Caroline Fenton, Jason Fitz și Adam Breneman au defalcat acel joc și, în SEC, Carson Beck arată în sfârșit ca QB-ul pe care ne-am gândit că va fi când Georgia Bulldogs învinge Voluntarii din Tennessee. În altă parte, LSU coboară greu în fața Florida Gators ale căror șanse la bowl cresc după victorie.

    Caroline, Fitz și Adam împărtășesc cele mai importante concluzii din weekend, inclusiv motivul pentru care Billy Napier și Florida vor fi discutate în oraș în extrasezon și pe care doi jucători au luat-o înainte în cursa Heisman.

    (0:37) Tennessee @ Georgia recapitulare

    (26:32) Oregon @ Wisconsin recapitulare

    (33:48) Nu există o echipă „mare” CFB în acest sezon

    (46:50) Florida va fi vorba în oraș

    (55:31) Rasa Heisman se reduce la doi

    Quarterbackul Oregon Ducks Dillon Gabriel (8) se zbate în timpul unui meci de fotbal universitar dintre Oregon Ducks și Wisconsin Badgers, pe 16 noiembrie 2024, pe terenul Barry Alvarez din stadionul Camp Randall din Madison, WI. (Fotografia de Dan Sanger/Icon Sportswire prin Getty Images)Quarterbackul Oregon Ducks Dillon Gabriel (8) se zbate în timpul unui meci de fotbal universitar dintre Oregon Ducks și Wisconsin Badgers, pe 16 noiembrie 2024, pe terenul Barry Alvarez din stadionul Camp Randall din Madison, WI. (Fotografia de Dan Sanger/Icon Sportswire prin Getty Images)

    Quarterbackul Oregon Ducks Dillon Gabriel (8) se zbate în timpul unui meci de fotbal universitar dintre Oregon Ducks și Wisconsin Badgers, pe 16 noiembrie 2024, pe terenul Barry Alvarez din stadionul Camp Randall din Madison, WI. (Fotografia de Dan Sanger/Icon Sportswire prin Getty Images)

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