Tag: Baseball

  • Cum ar putea influența hotărârea colegiului de juniori pe baseball, draft MLB

    O hotărâre recentă asupra fotbalului universitar împotriva NCAA ar putea sfârși prin a avea un impact considerabil asupra viitorului baseball-ului universitar.

    Miercuri, un judecător federal din Tennessee a acordat o ordonanță pentru fundașul Vanderbilt Diego Pavia, permițându-i să urmeze încă un an de eligibilitate NCAA. Asta înseamnă că timpul petrecut de un atlet de facultate în colegiu pentru juniori nu se ia în considerare pentru anii lui generali de eligibilitate NCAA.

    Dacă este susținut, acest lucru ar însemna că un jucător care petrece doi ani la un colegiu pentru juniori și-ar putea începe cariera în NCAA ca boboc, cu patru ani de eligibilitate rămase în loc de cei doi actuali.

    În timp ce cazul lui Pavia este legat de un jucător de fotbal SEC, în așteptarea unei hotărâri finale, schimbarea ar putea avea un impact profund asupra baseballului colegiului, draftului MLB și chiar ligilor minore. Am vorbit cu o duzină de cercetăși și antrenori MLB despre potențialele consecințe.

    Un antrenor asistent de baseball ACC și-a rezumat gândirea: „Mă întreb ce urmează de la administratori. Baseballul la facultate va fi cu totul diferit dacă juco nu contează”.

    Iată cum ar putea fi simțit impactul de către toți cei implicați la fiecare nivel.


    Această decizie este un clar pozitiv pentru jucătorii amatori. Dacă sezoanele la un colegiu pentru juniori încetează să mai conteze pentru standardul NCAA de patru sezoane de joc în cinci ani, jucătorii ar putea folosi calea pentru a-și alinia mai bine cele mai bune sezoane de colegiu la cele mai bune școli pentru cel mai mare timp de joc și cel mai bun rezultat monetar (NIL, salariu sau bonus de semnare a schiței), cu flexibilitate de a schimba școlile în fiecare sezon și probabil obținerea unei diplome sau două diplome gratuite pe parcurs.

    Iată un scenariu:

    Liceu (vârsta de 18 ani): Jucătorul refuză un bonus de semnătură de șase cifre în draftul de la liceu.

    College Year 1 (vârsta 19): jucătorul nu are un loc de titular la școala Power 4 la care s-a angajat în liceu și, în loc să joace cu jumătate de normă, cere un tricou roșu pentru a-și păstra eligibilitatea. (Acest jucător este, de asemenea, eligibil pentru draft în fiecare an din acest scenariu, cu excepția celui acesta.)

    Anul 2 de facultate (vârsta de 20 de ani): jucătorul se mută la un colegiu pentru juniori, unde începe și progresează ca prospect cu repetări regulate.

    Anul 3 de facultate (vârsta de 21 de ani): progresia jucătorului continuă și el se angajează la o facultate mijlocie în timpul celui de-al doilea an de facultate.

    Anul 4 de facultate (22 de ani): Jucătorul este boboc în cămașă roșie și are un an grozav la o școală de mijloc.

    Anul 5 de facultate (vârsta de 23 de ani: jucătorul se transferă la o școală SEC ca student în doi ani și primește un pachet de 100.000 USD+ NIL.

    Anul 6 de facultate (vârsta de 24 de ani): se întoarce/transferă la școala SEC ca junior.

    Anul 7 de facultate (vârsta de 25 de ani): se întoarce/transferă la școala SEC ca senior.

    Există și alte scenarii, cum ar fi un an postuniversitar după liceu, o cămașă roșie de la colegiu, o cămașă roșie medicală etc., care înseamnă că noi putea să vezi într-o zi un jucător sărbătorind cea de-a 30-a aniversare în timp ce încă joacă baseball la facultate.

    Unul dintre punctele cheie aici care i-ar stimula pe jucători să ia în considerare această cale este că ar fi eligibili pentru draft în aproape fiecare sezon al carierei lor universitare. Acest lucru le oferă oportunitatea de a pleca pentru profesioniști ori de câte ori stocul lor este cel mai mare, deoarece regulile MLB permit jucătorilor să fie selectați după fiecare sezon la un colegiu de juniori sau într-un sezon de colegiu în care împlinesc 21 de ani până la 1 august. În sistem, jucătorii trebuie adesea să decidă între a lua ceea ce li se oferă ca absolvenți de liceu sau a aștepta trei ani pentru a fi din nou eligibili pentru draft. Până de curând, cu NIL și în curând împărțirea veniturilor, acești jucători nu câștigau bani între cele două decizii.

    Există totuși un dezavantaj pentru jucători: ar deveni mai rar ca bobocii să contribuie la școlile de top, astfel că școlile de top vor oferi probabil mai puține burse jucătorilor de liceu și va deveni foarte competitivă pentru locurile pe listă la aceste colegii de top, exacerbând ceva care a început deja să se întâmple odată cu recentul set de reforme a listelor.

    Programe de facultate

    Baseballul pentru colegii pentru juniori ar avea cel mai mare impact imediat cu această schimbare, deoarece nu este o cale de conducere către baseballul profesionist în acest moment. De fapt, în ultimele cinci draft-uri MLB, a existat doar o alegere în prima rundă, una în runda a doua și trei alegeri în runda a treia selectate direct din colegiile de juniori. Este mai obișnuit să vezi jucători transferați de la colegii de juniori la colegii de patru ani și apoi mergi devreme în draft, dar aceasta este încă văzută ca o cale secundară în cel mai bun caz. Ambele căi de la colegiu junior la profesioniști ar deveni mai comune atunci când se elimină cei doi ani arși de eligibilitate și se infuzează nivelul juco cu talent care caută să maximizeze opțiunile viitoare.

    Feedback-ul pe care l-am primit de la cercetașii MLB și de la antrenorii colegiului cu privire la ceea ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru școlile de patru ani a arătat că ramificațiile vor fi simțite și până la cele mai înalte niveluri ale Diviziei I de baseball.

    Școlile de top ar avea liste care să prezinte un amestec de perspective de top de la o vârstă obișnuită a colegiului și jucători colegiali „profesioniști” de la mijlocul până la sfârșitul vârstei de 20 de ani, aceștia din urmă amestecându-se și ieșind aproape în fiecare sezon.

    De fapt, un cercetaș mi-a trimis un mesaj cu titlul Pavia și a adăugat: „NCAA tocmai a primit o ligă minoră”. I-am trimis un mesaj text pentru a clarifica: „SEC va fi doar niște băieți la draft și tineri de 26 de ani?” — Destul de mult.

    Au existat deja câteva povești în această vară despre recruți de liceu de top (oferte de bonus de la mijlocul până la șase cifre de la echipele MLB) care au fost abandonați de programele de colegiu de top la sfârșitul procesului în favoarea unui junior de colegiu care se transferă pentru a primi un șase. -pachet cifra NIL, probabil va semna un contract pro după un sezon.

    Acest transfer este aproape sigur un jucător mai bun pentru acel an decât bobocul care vine, dar necesită resurse NIL doar pentru un sezon de performanță. S-ar putea să vedem mai multe decizii pe termen scurt ca aceasta luate de antrenori, pe măsură ce salariile lor continuă să crească — câștigarea unei serii suplimentare ar putea valora milioane. Continuă să existe mai puține stimulente pentru a dezvolta jucători în facultate pentru mai multe sezoane de la un rol mic la unul mai mare și, în același timp, a convinge o perspectivă promițătoare să folosească un an de eligibilitate pentru un rol cu ​​jumătate de normă ar fi mai dificil.

    echipele MLB

    În prezent, există o bară destul de ridicată pe care echipele trebuie să le șteargă atunci când oferă un bonus pentru a atrage un jucător să iasă de la liceu, adesea undeva între 500.000 USD și 1 milion USD. Am început să vedem câteva exemple de jucători care aleg facultatea în locul mingii profesionale, cu oferte NIL jucând un rol important. Am putut vedea o lume în care colegiile pentru juniori sunt strict pentru dezvoltare și timp de joc, programele de top de patru ani de colegiu devin comparabile cu Low-A la nivel de competiție și mediul profesional, iar colegiile mijlocii majore sunt o stație de drum între cele două.

    Vederea unui prospect de top în vârstă de 21 de ani care se confruntă cu un tânăr inteligent de 26 de ani pe viață la facultate în mod regulat înainte de draft, ar permite echipelor MLB să se simtă mai bine cu privire la modul în care va arăta acel prospect de top în ligile minore, crescând astfel rentabilitatea percepută a investiției pe care o au. face pe player. Cercetașii cu care am vorbit erau și ei îngrijorați de locurile lor de muncă din cauza siguranței pe care le-ar crea aceste tipuri de confruntări. La programele de top de colegiu, unde există videoclipuri complete și diagrame ale fiecărei terenuri, alături de date bogate care rivalizează adesea cu stadiile MLB, opinia cercetașilor de pe stadion ar putea conta mai puțin atunci când modelele analitice ar putea cuantifica și mai multe informații cheie utilizate pentru hotărâri de zi de proiect.

    Dacă conferințele colegiale de top încep să reproducă o mulțime de ceea ce vor oferi minorii inferiori, atunci și talentul minorilor inferiori ar scădea într-o oarecare măsură. Nu cred că acest lucru ar afecta deloc Double-A sau Triple-A – vor exista doar două căi similare care vor duce la minorii superioare și ligile mari.

    Echipele MLB ar continua să recruteze și să semneze în mod regulat cei mai buni jucători din liceu și primele colegii de patru ani în primele runde, așa cum o fac acum, dar combinația puternică dintre ligile minore recent contractate, portalul NIL/transfer și colegiile pentru juniori. ca un teren de antrenament care nu folosește eligibilitatea NCAA ar putea duce la mai puțini jucători care semnează pentru bonusuri mai mici de șase cifre pentru a se dezvolta în ligile minore, deoarece beneficiile ar putea fi mai mari. în facultate.

    Gândiți-vă la asta din perspectiva unui tânăr jucător: obțineți o educație gratuită, o mare parte din potențialul dvs. bonus de semnare în împărțirea veniturilor/NIL sezonul următor și șansa de a crește dramatic acel eventual bonus — atunci când este posibil singura dvs. zi de plată mare în baseball — ar putea fi o mișcare inteligentă. Cealaltă opțiune este să luați un bonus mic de șase cifre pentru ceea ce ar putea fi doar câțiva ani de joc la minori înainte de a fi lansat. Echipele care adoptă o abordare în masă a draftului cu un număr de jucători colegiali cu bonusuri de la jumătatea la șase cifre ar putea fi nevoite să-și ajusteze strategia.

    Schimbarea modului în care echipele sunt capabile să atragă talent de la nivelurile de amatori prin sistemele lor în ligile majore ar putea fi un factor de diferență suficient de mare pentru a modifica ambele strategii de echipă și, eventual, modul în care funcționează draftul. Vă puteți imagina apoi o lume în care această serie de schimbări duce la un draft mai mare de jucători care merg în mare parte direct la High-A sau Double-A și s-ar putea să fie la doar un an distanță de ligile majore atunci când sunt recrutați. Conduce la un draft mai scurt? Un sistem de draft-and-follow modificat? Un sistem de împrumut precum fotbalul? Se implică MLB mai mult în jocul universitar, poate prin subvenționarea burselor sau ținând draftul MLB la Omaha în preajma College World Series?

