Biroul Sheriffului din Cherokee a declarat că un suspect este mort după ce a intrat într-o luptă cu deputații din Canton.
Potrivit biroului șerifului, deputații din comitatul Floyd au cerut ajutor pentru executarea unui mandat de arestare unui suspect căutat pentru viol în Canton, care locuiește într-o casă de pe Ficklen Church Way.
Când deputații au ajuns la casă în jurul orei 23:15, l-au găsit pe suspect afară cu o armă.
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The sheriff’s office said Cherokee deputies tried to negotiate with them and the Cherokee Multi-Agency SWAT Team was called out to the home.
Just after midnight, the sheriff’s office said shots were fired and the suspect was killed.
Now, as they do with any shooting with officers involved, the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office requested the Georgia Bureau of Investigation review the incident and investigate the shooting.
The suspect has not yet been identified, and the sheriff’s office said the GBI will provide details later on regarding the shooting incident.
Channel 2 Action News has reached out for additional information.
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