  • Cubs, Yankees fac schimburi mari, enigma cheltuielilor lui A și MLB în Vietnam | Baseball Bar-B-Cast

    Acest conținut încorporat nu este disponibil în regiunea dvs.

    Chicago Cubs au nevoie de un jucător important care să se alăture formației lor și să-și îmbunătățească atacul după un sezon 2024 dezamăgitor. La sfârșitul săptămânii trecute, au făcut-o în cele din urmă prin aterizarea uneia dintre cele mai râvnite jetoane comerciale de pe bloc: Kyle Tucker de la Houston Astros.

    Jake Mintz și Jordan Shusterman discută despre comerțul de succes care l-a trimis pe trei ori All-Star în Windy City și de ce nu contează că Cubs au fost nevoiți să schimbe câteva perspective notabile pentru a-l primi pe outfielderul Gold Glove. De asemenea, se întreabă de ce Astros l-au schimbat în cele din urmă pe Tucker și nu au reușit să facă o prelungire mai devreme pentru el, pentru a evita să-l lase să ajungă la agenție liberă după sezonul 2025.

    Tot în acest episod din Baseball Bar-B-CastJake și Jordan vorbesc despre un alt pivot post-Juan Soto de la Brian Cashman, în timp ce New York Yankees l-au achiziționat de două ori Relieverul Anului NL, Devin Williams, de la Milwaukee Brewers. Apoi se scufundă în comerțul care i-a văzut pe Tampa Bay Rays trimițându-l pe Jeffrey Springs la Sacramento A's și cum este o mișcare care va ajuta la rezolvarea enigmei de cheltuieli a lui A. Băieții închid episodul discutând despre alte câteva tranzacții minore în baseball, Minnesota Twins fiind de vânzare, iar Jake vorbește despre descoperirile lui MLB în Vietnam.

    (2:21) – Deschiderea: Cubs îl achiziționează pe Kyle Tucker

    (16:31) – Jordan's Prospect Hut: Pe cine au luat Astros în afacere

    (30:48) – În jurul ligii: Yankees schimbă pentru Devin Williams

    (45:36) – Rays îl schimbă pe Jeffrey Springs la A's

    (52:15) – Modul Turbo: Gemenii sunt de vânzare

    (56:11) – Baseball în sălbăticie

    Associated PressAssociated Press

    Associated Press

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  • Fantasy Baseball Offseason Tracker: Andres Gimenez dealt to Blue Jays while Jake Burger goes to the Rangers

    The biggest free agent domino has fallen. Juan Soto is off the market with a record-setting 15-year, $765 million deal with the Mets. Not to be deterred, the Yankees then awarded an eight-year $218 million contract to Max Fried, the biggest ever guaranteed deal for a left-handed pitcher. Both moves came on the heels of the Giants’ seven-year, $182 million deal with shortstop Willy Adames.

    That’s right, the Hot Stove is in full swing, and Chris Towers and I are here to guide you through the transactions of actual consequence for Fantasy Baseball. This is the place where we’ll react to them as they happen, breaking down what they mean for 2025 drafts.

    So bookmark this page and keep checking back. As the news comes in, you’ll be glad you have one stop for keeping track of it all

    Jake Burger traded to Rangers

    Burger brings plenty of power, but that’s about it. It wasn’t a problem when he played for the White Sox and Marlins, who were desperate to fill out their lineup with anything worthwhile, but the threshold for playing time is much higher with the Rangers. Perhaps he’s insurance for another Josh Jung injury at third base. Perhaps he’s a platoon partner for Nathaniel Lowe at first. Perhaps he’s a part-time DH for those days when Leody Taveras’ bat just isn’t cutting it in center field. More likely, Burger is all of the above, but whether that’ll amount to full-time at-bats is hard to say as of now. So while the lineup and venue improve for Burger, I’m inclined to downgrade him somewhat due to the uncertainty of the role, dropping him behind names like Paul Goldschmidt and Ryan Mountcastle at first base and Nolan Arenado and Josh Jung at third. –Scott White

    Andres Gimenez to Blue Jays, Spencer Horwitz to Pirates in three-team deal

    This one is technically more of a flip since all three of the Pirates’ contributions to the deal (Luis Ortiz, Josh Hartle and Michael Kennedy) are going to the Guardians, but since Horwitz didn’t even have time to pack his bags, I’ll call it a three-team deal. The most Fantasy-relevant player on the move is Gimenez. His arrival in Toronto is a little disappointing for Will Wagner, Davis Schneider and Orelvis Martinez, all interesting players who might have pushed Horwitz for playing time but won’t overtake Gimenez. Horwitz himself would seem to be the big winner, presuming the Pirates give him full run at first base (he was stretched at second, and the Pirates have ample alternatives there). The 27-year-old is a bat-control specialist who showed surprising power as a rookie and could approach 20 homers with a .280 or so batting average if given ample runway.

    As for Gimenez, his value doesn’t change much. There may be a slight park downgrade, though not enough to change his power output meaningfully. He’s my No. 14 second baseman in 5×5 scoring and No. 15 in points. One sneaky aspect of this deal is that the Guardians seem to think Travis Bazzana, the No. 1 overall pick in this past year’s draft, is close to major league-ready. By flipping Horwitz, they’ve left themselves without an obvious starter at second base, and while it probably won’t be Bazzana to start out, there’s a good chance it will be by season’s end. –Scott White

    Nathan Eovaldi signs with Rangers

    We already have a pretty good idea how things will play out for Eovaldi in Texas seeing as he spent the past two years there. It was, in fact, the best two-year stretch of his career, which is why he was rewarded with a three-year, $75 million deal. He remains a hard-thrower at age 34, and that ample velocity, while driving his success, can be difficult to sustain over the full major-league calendar, which makes for a bumpy ride at times. So there will be stretches when Eovaldi looks better than his mid-to-high-threes ERA and stretches when he looks worse, but the end result will be respectable ratios with a quality win total because of how deep he works into games when healthy. I rank Eovaldi just inside my top 60 pitchers for 2025. –Scott White

    Max Fried signs with Yankees

    Having just lost Juan Soto to the crosstown rival Mets, the Yankees pivoted in a big way Tuesday, agreeing to an eight-year, $218 million contract with former Braves ace Max Fried. It’s the largest ever guaranteed contract for a left-handed pitcher, and on the surface anyway, it’s a nice fit. But here’s where I point out that this free agent deal, like every other free agent deal, is pending a physical, and while normally that’s a matter of crossing t’s and dotting i’s, I can’t shake the feeling that there might be a hiccup in Fried’s case. For the complete lowdown, check out my full-length article. –Scott White

    Yimi Garcia signs with Blue Jays

    This signing matters for Fantasy only because the Blue Jays are lacking a tried-and-true closer after non-tendering Jordan Romano (who has since signed with the Phillies). You may remember Garcia got the first chance to fill-in as closer when Romano was sidelined by injury last season and fared well enough in the role, but then the Blue Jays dealt him to Seattle, where he developed his own elbow troubles. Healthy now, Garcia could claim the closer role from Chad Green, who spent longer in it last season but also had a curiously low strikeout rate, or the Blue Jays could opt to bring in someone more established still. It’s an evolving situation, but if nothing else, we can say Garcia has landed in a spot where he has a chance for saves. –Scott White

    Thairo Estrada signs with Rockies

    The Rockies had an opening at second base after non-tendering Brendan Rodgers and will fill it with Estrada on a one-year, $3.25 million deal. The modest terms would suggest he’s merely a bridge to prospect Adael Amador eventually claiming the role. Amador was rushed to the majors as a 21-year-old and showed he wasn’t ready, but if he were to make big strides this year, Estrada doesn’t represent much of a roadblock.

    The 28-year-old was a useful Fantasy option in 2022 and 2023, contributing a little bit of pop with some speed — a poor man’s Tommy Edman, you might say — but he fell off hard last season while contending with a bum wrist. Coors Field makes for a cushy environment to rebuild his value, and fittingly, he’s hit .348 (32 for 92) with four home runs in 24 career games there. He’ll still likely be drafted outside the top 20 second baseman but has sleeper appeal in Rotisserie league especially. –Scott White

    The battle for the ninth inning in Philadelphia feels a bit less wide open after this signing, but Romano is obviously no sure bet coming off a season ruined by elbow injuries. There’s a reason the Blue Jays, who intend to compete in 2025, non-tendered him with club control left. When Romano is right, he’s a fringe-elite closer, with a three-year stretch from 2021 through 2023 where he posted a 2.37 ERA and 30.3% strikeout rate – a stretch that included consecutive 36-save seasons. The big question here is whether Romano can truly be “right” coming off a season where he dealt with elbow pain from Spring Training right up until he had surgery on the elbow in August. 

    He should open spring as the favorite for saves in Philadelphia, and that can be a very good spot to be in if you are looking to rack up saves. But if Romano isn’t himself, Orion Kerkering, Jose Alvarado, and possibly Matt Strahm are there to step up as possible alternatives. I think the likeliest outcomes are, either Romano is healthy and is the closer for as long as he is right, or he struggles pretty early and this whole bullpen is the same kind of muddled mess it was for much of last season. That makes Romano a viable option for saves in the middle rounds of drafts, but I’d be wary of investing much more than that into him given how poorly 2024 went for the soon-to-be 32-year-old. –Chris Towers

    The comp doesn’t work perfectly. Cobb was never as good as Jack Flaherty at their respective peaks, and he is nearly a decade older than Flaherty was when he signed with the Tigers last offseason. But you can see the appeal for a veteran like Cobb, who is trying to rebuild his value after a mostly lost 2024 season that saw him deal with hip, shoulder, and finger injuries. Tigers pitching coach Chris Fetter has received a lot of praise in recent seasons for the work he has done with the likes of Flaherty and, obviously, Tarik Skubal, and they’ll hope to help Cobb find success on a one-year deal.

    Now, the thing here is, Cobb has actually been quite good when he’s been able to stay on the mound in recent years, posting a 3.75 ERA over his past four seasons. The Tigers have been very good at coaxing more velocity out of their arms in recent years, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing for Cobb, whose velocity was down a tick when he was able to get on the mound in 2024. It’s also a great ballpark for any pitcher to call home, which should help Cobb continue to limit damage on balls in play. He isn’t a star, or anything, but if the early-season schedule looks favorable, Cobb could be an interesting late-round flier for 2025. –Chris Towers

    Treinen had just one save for the Dodgers during the regular season, but he was their most trusted reliever during the postseason, taking on a high-leverage role that netted him three saves. Presumably, they’re bringing him back to fill that role, which would make him the early favorite for saves in Los Angeles. We should know by now, though, that manager Dave Roberts doesn’t adhere to bullpen conventions and will mix in a fair amount of Michael Kopech and Evan Phillips as well, but notably, Treinen has the most closing experience of the three. He had 38 saves to go along with a 0.78 ERA, 0.83 WHIP and 11.2 K/9 for the Athletics in 2018, and over his final 30 appearances this past season, he had 1.24 ERA, 0.85 WHIP and 9.9 K/9. I’ll be ranking him just outside of my top 15 relievers for 2025 since there’s some uncertainty surrounding his role, but clearly, he has the upside for more. –Scott White

    Juan Soto signs with Mets

    The Mets finally landed the big fish they’ve been angling for in free agency, as Juan Soto has agreed to sign a record-breaking contract that will keep him in Queens until 2039. Soto’s deal will pay him $765 million over the next 15 seasons, besting the total value of Shohei Ohtani’s contract from a year ago by $65 million. But does it really matter where Soto is playing when considering his Fantasy value? To find out, check out my full-length article on the signing, which also addresses the impact on the rest of the Mets lineup and the free agent market as a whole. –Chris Towers

    Conforto’s 2024 stat line may not look particularly impressive, but it was his best since the 2019-20 stretch that made him one of the most highly regarded outfielders in Fantasy. Even more notable is what happened under the hood. His .479 xSLG was just as good as those peak seasons as his average (90.2 mph) and max (113.6 mph) exit velocities jumped to 68th and 90th percentile, respectively. A quick look at the splits will tell you Oracle Park wasn’t doing him any favors. Away from there, he hit .253 with and .852 OPS and 17 of his 20 home runs overall. The Dodgers certainly took notice, and judging by the data, there’s a chance he goes the Teoscar Hernandez and J.D. Martinez route of blowing away expectations on a one-year deal. The Dodgers’ recent with such signings is all the more incentive for me to mark Conforto as a sleeper, ranking him just outside of my top 50 outfielders. –Scott White

    Willy Adames signs with Giants

    I had already positioned myself as an Adames skeptic for next year, ranking him 10th at shortstop after he just placed fifth there, and this signing only fortifies my position. Oracle Park isn’t quite the neutralizer it once was, but it still rates as the third-worst home run venue for right-handed hitters over the past three years while American Family Field rates as the sixth-best. On the other hand, Adames has batted .321 (18 for 56) with an .827 OPS in 16 career games in San Francisco, and Statcast estimates that he would have hit 31 home runs playing every game there last year vs. the 32 he actually hit. So maybe it won’t be so bad?

    The issue is in using Adames’ 2024 as a basis for comparison when it was almost certainly his best-case outcome. His exit velocities, strikeout rate and batted-ball angles were all in line with career norms, and yet his batting average (.251) was his highest in three years, his home runs (32) were his most ever, and he also stole 21 bases when he had never reached even double digits before. It also probably goes without saying that he won’t have a combined 205 runs and RBI as the most feared hitter in a mediocre Giants lineup. So if this signing makes you skeptical of a repeat performance, that’s probably for the best. You already should have been. –Scott White

    Seems like the Orioles are moving in their left field fence just in time. O’Neill just had a resurgent season with the Red Sox in part because he made a concerted effort to pull the ball in the air more — a fine strategy for a right-handed hitter at Fenway Park but one that would have brought such a player to ruin at Camden Yards the past couple years. Fortunately, the reported changes to the left field fence there should make it a more neutral environment for right-handed hitters, and notably, O’Neill’s career season (2021) came in St. Louis, which is also a challenging place for right-handers to hit it out.

    Perhaps, then, the more significant variable for O’Neill than venue is his own health. Cutting a muscular figure, the 29-year-old has been particularly susceptible to strains, playing just 65 percent of his team’s games the past four years, and even when healthy, his limited bat control (he struck out a career worst 33.6 percent last year) has made for unpredictable outcomes. He has the upside of top-20 outfielder, but the concerns piled on top of concerns drop him to 36th in my outfield rankings. –Scott White

    After three years as the Yankees on-again, off-again closer, Holmes is switching not just leagues but also roles, getting a shot as a starter on a three-year, $38 million deal. The role isn’t totally foreign to him, seeing as he spent much of his minor-league career as a starter, and in the years since, he’s developed a more trustworthy arsenal and stable enough command to attempt this move back. While his sinkerball approach may have been ill-suited for closing, leaving him too vulnerable to hits in high-leverage moments, it’s likely to minimize damage over extended stretches. For all the tense moments as a closer, the ERA was always good, after all. This signing raises Holmes’ Fantasy appeal in the hopes he can follow in the footsteps of successful relievers-turned-starters like Michael King, Reynaldo Lopez and Bowden Francis, and interest should be especially high in Head-to-Head points leagues, where he figures to be one of the top 15 relievers drafted. –Scott White 

    It’s a one-year pact with a player option for a second just in base Bieber’s recovery from Tommy John surgery goes poorly. His entire future in Fantasy of course hinges on that recovery. You’ll remember the former Cy Young winner seemed to be on the verge of regaining ace standing after an offseason spent working with Driveline Baseball, regaining the bite on his slider and dominating through two starts. But then his elbow began barking, and well, you know the rest. The earliest we can hope to see Bieber is June 2025, which means he’ll only be worth stashing in leagues with ample IL stash. Which version of Bieber shows up then is anybody’s guess, but it’s encouraging that the organization that knows him best opted to re-up with him. –Scott White 

    After playing with two AL East teams in the same game last season, Jansen continues his tour around the division by joining the Rays, where he will likely be the starting catcher. That didn’t go quite so well for either Toronto or Boston in 2024, as Jansen struggled through one of his worst seasons ever, hitting just .205/.309/.349, so the Rays are surely hoping for a bounce-back on this one-year deal. Jansen makes a lot of contact and has a decent eye at the plate, but his quality of contact has been in a freefall in his late 20s, with his expected wOBA on contact dropping from .408 in 2022 to .291 last season. If he can rediscover some of the pop he has last in recent years, he could be a decent No. 2 catcher, especially with the Rays making a move to what we think will be a hitter-friendly home at George M. Steinbrenner Field in Tampa this season. Jansen is a viable, low-end No. 2 catcher for deeper formats, but shouldn’t be viewed as a priority, even in 15-team leagues. –Chris Towers

    Luis Severino signs with the Athletics

    The A’s made a surprising splash in free agency with their three-year contract with Severino for $67 million, the largest guaranteed contract in franchise history. It’s a less-than-ideal landing spot for Severino’s Fantasy value in 2025, unfortunately, as the A’s still figure to be a pretty middling team (at best) in 2025 and are moving from a pitcher friendly park to one that may play at least a bit closer to average. That would be a downgrade for Severino, after he spent a year rebuilding his value in a very pitcher-friendly park with the Mets. 

    To his credit, Severino did a great job rebuilding that value with the Mets, and he did so by showing a lot more flexibility as a pitcher than ever before. At his best, Severino didn’t really need much of a gameplan, as he just pumped four-seamers and sliders past hitters, throwing those two pitches 85-90% of the time. In 2024, he introduced a sweeper and greatly increased his sinker usage, giving him six pitches he threw at least 7% of the time. The Mets have become a very good pitching development organization, and Severino benefited from his time with them. The likeliest outcome here is that Severino isn’t much more than a rotation filler for Fantasy, but if he can stay healthy, he’ll have moments of usefulness. And, if the strikeout rate jump he tapped into in the second half of the season (26.2%) sticks, maybe he can even be a bit more than that. But he probably doesn’t need to be much more than a late-rounder in drafts, and even that might be overstating it if he has a poor early schedule. –Chris Towers

    About four months away from the start of the season, it’s nearly impossible to say what the Red Sox plans for the back end of the bullpen are, but Chapman surely figures to be part of them now. Their returning saves leader is a tie between Justin Slaten and Josh Winckowski, who all had two each last season, while their most experienced in-house closer option is Liam Hendriks, who has pitched just five innings since 2022 after recovering from leukemia and then Tommy John surgery. Chapman is no longer the lights-out closer he was at his best, but the soon-to-be 37-year-old still strikes out nearly 40% of opposing batters (despite losing a tick or two off fastball last season) and can get the job done on a one-year deal. At this point, it makes sense to treat him like the favorite for the ninth inning in Boston in 2025, at least until we see what Hendriks looks like in the spring – for what it’s worth, Hendricks’ fastball velocity was down 2-3 mph in his brief minor-league rehab assignment toward the end of last season, which doesn’t bode well. –Chris Towers

    Another retread-gone-right, Boyd is earned a two-year deal with the Cubs after a successful eight-start run with the Guardians in 2024. Boyd posted a 2.72 ERA in his return from Tommy John surgery last season, with underlying peripherals that mostly backed it up – thanks, in large part, to a strong 27.7% strikeout rate. Boyd’s velocity was mostly back up to pre-injury levels, though that still makes him a soft-tosser at this point, so his success will be based on his effective his slider/changeup combo can be. Both pitches were excellent in 2024, but the underlying pitch characteristics don’t necessarily back up what he accomplished, with most pitch modeling metrics suggesting Boyd was a below-average pitcher in 2024. A year further removed from surgery, maybe Boyd can take another step forward and find success with a pretty clear path to a rotation spot for the Cubs, but he doesn’t have to be much more than a late-round, bench-spot flier even in deeper leagues. –Chris Towers

    The Mets have a rotation to rebuild, and the first step was adding a pitcher coming off a down year split between the Reds and Brewers. Or maybe calling it a “down year” is soft-pedaling given that it was Montas’ first back from surgery to the labrum in his right shoulder. His velocity was basically up to snuff, though, and he did see his K/9 rate jump from 7.5 in his 19 starts with the Reds to 11.0 in his 11 starts with the Brewers. Even prior to the 2023 shoulder surgery, his career was defined by inconsistency due to the on-again, off-again nature of his splitter. The Mets fared well with reclamation projects like Sean Manaea and Luis Severino last season and have agreed to pay Montas $34 million over the next two, so they clearly see something they like. We shouldn’t rule out a bounce-back season, particularly since the cost in Fantasy will be so low. –Scott White 

    To the surprise of no one, the Dodgers have landed the first marquee free agent of the offseason, agreeing to a five-year $182 million deal with Blake Snell Tuesday. It’s a big commitment for what’s been the model organization the past few years and may go a long way toward allaying fears about Snell’s irregularities. While he’s put together a  2.82 ERA, 1.16 WHIP and 12.0 K/9 over the past three seasons, much has been made about the way he came about those numbers. For more, check out my full-length article breaking down the signing. –Scott White 

    The three-year, $63 million deal is a modest one for a pitcher who seemed to have real momentum heading into the offseason, having just put together a 2.70 ERA, 0.93 WHIP and 11.4 K/9 in his 10 starts for the Astros. The improved performance coincided with Kikuchi roughly doubling his slider usage, and his 2025 destination matters less for his Fantasy value than whether or not he sticks to that approach.

    He has always missed bats at a good rate but has gotten inconsistent results due to questionable pitch selection and a penchant for hard contact. Going to the Angels gives him a lower margin for error than if he had gone to a true contender and also does nothing to soften his vulnerability to the long ball, but again, his success is tied more to continuing his slider-heavy approach. And for that, we’ll just have to wait and see. I cautiously rank him just inside my top 50 starting pitchers for 2025, but he has the upside for more. –Scott White

    Unfortunately, this trade is close to a worse-case scenario for the two major players involved. India goes from the most favorable park for home runs — i.e., one of the few where his fringy power plays — to one of the least favorable. According to Statcast, his 63 career home runs would be 42 if he played every game  at Kauffman Stadium. Obviously, the reverse move is bad for Singer, a pitcher who’s on the more pitch-to-contact side of the ledger, but since he generally puts the ball on the ground, maybe it’s not as bad. Then again, he has a career 3.92 ERA at home in Kauffman Stadium compared to a 4.74 ERA everywhere else.

    Neither India nor Singer figured to be a hot commodity prior to this trade, and both might go undrafted now in shallower leagues. India is a little more useful in points leagues because of his on-base skills, and both he and Singer at least stand to be high-volume plays. India’s removal does free up some of the Reds’ infield logjam with Matt McLain expected back, penciling in Noelvi Marte at third base again. –Scott White

    Rather than test the free agent market, Martinez accepted the Reds’ qualifying offer of $21.05 million, which isn’t altogether surprising given that it now represents roughly 40 percent of his career MLB earnings. That the Reds extended the offer is telling. They had a front-row seat to the 34-year-old’s career season and bought in hard at an amount that virtually guarantees he’ll be a full-time starter rather than reverting to a swingman role.

    Perhaps, then, we should take Martinez just as seriously. He’s always had a killer changeup, and he became a strike-thrower of the highest order in 2024, boasting the third-best walk rate among pitchers with at least 100 innings. His home run prevention was probably too good to be true, particularly for pitching half his games in Cincinnati, but he won’t be priced for another 3.10 ERA. More likely, he’ll be sort of a poor man’s Jose Berrios or Zach Eflin, good for piling up innings with a low WHIP, and he takes on added value in Head-to-Head points leagues due to his relief pitcher eligibility.  –Scott White

    Finally freed of his catching tandem with Sean Murphy, d’Arnaud was quick to put himself in another one, this time with up-and-comer Logan O’Hoppe. It’s frustrating for a couple reasons, one being that O’Hoppe loses some of the volume that made him so attractive for Fantasy, likely going from a 75 percent workload share to 60 percent or less, and the other being that d’Arnaud himself could have pursued a full-time role. Instead, d’Arnaud figures to remain a fringe second catcher for two-catcher leagues, and while O’Hoppe doesn’t necessarily slide down the rankings — he was already regarded as a low-end No. 1 — his upside takes a hit. Maybe his .196 batting average in the second half is evidence he was overworked, but even if it improves, his counting stats will be capped.

    Meanwhile, Murphy has a golden opportunity to reestablish himself in Atlanta after bombing for the past season-and-a-half there. Injuries have likely contributed to his struggles, as has irregular playing time due to the presence of d’Arnaud, but he’ll need to prove himself quickly to hold off prospect Drake Baldwin. –Scott White

    Only three months after acquiring him from the Giants, the Braves flipped Soler to the Angels in what was essentially a salary dump. They ended up non-tendering the player they got back in the deal, Griffin Canning. You might think Soler’s departure reflects well on Ronald Acuna’s recovery from a torn ACL, but GM Alex Anthopoulos later confessed that the star outfielder likely won’t be ready for the start of 2025. As for Soler, he has an easy claim to the Angels’ DH spot and will play in a pretty nice venue, particularly for home runs, but his success has never depended on such factors. He’s a mercurial performer coming off a down season but still has the 35-homer upside to pay off handsomely as a fourth or fifth outfielder. –Scott White

  • Contractul istoric al lui Juan Soto cu Mets, de unde merg Yankees de aici | Baseball Bar-B-Cast

    Acest conținut încorporat nu este disponibil în regiunea dvs.

    Juan Soto a luat duminică seara decizia de a-și păstra talentele la New York. Cu toate acestea, viitorul potențial membru al Hall of Fame a ales să schimbe cartierele, mutându-se din Bronx în Queens, unde se pare că se va alătura echipei New York Mets.

    Jake Mintz și Jordan Shusterman discută, în direct de la MLB Winter Meetings din Dallas, afacerea istorică de 15 ani și 765 de milioane de dolari care a zguduit lumea sportului și a creat jubilație printre fanii Mets care speră ca jucătorul de 26 de ani să-i ajute să-i conducă la primul lor campionat din Seria Mondială din 1986. Apoi vorbesc despre unde echipe precum New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox și Toronto Blue Jays s-ar putea adresa după ce a ratat Soto și de ce, pentru o echipă, nu există nicio câștigare a bătăliei de PR în acest moment cu fanii.

    Mai târziu, în acest episod din Baseball Bar-B-CastJake și Jordan oferă o actualizare a Tabloului de bord Scott Boras în afara sezonului în urma contractului masiv pe care super-agentul l-a obținut pentru Soto, precum și dezactivează Willy Adames care se alătură San Francisco Giants, Luis Severino semnând cu A's și alți câțiva agent liber notabil. semnături care au dispărut de la bord.

    (0:41) – Jordan află despre semnarea lui Soto

    (3:20) – Deschiderea: Juan Soto la Mets

    (20:50) – Unde merg echipele care au ratat de aici?

    (32:15) – Actualizare Scoreboard Scott Boras Offseason

    (34:40) – Willy Adames către Giants

    (41:13) – Luis Severino la A

    (45:45) – Shane Bieber, Clay Holmes semnează contracte



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  • Fantasy Baseball Offseason Tracker: Willy Adames worse off with Giants; Mets will try Clay Holmes as starter

    The biggest free agent domino has fallen. Juan Soto is of the market with a record-setting 15-year, $765 million deal with the Mets. This comes on the heels of the Giants’ seven-year, $182 million deal with shortstop Willy Adames during what was an eventful weekend heading into the Winter Meetings.

    That’s right, the Hot Stove is heating up, and Chris Towers and I are here to guide you through the transactions of actual consequence for Fantasy Baseball. This is the place where we’ll react to them as they happen, breaking down what they mean for 2025 drafts.

    So bookmark this page and keep checking back. As the news comes in, you’ll be glad you have one stop for keeping track of it all.

    Treinen had just one save for the Dodgers during the regular season, but he was their most trusted reliever during the postseason, taking on a high-leverage role that netted him three saves. Presumably, they’re bringing him back to fill that role, which would make him the early favorite for saves in Los Angeles. We should know by now, though, that manager Dave Roberts doesn’t adhere to bullpen conventions and will mix in a fair amount of Michael Kopech and Evan Phillips as well, but notably, Treinen has the most closing experience of the three. He had 38 saves to go along with a 0.78 ERA, 0.83 WHIP and 11.2 K/9 for the Athletics in 2018, and over his final 30 appearances this past season, he had 1.24 ERA, 0.85 WHIP and 9.9 K/9. I’ll be ranking him just outside of my top 15 relievers for 2025 since there’s some uncertainty surrounding his role, but clearly, he has the upside for more. –Scott White

    Juan Soto signs with Mets

    The Mets finally landed the big fish they’ve been angling for in free agency, as Juan Soto has agreed to sign a record-breaking contract that will keep him in Queens until 2039. Soto’s deal will pay him $765 million over the next 15 seasons, besting the total value of Shohei Ohtani’s contract from a year ago by $65 million. But does it really matter where Soto is playing when considering his Fantasy value? To find out, check out my full-length article on the signing, which also addresses the impact on the rest of the Mets lineup and the free agent market as a whole. –Chris Towers

    Conforto’s 2024 stat line may not look particularly impressive, but it was his best since the 2019-20 stretch that made him one of the most highly regarded outfielders in Fantasy. Even more notable is what happened under the hood. His .479 xSLG was just as good as those peak seasons as his average (90.2 mph) and max (113.6 mph) exit velocities jumped to 68th and 90th percentile, respectively. A quick look at the splits will tell you Oracle Park wasn’t doing him any favors. Away from there, he hit .253 with and .852 OPS and 17 of his 20 home runs overall. The Dodgers certainly took notice, and judging by the data, there’s a chance he goes the Teoscar Hernandez and J.D. Martinez route of blowing away expectations on a one-year deal. The Dodgers’ recent with such signings is all the more incentive for me to mark Conforto as a sleeper, ranking him just outside of my top 50 outfielders. –Scott White

    Willy Adames signs with Giants

    I had already positioned myself as an Adames skeptic for next year, ranking him 10th at shortstop after he just placed fifth there, and this signing only fortifies my position. Oracle Park isn’t quite the neutralizer it once was, but it still rates as the third-worst home run venue for right-handed hitters over the past three years while American Family Field rates as the sixth-best. On the other hand, Adames has batted .321 (18 for 56) with an .827 OPS in 16 career games in San Francisco, and Statcast estimates that he would have hit 31 home runs playing every game there last year vs. the 32 he actually hit. So maybe it won’t be so bad?

    The issue is in using Adames’ 2024 as a basis for comparison when it was almost certainly his best-case outcome. His exit velocities, strikeout rate and batted-ball angles were all in line with career norms, and yet his batting average (.251) was his highest in three years, his home runs (32) were his most ever, and he also stole 21 bases when he had never reached even double digits before. It also probably goes without saying that he won’t have a combined 205 runs and RBI as the most feared hitter in a mediocre Giants lineup. So if this signing makes you skeptical of a repeat performance, that’s probably for the best. You already should have been. –Scott White

    Seems like the Orioles are moving in their left field fence just in time. O’Neill just had a resurgent season with the Red Sox in part because he made a concerted effort to pull the ball in the air more — a fine strategy for a right-handed hitter at Fenway Park but one that would have brought such a player to ruin at Camden Yards the past couple years. Fortunately, the reported changes to the left field fence there should make it a more neutral environment for right-handed hitters, and notably, O’Neill’s career season (2021) came in St. Louis, which is also a challenging place for right-handers to hit it out.

    Perhaps, then, the more significant variable for O’Neill than venue is his own health. Cutting a muscular figure, the 29-year-old has been particularly susceptible to strains, playing just 65 percent of his team’s games the past four years, and even when healthy, his limited bat control (he struck out a career worst 33.6 percent last year) has made for unpredictable outcomes. He has the upside of top-20 outfielder, but the concerns piled on top of concerns drop him to 36th in my outfield rankings. –Scott White

    After three years as the Yankees on-again, off-again closer, Holmes is switching not just leagues but also roles, getting a shot as a starter on a three-year, $38 million deal. The role isn’t totally foreign to him, seeing as he spent much of his minor-league career as a starter, and in the years since, he’s developed a more trustworthy arsenal and stable enough command to attempt this move back. While his sinkerball approach may have been ill-suited for closing, leaving him too vulnerable to hits in high-leverage moments, it’s likely to minimize damage over extended stretches. For all the tense moments as a closer, the ERA was always good, after all. This signing raises Holmes’ Fantasy appeal in the hopes he can follow in the footsteps of successful relievers-turned-starters like Michael King, Reynaldo Lopez and Bowden Francis, and interest should be especially high in Head-to-Head points leagues, where he figures to be one of the top 15 relievers drafted. –Scott White 

    It’s a one-year pact with a player option for a second just in base Bieber’s recovery from Tommy John surgery goes poorly. His entire future in Fantasy of course hinges on that recovery. You’ll remember the former Cy Young winner seemed to be on the verge of regaining ace standing after an offseason spent working with Driveline Baseball, regaining the bite on his slider and dominating through two starts. But then his elbow began barking, and well, you know the rest. The earliest we can hope to see Bieber is June 2025, which means he’ll only be worth stashing in leagues with ample IL stash. Which version of Bieber shows up then is anybody’s guess, but it’s encouraging that the organization that knows him best opted to re-up with him. –Scott White 

    After playing with two AL East teams in the same game last season, Jansen continues his tour around the division by joining the Rays, where he will likely be the starting catcher. That didn’t go quite so well for either Toronto or Boston in 2024, as Jansen struggled through one of his worst seasons ever, hitting just .205/.309/.349, so the Rays are surely hoping for a bounce-back on this one-year deal. Jansen makes a lot of contact and has a decent eye at the plate, but his quality of contact has been in a freefall in his late 20s, with his expected wOBA on contact dropping from .408 in 2022 to .291 last season. If he can rediscover some of the pop he has last in recent years, he could be a decent No. 2 catcher, especially with the Rays making a move to what we think will be a hitter-friendly home at George M. Steinbrenner Field in Tampa this season. Jansen is a viable, low-end No. 2 catcher for deeper formats, but shouldn’t be viewed as a priority, even in 15-team leagues. –Chris Towers

    Luis Severino signs with the Athletics

    The A’s made a surprising splash in free agency with their three-year contract with Severino for $67 million, the largest guaranteed contract in franchise history. It’s a less-than-ideal landing spot for Severino’s Fantasy value in 2025, unfortunately, as the A’s still figure to be a pretty middling team (at best) in 2025 and are moving from a pitcher friendly park to one that may play at least a bit closer to average. That would be a downgrade for Severino, after he spent a year rebuilding his value in a very pitcher-friendly park with the Mets. 

    To his credit, Severino did a great job rebuilding that value with the Mets, and he did so by showing a lot more flexibility as a pitcher than ever before. At his best, Severino didn’t really need much of a gameplan, as he just pumped four-seamers and sliders past hitters, throwing those two pitches 85-90% of the time. In 2024, he introduced a sweeper and greatly increased his sinker usage, giving him six pitches he threw at least 7% of the time. The Mets have become a very good pitching development organization, and Severino benefited from his time with them. The likeliest outcome here is that Severino isn’t much more than a rotation filler for Fantasy, but if he can stay healthy, he’ll have moments of usefulness. And, if the strikeout rate jump he tapped into in the second half of the season (26.2%) sticks, maybe he can even be a bit more than that. But he probably doesn’t need to be much more than a late-rounder in drafts, and even that might be overstating it if he has a poor early schedule. –Chris Towers

    About four months away from the start of the season, it’s nearly impossible to say what the Red Sox plans for the back end of the bullpen are, but Chapman surely figures to be part of them now. Their returning saves leader is a tie between Justin Slaten and Josh Winckowski, who all had two each last season, while their most experienced in-house closer option is Liam Hendriks, who has pitched just five innings since 2022 after recovering from leukemia and then Tommy John surgery. Chapman is no longer the lights-out closer he was at his best, but the soon-to-be 37-year-old still strikes out nearly 40% of opposing batters (despite losing a tick or two off fastball last season) and can get the job done on a one-year deal. At this point, it makes sense to treat him like the favorite for the ninth inning in Boston in 2025, at least until we see what Hendriks looks like in the spring – for what it’s worth, Hendricks’ fastball velocity was down 2-3 mph in his brief minor-league rehab assignment toward the end of last season, which doesn’t bode well. –Chris Towers

    Another retread-gone-right, Boyd is earned a two-year deal with the Cubs after a successful eight-start run with the Guardians in 2024. Boyd posted a 2.72 ERA in his return from Tommy John surgery last season, with underlying peripherals that mostly backed it up – thanks, in large part, to a strong 27.7% strikeout rate. Boyd’s velocity was mostly back up to pre-injury levels, though that still makes him a soft-tosser at this point, so his success will be based on his effective his slider/changeup combo can be. Both pitches were excellent in 2024, but the underlying pitch characteristics don’t necessarily back up what he accomplished, with most pitch modeling metrics suggesting Boyd was a below-average pitcher in 2024. A year further removed from surgery, maybe Boyd can take another step forward and find success with a pretty clear path to a rotation spot for the Cubs, but he doesn’t have to be much more than a late-round, bench-spot flier even in deeper leagues. –Chris Towers

    The Mets have a rotation to rebuild, and the first step was adding a pitcher coming off a down year split between the Reds and Brewers. Or maybe calling it a “down year” is soft-pedaling given that it was Montas’ first back from surgery to the labrum in his right shoulder. His velocity was basically up to snuff, though, and he did see his K/9 rate jump from 7.5 in his 19 starts with the Reds to 11.0 in his 11 starts with the Brewers. Even prior to the 2023 shoulder surgery, his career was defined by inconsistency due to the on-again, off-again nature of his splitter. The Mets fared well with reclamation projects like Sean Manaea and Luis Severino last season and have agreed to pay Montas $34 million over the next two, so they clearly see something they like. We shouldn’t rule out a bounce-back season, particularly since the cost in Fantasy will be so low. –Scott White 

    To the surprise of no one, the Dodgers have landed the first marquee free agent of the offseason, agreeing to a five-year $182 million deal with Blake Snell Tuesday. It’s a big commitment for what’s been the model organization the past few years and may go a long way toward allaying fears about Snell’s irregularities. While he’s put together a  2.82 ERA, 1.16 WHIP and 12.0 K/9 over the past three seasons, much has been made about the way he came about those numbers. For more, check out my full-length article breaking down the signing. –Scott White 

    The three-year, $63 million deal is a modest one for a pitcher who seemed to have real momentum heading into the offseason, having just put together a 2.70 ERA, 0.93 WHIP and 11.4 K/9 in his 10 starts for the Astros. The improved performance coincided with Kikuchi roughly doubling his slider usage, and his 2025 destination matters less for his Fantasy value than whether or not he sticks to that approach.

    He has always missed bats at a good rate but has gotten inconsistent results due to questionable pitch selection and a penchant for hard contact. Going to the Angels gives him a lower margin for error than if he had gone to a true contender and also does nothing to soften his vulnerability to the long ball, but again, his success is tied more to continuing his slider-heavy approach. And for that, we’ll just have to wait and see. I cautiously rank him just inside my top 50 starting pitchers for 2025, but he has the upside for more. –Scott White

    Unfortunately, this trade is close to a worse-case scenario for the two major players involved. India goes from the most favorable park for home runs — i.e., one of the few where his fringy power plays — to one of the least favorable. According to Statcast, his 63 career home runs would be 42 if he played every game  at Kauffman Stadium. Obviously, the reverse move is bad for Singer, a pitcher who’s on the more pitch-to-contact side of the ledger, but since he generally puts the ball on the ground, maybe it’s not as bad. Then again, he has a career 3.92 ERA at home in Kauffman Stadium compared to a 4.74 ERA everywhere else.

    Neither India nor Singer figured to be a hot commodity prior to this trade, and both might go undrafted now in shallower leagues. India is a little more useful in points leagues because of his on-base skills, and both he and Singer at least stand to be high-volume plays. India’s removal does free up some of the Reds’ infield logjam with Matt McLain expected back, penciling in Noelvi Marte at third base again. –Scott White

    Rather than test the free agent market, Martinez accepted the Reds’ qualifying offer of $21.05 million, which isn’t altogether surprising given that it now represents roughly 40 percent of his career MLB earnings. That the Reds extended the offer is telling. They had a front-row seat to the 34-year-old’s career season and bought in hard at an amount that virtually guarantees he’ll be a full-time starter rather than reverting to a swingman role.

    Perhaps, then, we should take Martinez just as seriously. He’s always had a killer changeup, and he became a strike-thrower of the highest order in 2024, boasting the third-best walk rate among pitchers with at least 100 innings. His home run prevention was probably too good to be true, particularly for pitching half his games in Cincinnati, but he won’t be priced for another 3.10 ERA. More likely, he’ll be sort of a poor man’s Jose Berrios or Zach Eflin, good for piling up innings with a low WHIP, and he takes on added value in Head-to-Head points leagues due to his relief pitcher eligibility.  –Scott White

    Finally freed of his catching tandem with Sean Murphy, d’Arnaud was quick to put himself in another one, this time with up-and-comer Logan O’Hoppe. It’s frustrating for a couple reasons, one being that O’Hoppe loses some of the volume that made him so attractive for Fantasy, likely going from a 75 percent workload share to 60 percent or less, and the other being that d’Arnaud himself could have pursued a full-time role. Instead, d’Arnaud figures to remain a fringe second catcher for two-catcher leagues, and while O’Hoppe doesn’t necessarily slide down the rankings — he was already regarded as a low-end No. 1 — his upside takes a hit. Maybe his .196 batting average in the second half is evidence he was overworked, but even if it improves, his counting stats will be capped.

    Meanwhile, Murphy has a golden opportunity to reestablish himself in Atlanta after bombing for the past season-and-a-half there. Injuries have likely contributed to his struggles, as has irregular playing time due to the presence of d’Arnaud, but he’ll need to prove himself quickly to hold off prospect Drake Baldwin. –Scott White

    Only three months after acquiring him from the Giants, the Braves flipped Soler to the Angels in what was essentially a salary dump. They ended up non-tendering the player they got back in the deal, Griffin Canning. You might think Soler’s departure reflects well on Ronald Acuna’s recovery from a torn ACL, but GM Alex Anthopoulos later confessed that the star outfielder likely won’t be ready for the start of 2025. As for Soler, he has an easy claim to the Angels’ DH spot and will play in a pretty nice venue, particularly for home runs, but his success has never depended on such factors. He’s a mercurial performer coming off a down season but still has the 35-homer upside to pay off handsomely as a fourth or fifth outfielder. –Scott White

  • Dave Parker și Dick Allen au fost aleși în Baseball Hall of Fame prin intermediul comitetului din epoca clasică

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    Dave Parker și Dick Allen se îndreaptă spre Cooperstown după ce ambii au fost aleși duminică în Hall of Fame de către comitetul din epoca clasică.

    A fost nevoie de un vot de 75% la alegeri pentru a trece la Cooperstown, iar Parker a primit 14 din 16 voturi, în timp ce Allen a obținut 13.

    În afară de Parker și Allen, următorul cel mai apropiat a fost Tommy John, care a fost al treilea cu șapte voturi pentru a intra. Ken Boyer, John Donaldson, Steve Garvey, Vic Harris și Luis Tiant au avut toți mai puțin de cinci voturi.


    Dave Parker leagănă liliac

    Dave Parker, jucătorul din Pittsburgh Pirates (Malcolm Emmons-USA TODAY NETWORK/Fișier)

    Parker și Allen se vor alătura celor aleși în Sala de Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA), care va fi anunțat pe 21 ianuarie. Ceremonia va avea loc la Cooperstown, New York, pe 27 iulie.

    Parker a petrecut 19 ani în MLB, dintre care 11 jucând pentru Pittsburgh Pirates, unde a devenit de patru ori All-Star și a câștigat premiul MVP în 1978. De asemenea, a câștigat titlurile de bataie din NL în 1977 și 1978.


    Pentru cariera sa în Pirați, Parker a redus .305/.353/.494 cu 166 de homere și 758 RBI în 1.301 de jocuri.

    Parker va continua să joace pentru Cincinnati Reds, unde a fost numit în echipe consecutive All-Star în 1985 și 1986. A șaptea și ultima sa ofertă la All-Star Game a venit în 1990 cu Milwaukee Brewers.

    Pentru cariera sa, Parker a lovit .290 cu 339 de homere și 1.493 RBI în 2.466 de jocuri.

    Dick Allen așteaptă pitch-ul

    Prima bază de la Chicago White Sox, Dick Allen (Malcolm Emmons-USA TODAY Sports/File)

    Cât despre Allen, el a murit în orașul său natal, Wampum, Pennsylvania, în 2020, și a devenit o vedetă rapidă mai la est în stat cu Philadelphia Phillies.

    Allen a fost un All-Star în trei sezoane consecutive cu Phillies, din 1965 până în 1967, care a inclus o campanie din 1966 cu 40 de homere și un procentaj de slugging de .632, lider în ligă. El a câștigat, de asemenea, Rookie of the Year în 1964, după ce a lovit .318/.382/.557 cu 29 de homere, un lider în ligă, 13 triple și 38 de duble.

    Allen ar avea, de asemenea, trei sezoane All-Star cu Chicago White Sox din 1972 până în 1974, iar primul său an în Windy City în 1972 s-a încheiat cu un premiu MVP.

    El a condus Liga Americană la lovituri de gaze (37), RBI (113), procentaj la bază (.420), procentul de slugging (.603) și plimbări (99) printre alte categorii din acel sezon.

    Dave Parker și Dick Allen unul lângă altul

    Dave Parker, stânga, și Dick Allen au fost amândoi aleși în MLB Hall of Fame. (IMAGINE)


    Buletinul de vot al BBWAA prezintă câțiva jucători interesanți eligibili pentru primul an, inclusiv CC Sabathia, Felix Hernandez și Ichiro Suzuki. Billy Wagner, care a terminat cu cinci voturi fără să intre în Sală, revine și el în acest an la vot.

    Urmărește Fox News Digital acoperire sportivă pe Xși abonați-vă la buletinul informativ Fox News Sports Huddle.

  • 2025 Fantasy Baseball Prospects: Top 25 in outfield includes Roman Anthony, Dylan Crews, and Charlie Condon

    The outfield, if you don’t already know, is actually three positions in one, so it only makes sense to go deeper there than at any singular infield spot.

    This year, I’ve chosen 25 as the arbitrary cutoff. In truth, 20 or even 15 would have made for a more natural one since the distinctions there are clearer, with the top 15 being musts on any overall top 100 list and the next five being at least on the border.

    Top Prospects: C | 1B | 2B | 3B | SS | OF | P

    So why have five more? Mainly because I want to highlight a few personal cheeseballs who might wind up rounding out my top 100 overall. You could argue that 2024 draft picks James Tibbs and Theo Gillen have more upside than my Nos. 21-25 or that Spencer Jones, Jacob Melton, or Drew Gilbert would make for more conventional choices. They and about about a dozen others were in contention for those final five spots, and I feel like any permutation thereof would have been just as viable.

    But ultimately, it’s my list, and so to add that personal touch, I’ve devoted Nos. 21-25 to the outfield prospects that I think the consensus has sold short, even if I could find an excuse to leave them out myself.

    Because once you break through that consensus layer of the prospect pool, at the bottom of everything, it’s all cheeseballs.

    Note: These rankings are intended mainly for Dynasty use, emphasizing long-term value over a quick payoff, but to say proximity holds no weight wouldn’t be entirely accurate either. Not all of these players will contribute in 2025 — most, in fact, will not — but among prospects, they’re the names Fantasy Baseballers most need to know.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Double-A, Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .291 BA (454 AB), 18 HR, 21 SB, .894 OPS, 79 BB, 127 K

    Though he always earned high marks for his plate discipline and exit velocity readings, it was the first annual Futures Skills Showcase, which he won by way of a gaudy power display, that likely clinched Anthony’s spot as the No. 1 overall prospect. He caught fire thereafter, batting .353 with eight homers and a 1.022 OPS over his final 52 games, much of it coming after his promotion to Triple-A.

    Age (on opening day): 23
    Where he played in 2024: Double-A, Triple-A, majors
    Minor-league stats: .270 BA (397 AB), 13 HR, 25 SB, .792 OPS, 36 BB, 92 K
    Major-league stats: .219 BA (119 AB), 3 HR, 12 SB, .641 OPS, 11 BB, 26 K

    Crews’ top-line production was nothing to write home about, but the Nationals still saw fit to hurry him to the majors, trusting that his secondary characteristics had more to say about his readiness. Indeed, he hits the ball consistently and hard, so if he can simply improve the direction it takes off the bat, good days are ahead. And really, with as much as he runs, it won’t take much power production to make him a Fantasy standout.

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A, Double-A, Triple-A, majors
    Minor-league stats: .314 BA (226 AB), 11 HR, 16 SB, .880 OPS, 22 BB, 50 K
    Major-league stats: .179 BA (56 AB), 2 HR, 5 SB, .617 OPS, 11 BB, 19 K

    Dominguez followed up his eight-game barnstorming tour in 2023 with an injury-plagued 2024 that kept his rookie status intact for another year. While his second stint with the Yankees was a relative letdown, he still shined in every respect in the minors, with most of the remaining hurdles being finer things like route-running in the outfield and elevating with his swing. I suspect he’ll be shoring up those in the majors.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Low-A, High-A, Double-A
    Minor-league stats: .282 BA (305 AB), 6 HR, 17 SB, .833 OPS, 56 BB, 47 K

    If you’re underwhelmed by Jenkins’ production relative to the hype, understand that projectability is a big part of the equation here. He’s still growing into his 6-foot-3 frame, but his picture-perfect swing and beyond-his-years approach were enough to propel him to Double-A at age 19. The way the scouting reports extol him, you’d think he’s Larry Walker or something, and at this stage of development, who’s to say he isn’t?

    Age (on opening day): 21
    Where he played in 2024: High-A
    Minor-league stats: .180 BA (100 AB), 1 HR, 4 SB, .518 OPS, 4 BB, 34 K

    It was an ugly debut for Condon, the No. 3 pick in the 2024 draft who put up historic power numbers at the University of Georgia, but I’m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt given that he went straight to High-A and was dealing with a hand injury. Most of his-swing-and-miss comes on secondary stuff, with fastballs being tattooed beyond recognition, so you have to like that he’ll be making his home in the venue notorious for straightening out breaking balls.

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Low-A, Double-A, Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .280 BA (157 AB), 9 HR, 9 SB, 1.026 OPS, 51 BB, 62 K

    Rodriguez has always struck out a lot, but the rate hasn’t gotten worse as he’s moved up the ladder, which makes it easier to qualify as a non-issue. And if it’s a non-issue, hoo boy, there are some preternatural talents here. The man simply doesn’t chase, which obviously leads to oodles of walks even if it sometimes puts him in bad counts, and his exit velocity readings are among the highest in all the minors as well.

    Age (on opening day): 19
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A, High-A
    Minor-league stats: 268 BA (385 AB), 10 HR, 27 SB, .809 OPS, 84 BB, 95 K

    The Dodgers once traded away Yordan Alvarez for relief pitcher Josh Fields and now have a chance for a mulligan with De Paula, another defensively challenged left-handed slugger whose most fundamental hitting traits are almost too good to be true. Though only a teenager, he already generates near-elite exit velocities and unreal plate discipline, which actually improved after his midseason move up to High-A with 50 walks vs. 38 strikeouts.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A, High-A
    Minor-league stats: .288 BA (448 AB), 21 HR, .881 OPS, 78 BB, 128 K

    Montes used to be the one drawing Yordan Alvarez comparisons, seeing as he’s a Cubs expatriate with a similar build who trained with the same hitting instructor in the Dominican Republic, but just when it seemed like he was making strides with his strikeout rate at Low-A, it jumped back to 30 percent at High-A. I still think he’ll be a premier slugger in the majors, given how hard he hits the ball, but the downside case is also easy to make.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A, High-A
    Minor-league stats: .279 BA (420 AB), 9 HR, 29 SB, .794 OPS, 61 BB, 94 K

    Clark is well known for his high school accolades, high-effort style of play, and social media presence, but so far, defense looks to be his carrying tool. That’ll keep him high on real-life lists, though still behind Wyatt Langford and Walker Jenkins, who were drafted behind him. The longer Clark goes without actualizing his power potential, the more fearful I’ll be of him becoming another Mark Kotsay or Nick Markakis type, but I’m not there yet.

    Age (on opening day): 23
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Double-A, Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .261 BA (142 AB), 8 HR, .842 OPS, 19 BB, 22 K

    DeLauter basically checks every box as a hitter, making all the right swing decisions and manipulating the barrel for optimal contact. But he broke the same foot in 2024 that’s already been operated on twice, which is a little too reminiscent of Alex Kirilloff’s wrist for my liking. There’s no reason to believe DeLauter’s plight will go as that one did, but he’ll begin to lose value if he doesn’t force his way into the big-league picture this year.

    11. Zyhir Hope, Dodgers

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .290 BA (221 AB), 9 HR, 9 SB, .903 OPS, 41 BB, 62 K

    Stealing him away from the Cubs in the Michael Busch deal, the Dodgers unlocked Hope’s potential almost immediately, encouraging him to attack in a way that didn’t compromise his natural plate discipline. A fractured rib interrupted a hot start and cost him three months, but he returned even stronger, putting him in a neck-and-neck race with De Paula for most upside in the system.

    Age (on opening day): 19
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .344 BA (221 AB), 12 HR, 15 SB, 1.079 OPS, 37 BB, 63 K

    Calaz stands out from the other teenage hopefuls with upside for days in that he’s already realized his power potential, checking off the most important box at an early stage of development. He still has much to prove with regard to pitch identification and selection — which is true for any hitter in Rookie ball, really — but he slashed .327/.386/.571 in a 13-game trial at Low-A.

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .278 BA (472 AB), 19 HR, 11 SB, .848 OPS, 71 BB, 156 K

    The scouting reports all rave about Caissie’s power potential, which is plain to see from the exit velocity readings, but as he stands at the precipice of the majors, that potential still isn’t fully realized due to suboptimal launch and spray angles. That’s a fairly small hurdle to clear, though, and presuming he clears it, he projects as a classic three-true-outcomes type, with Kyle Schwarber being one possible outcome.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .264 BA (178 AB), 4 HR, 18 SB, .820 OPS, 36 BB, 52 K

    Farmelo has football-level athleticism that manifests mostly as speed and defense right now but is expected to burgeon into left-handed power, especially given the work the Mariners have already put into cleaning up his swing. It’s not raw athleticism either, with plate discipline and pitch recognition already being standout qualities for him, which is why his stock is on the rise even as he works his way back from ACL surgery.

    Age (on opening day): 21
    Where he played in 2024: did not play — fractured ankle

    The 12th pick in the 2024 draft has yet to debut because of a fractured ankle, and part of me wonders if the separation between him and the 13th pick, fellow outfielder James Tibbs, is mainly because the former hasn’t taken any lumps yet. Montgomery has a powerful swing and knows a ball from a strike, but his tendency to miss could be more disqualifying as a pro than it was in college. If any organization deserves the benefit of the doubt with hitters right now, though, it’s the Red Sox.

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, High-A
    Minor-league stats: .283 BA (456 AB), 17 HR, 53 SB, .851 OPS, 51 BB, 100 K

    Between his 53-steal 2024, his switch-hitting, and the fact he split his debut season (2023) between catcher, shortstop, and center field, Carrigg exudes athleticism, and so far, his hitting has been on point as well. The scouting reports seem to be holding something back still, giving little explanation for why he doesn’t rank higher, but I’m beginning to think there’s a Shane Victorino-type player here.

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Double-A, Triple-A, majors
    Minor-league stats: .278 BA (421 AB), 14 HR, 14 SB, .781 OPS, 47 BB, 123 K

    Alcantara still has the makings of a star player, but he’s beginning to run out of minor-league runaway,  having actually debuted in September, and still hasn’t quite taken flight. His numbers have always been decent, but after five minor-league seasons, he still doesn’t run much, still doesn’t elevate well, and still can’t hit a breaking ball. Maybe it all comes together for him one year, but I sense that his stock is nearing a make-or-break point.

    Age (on opening day): 19
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .270 BA (334 AB), 5 HR, 44 SB, .813 OPS, 86 BB, 69 K

    Jaison gets outsized attention as the brother of Jackson, but this Chourio is more of a prototypical leadoff hitter, standing out most for his on-base and base-stealing abilities. The contrast is similar to the one between Ronald Acuna and Luisangel Acuna, though perhaps not as stark. Some evaluators think Chourio could grow into more power, which would be particularly exciting given his uncommon batting eye.

    Age (on opening day): 21
    Where he played in 2024: High-A, Double-A
    Minor-league stats: .313 BA (457 AB), 9 HR, 42 SB, .805 OPS, 32 BB, 93 K

    Former Rays outfielder Carl Crawford brought a unique skill set to the aughts, delivering an elite batting average and stolen base total without being a total liability in home runs, and you don’t have to squint too hard to see his son Justin doing something similar. He’s a bit too slash-and-dash right now with a ground-ball rate over 60 percent, but his exit velocities are good enough for modest power if the requisite adjustment doesn’t cost him too much in the way of batting average.

    Age (on opening day): 23
    Where he played in 2024: High-A, Double-A
    Minor-league stats: .272 BA (404 AB), 4 HR, 74 SB, .729 OPS, 50 BB, 72 K

    A true 80 grade for both speed and defense with exceptional contact skills to boot, Bradfield is almost certainly going to be a major-leaguer of some note. But that note may be too singular for Fantasy, particularly with stolen bases no longer being in such demand. It’ll come down to whether he plays every day and offers anything in the way of batting average, but the upside is limited, clearly.

    Age (on opening day): 20
    Where he played in 2024: Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .288 BA (368 AB), 11 HR, 41 SB, .874 OPS, 64 BB, 103 K

    The Rays liked Smith enough to trade Randy Arozarena for him, and while you could knock him for being a skinny Minnie right now, strength gains are maybe the easiest projection to make for a professional athlete in his early 20s. Meanwhile, Smith reached base at a .401 clip this past season and stole a boatload of bases. With a little muscle mass added, his swing is already built for power with high fly-ball and pull rates.

    22. Bo Davidson, Giants

    Age (on opening day): 22
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, Low-A
    Minor-league stats: .327 BA (220 AB), 11 HR, 7 SB, 1.042 OPS, 38 BB, 65 K

    I’m sticking my neck out for this guy, who did some special things at the plate this year but remains mostly ignored by prospect hounds because he went undrafted in 2023. The overall numbers are impressive enough, but would you believe Davidson slashed .405/.522/.763 with nine homers in 38 games after returning from a hamstring injury in July? He earns high marks for athleticism, too, so while unsustainable in the strictest sense, the performance doesn’t strike me as some A-ball fakeout.

    Age (on opening day): 24
    Where he played in 2024: High-A, Double-A
    Minor-league stats: .355 BA (451 AB), 1 HR, 104 SB, .807 OPS, 44 BB, 43 K

    Could he be any more any more of a throwback? Players with Simpson’s skill set haven’t been en vogue since about the time the The Simpsons first aired and haven’t been even viable since Michael Bourn or Juan Pierre. You have to admire how committed Simpson is to not hitting homers, though, judging by his tiny fly-ball and pull rates. He knows who he is, and it’ll either work or it won’t. Xavier Edwards’ initial success offers some hope.

    Age (on opening day): 23
    Where he played in 2024: Rookie, High-A, Double-A, Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .258 BA (233 AB), 11 HR, 21 SB, .805 OPS, 30 BB, 67 K

    While many have abandoned ship, I’m willing to see Veen through, believing that injuries have basically sabotaged his entire minor-league career. He finally had surgery last offseason to address a two-year battle with wrist issues and came out of gate slashing .326/.418/.568 in 28 games before back and thumb injuries derailed him once again. He doesn’t project as a middle-of-the-order slugger anymore, but there’s hope for stolen bases and batting average, particularly in Colorado.

    Age (on opening day): 25
    Where he played in 2024: Double-A, Triple-A
    Minor-league stats: .293 BA (451 AB), 16 HR, 14 SB, .865 OPS, 64 BB, 75 K

    Roden beats out other personal cheeseballs like the Athletics’ Colby Thomas and the Angels’ Matthew Lugo because I think the odds of him being an out-and-out failure are next to nothing. His contact, line-drive, and on-base skills are simply too good. Whether the power is enough to make him Fantasy viable is harder to say, but his max exit velocity (112.2 mph) and pull rate (50.5) at Triple-A this past year are high enough for me to believe so.

  • Întâlnirile de iarnă ale MLB încep duminică: la ce ar trebui să se aștepte fanii de la întâlnirea anuală de baseball?

    În fiecare an, la începutul iernii, un roi de fermoar dri-fit coboară pe un hotel mamut, labirintic, pentru a șopti, strica, bea și bea.

    Acestea sunt întâlnirile de iarnă ale MLB, un jamboree anual de strângere de mână, încheiere de afaceri și jibber-jabber din industria generală. Dacă sunteți un fan ocazional de baseball, probabil că ați auzit despre întâlniri ca un loc în care se fac afaceri în extrasezon. Este oarecum adevărat. Evenimentul – ediția din acest an se va desfășura duminică până miercuri la Dallas – este atât mai mult, cât și mult mai puțin decât atât.

    Cel mai bine este să ne gândim la adunare ca la convenția anuală a lumii de baseball.

    Pe lângă All-Star Game și World Series, acest eveniment este probabil perioada din calendar care atrage cel mai mare număr de oameni de baseball într-un singur loc. Acești oameni includ pe cei mai mari oameni: proprietari de echipe, directori, agenți, jucători de minge ocazional. Cu toate acestea, rareori, sau vreodată, participă jucători foarte căutați. De obicei, sunt agenți liberi de nivel inferior sau veterani consacrați, cu case de extrasezon în zonă, trecând pentru a saluta.

    Întâlnirile de iarnă sunt, de asemenea, un loc pentru a întreba despre un loc de muncă, interviu pentru un loc de muncă sau pentru a lua un loc de muncă. O armată de tineri energici, cu ochii mari, dornici să lucreze în baseball, vor împrăștia hol, împărțind CV-uri cu duzină. Unii dintre acești aspiranți au pregătite întâlniri cu potențiali angajatori, dar mulți nu au.

    Acest conținut încorporat nu este disponibil în regiunea dvs.

    Pe parcursul săptămânii, agenții se întâlnesc cu echipe. Afacerile se întâlnesc cu echipe. Echipele se întâlnesc cu alte echipe. Echipele se întâlnesc între ele. Acele întâlniri se desfășoară la etaj, în apartamentele de hotel, fără viziunea presei. Între timp, fanii din orașul gazdă se plimbă pe săli în speranța de a vedea ceva interesant. Cea mai bună șansă a lor este, de obicei, barul hotelului, unde un jucător de minge pensionat sau doi pot fi adesea găsiți care alăptează o băutură.

    Din când în când, știrile apar, trimițând mulțimi de reporteri care se grăbesc spre laptopurile lor. O tranzacție majoră sau o semnătură poate necesita o conferință de presă în persoană. De obicei, există aproximativ unul pe an, pe lângă anunțul Comitetului Veteranilor din Hall of Fame, care trimite mai mulți oameni la Cooperstown. În 2023, Jackson Chourio și Brewers și-au anunțat prelungirea contractului la întâlnirile de iarnă. În 2017, Giancarlo Stanton a apărut în dungi pe podium la mai puțin de 48 de ore după ce Marlins l-au schimbat către Yankees.

    În ultimii ani, în timpul întâlnirilor are loc și Loteria Draft MLB. Este o priveliște destul de neplăcută: reprezentanții celor mai proaste echipe ale ligii așteaptă pe scenă, în speranța că șansele le cade în favoarea. Nu există mingi de ping-pong, dar este totuși destul de distractiv. Schimbarea Regulii 5 are loc și în ultima zi, echipele sperând să descopere jucători de ligi minore subevaluați prinși în sistemele agricole ale altor echipe.

    Într-adevăr, totuși, este multă așteptare, discuții și discuții. După cum scria scriitorul sportiv Arthur Daley, câștigător al Premiului Pulitzer, în ediția din 11 decembrie 1947 a New York Times:

    „Întâlnirile de baseball nu par să se schimbe niciodată de la an la an. Nici nimeni din distribuția de personaje nu pare să îmbătrânească cu o zi. Poate că viața sedentară îi ține tineri pentru că sunt cea mai nenorocită colecție de membri ai lobby-ului pe care ai văzut-o vreodată.”

    Întâlnirile de iarnă au început din necesitate. Înainte de telefoane mobile, computere, faxuri și altele asemenea, adunarea într-o locație centrală o dată în fiecare iarnă era cea mai convenabilă modalitate pentru directorii de baseball de a comunica și de a conduce afaceri în extrasezon. Prima ediție a avut loc în 1876, când Liga Națională s-a convocat pentru a expulza două cluburi pentru că au refuzat să facă ultimul drum al sezonului.

    Pe măsură ce sportul a crescut de-a lungul timpului, evenimentul a devenit un incubator pentru meserii, directorii lucrând la detalii la câteva băuturi în holul hotelului. Un alt articol Daley New York Times din 1950 relatează o poveste a căpitanului New York Giants, Leo Durocher, plimbându-se prin Hotelul Lord Baltimore și strigând nimănui în mod special: „Vrea cineva să facă schimb? Eu vreau.” Și când agenția liberă a luat cu asalt liga în anii 1970, agenții s-au înghesuit la întâlniri pentru a negocia în numele clienților lor.

    În zilele noastre, adevărata afacere se întâmplă în afara vederii. Unii directori evadează lobby-ul pentru a evita să fie deranjați de membrii presei și de cei care caută un loc de muncă. Alții se bucură de vorbăria și se știe că zăbovesc la barul hotelului cu mult peste ultimul apel.

    Câțiva ani, întâlnirile sunt un snoozefest. În decembrie anul trecut, reporterii au rătăcit fără țintă prin complexul comic Opryland Resort din Nashville, așteptând ca Shohei Ohtani să semneze. Nu a făcut acest lucru decât în ​​weekendul următor, ceea ce a ajutat să transforme întâlnirile într-un îngheț arctic. A existat Juan Soto, dar acea înțelegere nu a fost finalizată până când toată lumea a părăsit Nashville. Cea mai mare tranzacție reală a întâlnirilor s-a dovedit a fi schimbul Yankees-Red Sox Alex Verdugo.

    Giancarlo Stanton a fost prezentat ca membru nou-nouț al New York Yankees la întâlnirile de iarnă din 2017 de la Orlando. (Fotografie de Alex Trautwig/MLB prin Getty Images)Giancarlo Stanton a fost prezentat ca membru nou-nouț al New York Yankees la întâlnirile de iarnă din 2017 de la Orlando. (Fotografie de Alex Trautwig/MLB prin Getty Images)

    Giancarlo Stanton a fost prezentat ca membru nou-nouț al New York Yankees la întâlnirile de iarnă din 2017 de la Orlando. (Fotografie de Alex Trautwig/MLB prin Getty Images)

    Dar uneori, întâlnirea anuală produce o dramă de cel mai înalt nivel. În 2022, un raport incorect care susținea că agentul liber Aaron Judge și San Francisco Giants au convenit asupra condițiilor a dus întreaga conferință într-o frenezie. În 2019, agentul Scott Boras a încheiat contracte masive pentru Stephen Strasburg, Anthony Rendon și Gerrit Cole în trei zile consecutive. Întâlnirile din 1992 de la Louisville l-au văzut pe un tânăr jucător de minge, pe nume Barry Bonds, semnat un acord de referință, pe șase ani, de 43 de milioane de dolari cu Giants. În 2011, ultima dată când întâlnirile de iarnă au fost la Dallas, un tip a căzut într-un hol. Tot în Dallas: Alex Rodriguez și-a semnat contractul enorm cu Texas Rangers în 2000.

    Această ediție ar putea fi condimentată, în funcție de momentul în care Juan Soto, cel mai mare pește din această iarnă, semnează ceea ce cu siguranță va fi un contract record. Nimic nu este iminent, dar consensul în jurul jocului este că întâlnirile nu se vor încheia cu Soto încă pe piață.

    De fapt, toate semnele indică faptul că Dallas va vedea o cantitate relativ mare de tranzacții. Se știe că extrasezonurile de baseball au evoluat, cu agenți liberi de top rezistând până la începutul primăverii. Oamenii nu cred că așa va fi cazul în acest turneu, ceea ce ar putea însemna o întâlnire de iarnă deosebit de plăcută și plină de evenimente. Degetele încrucișate.

  • Fantasy Baseball Offseason Tracker: Îngerii semnează Yusei Kikuchi; nici un câștigător în Jonathan India, afacere Brady Singer

    Primul agent liber marcat a ieșit de pe consiliu, Dodgers fiind de acord marți la un contract de cinci ani cu Blake Snell.

    Este un memento că sezonul sobelor fierbinți este aici, la fel și Chris Towers și cu mine pentru a vă ghida prin tranzacțiile cu consecințe reale pentru Fantasy Baseball. Așa este: ați aterizat în locul în care vom reacționa la ele pe măsură ce se întâmplă, dezvăluind ceea ce înseamnă ele pentru schițele din 2025.

    Pe lângă Snell, Juan Soto, Corbin Burnes, Pete Alonso și Garrett Crochet sunt printre cei mai buni jucători care ar putea schimba mâinile în acest extrasezon. Pe măsură ce apar știrile, veți fi bucuroși că aveți o oprire pentru a urmări totul.

    Așa că marcați această pagină și continuați să verificați înapoi. Nu știi niciodată ce mișcare ți-ar putea remodela întregul proiect de plan.

    Mets au o rotație de reconstruit, iar primul pas a fost adăugarea unui ulcior care venea dintr-un an slab împărțit între Reds și Brewers. Sau poate că a-l numi „an în jos” este o pedală moale, având în vedere că a fost prima întoarcere a lui Montas de la operație la labrumul de la umărul drept. Viteza lui a fost practic până la snuff, totuși și și-a văzut rata K/9 sărind de la 7,5 în cele 19 starturi ale lui Roșii la 11,0 în cele 11 starturi ale lui Brewers. Chiar și înainte de operația la umăr din 2023, cariera sa a fost definită de inconsecvență din cauza naturii din nou, din nou a despărțitorului său. Mets s-a descurcat bine cu proiecte de recuperare precum Sean Manaea și Luis Severino sezonul trecut și au fost de acord să plătească lui Montas 34 de milioane de dolari în următoarele două, așa că văd clar ceva ce le place. Nu ar trebui să excludem un sezon de revenire, mai ales că costul în Fantasy va fi atât de mic. –Scott White

    Blake Snell semnează cu Dodgers

    Spre surprinderea nimănui, Dodgers au obținut primul agent liber marcant al extrasezonului, acceptând marți un contract pe cinci ani de 182 de milioane de dolari cu Blake Snell. Este un angajament mare pentru ceea ce a fost organizația model în ultimii câțiva ani și poate contribui în mare măsură la atenuarea temerilor legate de neregulile lui Snell. Deși a adunat un ERA de 2,82, 1,16 WHIP și 12,0 K/9 în ultimele trei sezoane, s-au făcut multe despre modul în care a ajuns la aceste numere. Pentru mai mult, vezi articolul meu integral defalcarea semnării. –Scott White

    Acordul de trei ani, de 63 de milioane de dolari, este unul modest pentru un pitcher care părea să aibă un impuls real în sensul extrasezonului, după ce tocmai a reunit o efectivă de 2,70, 0,93 WHIP și 11,4 K/9 în cele 10 starturi ale sale pentru Astros. Performanța îmbunătățită a coincis cu Kikuchi și-a dublat aproximativ utilizarea glisorului, iar destinația sa din 2025 contează mai puțin pentru valoarea sa Fantasy decât dacă rămâne sau nu la această abordare.

    Întotdeauna a ratat liliecii într-un ritm bun, dar a obținut rezultate inconsecvente din cauza selecției îndoielnice a terenului și a înclinației pentru contactul dur. Mersul la Angels îi oferă o marjă de eroare mai mică decât dacă ar fi mers la un adevărat concurent și, de asemenea, nu face nimic pentru a-și atenua vulnerabilitatea la mingea lungă, dar, din nou, succesul său este legat mai mult de continuarea abordării sale grele de slider. Și pentru asta, va trebui doar să așteptăm și să vedem. L-am clasat cu prudență chiar în topul celor 50 de lanceri titulari pentru 2025, dar are avantajul pentru mai mult. –Scott White

    Din păcate, această tranzacție este aproape de un scenariu mai rău pentru cei doi jucători majori implicați. India trece de la cel mai favorabil parc pentru home run-uri — adică unul dintre puținele unde joacă puterea lui — la unul dintre cele mai puțin favorabile. Potrivit Statcast, cele 63 de home run-uri din carieră ar fi 42 dacă ar juca fiecare meci pe Kauffman Stadium. Evident, mișcarea inversă este dăunătoare pentru Singer, un ulcior care se află pe partea mai pitch-to-contact a registrului, dar din moment ce în general pune mingea pe pământ, poate că nu este. la fel de rău. Apoi, din nou, are o carieră de 3,92 ERA acasă pe stadionul Kauffman, comparativ cu 4,74 ERA peste tot.

    Nici India, nici Singer nu s-au gândit a fi o marfă fierbinte înainte de această tranzacție, și ambele ar putea să rămână nedescrise acum în ligi mai puțin adânci. India este puțin mai utilă în ligile de puncte datorită abilităților sale la bază, și atât el, cât și Singer, cel puțin, sunt jocuri de mare volum. Îndepărtarea Indiei eliberează o parte din blocajul interior al roșiilor, Matt McLain fiind așteptat la întoarcere, creionând din nou pe Noelvi Marte la baza a treia. –Scott White

    În loc să testeze piața de agenți liberi, Martinez a acceptat oferta de calificare a Roșilor de 21,05 milioane de dolari, ceea ce nu este deloc surprinzător, având în vedere că acum reprezintă aproximativ 40% din câștigurile din cariera lui MLB. Că roșii au extins oferta este grăitor. Ei au avut un loc în primul rând pentru sezonul de carieră al jucătorului de 34 de ani și au cumpărat din greu la o sumă care practic garantează că va fi titular cu normă întreagă, mai degrabă decât să revină la un rol de swingman.

    Poate, atunci, ar trebui să-l luăm pe Martinez la fel de în serios. A avut întotdeauna o schimbare ucigașă și a devenit un aruncător de lovituri de cel mai înalt nivel în 2024, lăudându-se cu cea de-a treia cea mai bună rată de mers în rândul pistoleților cu cel puțin 100 de reprize. Prevenirea lui home run a fost probabil prea bună pentru a fi adevărată, în special pentru că a jucat jumătate din jocurile sale în Cincinnati, dar nu va primi preț pentru încă 3.10 ERA. Mai probabil, va fi un fel de Jose Berrios sau Zach Eflin al unui om sărac, bun pentru a acumula reprize cu un WHIP scăzut și va dobândi valoare adăugată în ligile de puncte Head-to-Head datorită eligibilității sale de aruncător de relief. –Scott White

    În cele din urmă, eliberat de tandemul său captivant cu Sean Murphy, d'Arnaud s-a grăbit să se pună într-un altul, de data aceasta alături de nou-venitul Logan O'Hoppe. Este frustrant din câteva motive, unul fiind că O'Hoppe pierde o parte din volumul care l-a făcut atât de atractiv pentru Fantasy, probabil trecând de la o cotă de lucru de 75% la 60% sau mai puțin, iar celălalt fiind că d'Arnaud însuși ar putea. au exercitat un rol cu ​​normă întreagă. În schimb, d'Arnaud se gândește că va rămâne un al doilea capturator marginal pentru ligile cu doi captori și, deși O'Hoppe nu coboară neapărat în clasament — el era deja considerat ca fiind numărul 1 la nivel inferior — avantajul său îl ia. o lovitură. Poate că media lui de bataie de .196 din a doua jumătate este o dovadă că a fost suprasolicitat, dar chiar dacă se îmbunătățește, statisticile lui de numărare vor fi limitate.

    Între timp, Murphy are o oportunitate de aur de a se restabili în Atlanta, după ce a bombardat în ultimul sezon și jumătate acolo. Accidentele au contribuit probabil la luptele sale, la fel ca și timpul de joc neregulat din cauza prezenței lui d'Arnaud, dar va trebui să se dovedească rapid pentru a-l ține pe viitorul Drake Baldwin. –Scott White

    La doar trei luni după ce l-au achiziționat de la Giants, Braves l-au întors pe Soler în locul lui Angels, în ceea ce a fost în esență o pierdere de salarii. Au ajuns să nu-l ofere pe jucătorul pe care l-au primit înapoi în afacere, Griffin Canning. S-ar putea să credeți că plecarea lui Soler reflectă bine recuperarea lui Ronald Acuna de la un LCA rupt, dar GM Alex Anthopoulos a mărturisit mai târziu că jucătorul de câmp nu va fi pregătit pentru începutul anului 2025. În ceea ce privește Soler, el are o pretenție ușoară față de Angels. ' DH va juca într-un loc destul de frumos, în special pentru home runs, dar succesul său nu a depins niciodată de astfel de factori. El este un jucător mercurial care vine dintr-un sezon jos, dar are încă 35 de gaze avantajos pentru a plăti frumos ca al patrulea sau al cincilea jucător. –Scott White